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Everything posted by Lorewarn

  1. Biden gets all the blame for inflation and gas prices and gets zero credit for vaccines. lol ok. Didn't know the circus was in town right now.
  2. People that are calling Biden weak... Granted, I'm very far from an expert on this, but do you not consider Trump weak in the same way? Both are... for lack of a better term, limited to some degree in their cognitive ability to make the wisest decisions all on their own. But, the distinction is that Biden has a career and a legacy and reputation of competency - if not to you, at least to Washington. Weak though the individual may be, if they're surrounded by some degree of competency in their cabinet and advisors, then who cares? Trump wasn't - he was surrounded by opportunists who knew how to exploit his weakness which was primarily praise and adoration. Biden's weakness seems to be more in the lane of leaning into the existing infrastructure, and while there's a good conversation to be had for fresh blood and new perspectives in D.C., I don't know how Biden's administration (ignore the man) can be handling this any better at current.
  3. That might be what matters 'at the end of the day', but that's not even close to all that matters when you're an athletic director trying to make a wise decision on how to move forward. There are multiple other factors at play, and Alberts has handled both situations well and put the university in the best possible scenarios considering the circumstances.
  4. There's room to believe that. But that's a liberal position, not a conservative one. There's also a middle ground between being compelled and thinking people should stay out of it. What if what comes of it is going through transitioning via medicine? You're operating as if parents pushing their children to become trans is the default. Personally, I doubt any parent, even the most woke lib activist crusaders, would want to subject their kids to the psychological and sociological trauma associated with that unless the kids were already legitimately experiencing some severe gender dysphoria or trouble. Even if that's not the case, this new focus leads to an incredible opportunity for unjust punishment towards the __ percentage of parents who are stewarding their kids well but still end up going down that route.
  6. One idea that sounds super wacky but I don't think is that wacky at all is a lottery voting/election system. Malcom Gladwell had an interesting podcast on the idea, and the main thought is that our historical model for electing government officials doesn't necessarily recognize and reward good leaders or strategists as much as it just rewards and recognizes charisma above all else. A lottery system opens up the possibility for people who are brilliant and more importantly, very civic-minded with a pure desire to serve, to actually be able to effectively put their skills to use. The best form of it would probably have to be some combined multi-step process to make a pool of candidates small enough to a certain point before implementing this idea. https://www.pushkin.fm/episode/the-powerball-revolution/
  7. When you say 'people'...sounds like you're making a blanket statement about all wealth inheritance. Is that what you're claiming the left thinks? Or that they think there should be a cap, or a sliding scale of tax, that primarily or exclusively effects only the super rich people and not just...people. There's also a big difference between "passing on wealth is a bad thing" and "the ultra rich hoarding wealth at the expense of the entire lower and middle classes of our country" Which means those that pay for it have a lot more money and are thus more unlikely to deplete their wealth.
  8. At least Candace Owens gets paid well to be a pot-stirring GOP shill. Some folks here do it for free out of pure ideology.
  9. You keep using these words. This very very specific and exact phrase. Almost like, if you described it another way it would reveal that the nature in which he touched him isn't aggressive or grounds for retaliation, but the criticism of Gard is based solely in the technicality that his hands touched another man. Curious, do you think Jim Acosta 'put hands on' this woman as well?
  10. Ah my bad, too many insane and hilarious takes in here to keep track of.
  11. Well, I'd say if vendors lower the prices of food at the games to the same level that you buy that food for at a grocery store (per how you insanely claim you base food purchasing decisions on), they would lose money. I think losing money is a bad thing.
  12. A few more curious writing decision questions for me (spoilers below): • Why do the Hutts walk around with slaves carrying them on a platform when this is a world with floating ships/barges/speeders/anything? • ...why did the Hutts also wait five years to claim Jabba's territory?
  13. Since when is Nebraska athletics a billion dollar company?
  14. ....by taking advantage of ignorance or poor financial education to the tune of more money..?
  15. Nothing to see here. Someone from tropical/coastal places doesn't think the midwest is as good - opinion shared by a very large swath of people. Don't even waste the click.
  16. Well you seem completely incapable of recognizing that more money helps the team have a better chance at being good, which gives you something of value, so yeah, if you want to whine and moan about a business doing what's good for the business, you should hope the team sucks. At least that way your high horse will stay strong and high.
  17. I know that. Just seems a bit off to focus moreso on the "hey poor person you don't need this luxury" personal responsibility angle than the "hey powerful corporation systematically preying on and exploiting people for gain" one.
  18. Yes, it is. More than 150 people involved with the team knew, and someone spilled the beans to the wrong person, either on accident or in a, "don't tell anyone" way. Occam's Razor is your friend. Baseless conspiracies are not.
  19. I agree with you on principle, but there are a lot of contexts where there's rightfully some blame and condemnation towards SBux. Their business model is to monopolize coffee in neighborhoods leaving no other 'restaurant' coffee options and also strategically picking zones full of people that are less likely or able to easily have and make their own. BUT, pro tip, regular hot and iced coffees at Starbucks have unlimited free refills if you have the app, and even if you don't a refill is .50c
  20. Conservatives would lose a not-insignificant slice of their base if they vehemently disavowed racists in word and in deed.
  21. Most good faith participants in the conversation would know what was meant and engage based on the point being conveyed instead of, "hErP DeRp nO RePuBlIcAn hAs aCtUaLlY LiTeRaLlY SaId tHaT EvErY SiNgLe sOuThErN ImMiGrAnT HaS CoViD AnD UsEs fEnTaNyL"
  22. Not sure if you know this, but you can compare things even if they aren't similar. Apples and bananas is a fine example. Both are fruit. Both have sugar. One's round, one's long and curvy. One is mostly red, the other mostly yellow. One you can eat the skin of, the other you probably shouldn't. Let's try two things even less similar and see if we can still compare them. Hmmm.... bicycles and a cardboard box. One's primarily meant for storage, the other for transportation or exercise. One's made of cardboard, the other of metal. Both could cause potential injury. So on and so forth.
  23. No I think he means the one that purposefully did not attempt to make a legal conclusion about what it was investigating, but did say that if the President would have been exonerated by the investigation, they would have said so, and they didn't.
  24. Good game, I had the Bengals in a small bet and was pulling for em. If I was that left guard for Cincinnati I don't think I'd be able to sleep soundly for a few months.
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