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Everything posted by Lorewarn

  1. The last time Ohio State didn't have elite quarterback play was against Nebraska in 2011. The consistency of just churning out superstars at that position every single year is unreal.
  2. I don't follow basketball super duper close, but what are the expectations everyone's feeling? This has to be the prove it year for Fred, right? Last year felt like a prove it year, and he stepped up to the plate just enough with some momentum and progress, and now he's got his deepest and most experienced team since being here. I feel like we need to be a solid NIT or bubble team to continue with him - am I off base with anything here?
  3. He linked to a CNN article, I'm not talking about the story itself, I'm talking about the way that he paints a picture. This is actually a very tame example, but he says "..just fired by officials after she read a book to her students that teaches kids to be proud and accept themselves for who they are. " omitting very clear and relevant context.
  4. Honestly I wish people would stop posting Brian Cohen tweets. He might not be as deranged or as hostile to basic objective facts as his right-wing counterparts, but he's an absolute partisan hack who can't ever let stories speak for themselves and has to editorialize them to be left-sympathetic and right-antagonistic. I don't think there's anything at all wrong with the book in a vacuum, but it is explicitly about gender identity and expression. I don't even have a problem with it existing in a school, but reading it as the teacher of a class is a textbook case (no pun intended) of "f#&% around and find out".
  5. It's red meat for their fanbase, nothing more, and it's effective at that. He's selling hype, and trying to get attention, and it's obviously working.
  6. One of the reasons 'why' they will still need them, and hopefully have enough sense not to kick them to the curb, is that top programs are only top because there is a bottom. If you cut out all the bottom feeders, then all of the sudden you might be the bottom feeder, and for a (I think) notable amount of cfb fans especially of premiere programs, going from a perennial 11+ win team to the average being 7-5 or 8-4 will be a horrendous pill to swallow.
  7. Anything more than 4 is bonus and ahead of schedule on the rebuild. There's potential and a decent amount of it for more, but there's also potential for things to go bad with injuries, growing pains, time to gel, and so on.
  8. https://int.nyt.com/data/documenttools/de-santis-debate-memo/6168af048af86ab9/full.pdf
  9. I know they're behind and the entire thing won't be online for a while, but last I heard Trev said that all of the necessities for the football team would be ready by camp. Is that true, are the weight room and locker room and recovery areas open and running?
  10. He's not worried, he's a smart marketer. He's getting the base riled up, giving the players and boosters a narrative and getting everyone hyped on it.
  11. A lot of time they would have a lease agreement in a tenant/landlord relationship that went sour - but even if they don't it's not hard to make a fake one and it's not hard to just make a claim and then let the molasses speed of the courts take over.
  12. Ok I see Solich on the left, Larry Bird behind him, Trev and George Lucas - who else?
  13. Is this a new phenomenon? I feel like i've heard stories like this for decades, and the main messiness stems from the police not being judges and two separate parties making separate claims that then need to be figured out in court. Certainly a problem that I agree is crazy still hasn't been solved. Also the article gave me a chuckle - while Decatur is technically not inside the city limits of Atlanta, referring to it as a suburb is quite a stretch.
  14. The stadium and inside hawks are also both still turf.
  15. I guess to answer that we'd first have to figure out who actually likes Kamala Harris
  16. My guess based on the photo is that it'll look exactly like the current one with the top, sides, and 'gates' all LED screens. Not really a fan.
  17. I think it goes something like... • Be part of a movement when you're young which gives you a little too much confidence and convincing that you're 'one of the good ones' no matter what • Grow older and start feeling yourself becoming more and more out of touch • Opportunists use this frustration and convince you that it also means you've been forgotten, and promise you they haven't forgotten you
  18. I think we're saying the same thing you're just saying it much better. The Overton Window was still relatively center and contained when the Tea Party grift began. To their credit, they very successfully co-opted people desperate for populist movement while also simultaneously being swamp founded and funded, but were still generally fringe players. Fast forward a little over a decade and the Overton Window might as well not even exist anymore, we've all been anesthetized to the reality of the crazy, and the acceptable amount of distance away from 'normal' has widened so much that the ability for those furthest away to come back is exponentially more unlikely.
  19. I do too, but then again the place we all were in 2012 was very, very different. Even the Becks and Limbaughs and Tea Party sycophants of the world were much milder back then, as hard as it is to believe. Still wacko, but nothing compared to the wildly escalated Circus of Nonsense of the last 7-8 years.
  20. Nah, the point is to make the players excited and happy and the secondary point is to make a lil bump in cash.
  21. It's one thing to get duped by a conman more than once. It's another thing to be unable to take the L internally, and instead resort to slippery and distracting fake concessions while still fundamentally denying that the current Trump with his long laundry list of con jobs, fanning flames of racial animosity, courting radical fringe actors, surrounding himself with criminals, and serially being unable to tell the truth or accept reality is the same Trump with the same attributes over the last several decades. He might be more mentally unhinged as the walls close in around him and the anxiety and pressure become overwhelming, but these attributes didn't materialize out of thin air - they have only exacerbated from their original starting points of very much existing. And if someone who formerly enthusiastically supported the absolute worst our country had to offer can't self-reflect enough to say, "I was wrong", and embrace their own dips#!ttery then it's a real shame and there's also no perceivable way of coming back so I don't think mockery and laughing at their expense is totally out of bounds.
  22. Lorewarn

    NFL 2023

    He never has been and that's always been clear to me. He's got plenty of ego, and if you've spent ages as the most powerful man in a room/organization/city, you'll learn to throw your weight around. But Rodgers isn't the pariah many have made him out to be. He's weird, and doesn't fit the typical alpha archetype - he's more of an artsy, zen type of guy and that can often read as pretentiousness to folks who don't understand it.
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