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Everything posted by Lorewarn

  1. I would like to announce that there is an announcement coming at some point after this post. Don't ask me for my sources.
  2. Climate change R&D - 40% Social Security/Safety Net/Health care - 30% Education - 20% Transportation - 6.5% Vets - 2.5% Defense - 1%
  3. Do the 1,000,000 super large windmills offer us anything? Say, in the vein of a cleaner version of something else that hurts our environment?
  4. This is absurd. First of all, it's not like you personally are getting an expensive bill for someone else's loans. It's also not like you would have more money if the gov doesn't forgive any loans, all of that is going to be taxed either way. But another thing is that everyone would chip in an insignificant amount, including the loan borrowers. They would be just as "stuck with the bill" as you are for a government forgiveness program as they are also citizens with taxes. We'll eventually cripple our economy if we keep having a "oh sucks to be you stupid!" attitude towards tens of millions of folks who aren't free to start businesses, take risks, generate capital etc. because of the debt they were encouraged to take on as a child. It's not just good for them, it's good for you too.
  5. Funny enough you mention credit cards, as I had two credit cards from my younger years that I irresponsibly got/used and went out of control. Ended up settling for WAY less than I owed on both of them. Way, way less. Crazy idea.
  6. Look if we're gonna follow the "hold everyone to the highest standards of personal responsibility and never reward people for making mistakes" then we'd probably end up forgiving all student loans anyways because we wouldn't know what the hell to do with all the extra taxpayer money after we stopped bailing out banks and oil companies and subsidizing farmers and buying over inflated military contracts and offering huge tax breaks to corporations.
  7. That is insane, and that woman is insane. Doubt the heart of the conflict had to do with masks but who the hell knows what sets people like that off.
  8. Neither of these seems even close to being true to me.
  9. Hi guys haven't read the thread has anyone found out if it's possible for Nebraska to go to the Gator Bowl this year?
  10. Unless enough of the taxpayers think it should and are glad to pitch in to help themselves and millions of others get out from under that weight.
  11. What's unfair about poking fun at somebody's self-important delusion of grandeur claiming they're the ONLY ONE who saw this correctly and had the guts to be critical about it while the rest of us are brainwashed sheeple?
  12. That's the opposite extreme end of the spectrum from "go to a cheap local school or online and pay your way through with zero debt". Most situations are in the grey between those two.
  13. Yep. Out of hundreds of thousands or millions of Nebraska fans, you were the only single solitary person offering criticism. Congratulations. We're stupid, you're smart. We were wrong, you were right. You're the best, we're the worst. Uh you're very good looking, we're not attractive.
  14. Everyone knows and understands that there are ways to go to college for cheap. That's not really in dispute. The argument has nothing to do with that, really, though. It's a question of how you feel about masses of people who were, as kids given bad information, manipulated, or ignorant and surrounded by ignorance enough to make a poor decision that will hang over their heads for decades or maybe for life.
  15. Say good job. I mean, the spirit of that isn't true in a lot of cases. I chose to go to college and take out a lot in loans to be able to (even at a super cheap school). But my choice was really heavily impacted by pressure and expectations and shame from family, my teachers and community. I also had had zero time to really be able to ponder what I really wanted in life, or who I wanted to be. Now I'm financially imprisoned for pretty much forever.
  16. How do football players have the time and space to find and develop romantic relationships with soccer players at schools hours away outside their conferences? Honest question
  17. I'm sure there's more nuanced and substantial downsides, but the main one is that people in or seeking power would be against it because it'll take a lot more work to actually be a compelling option to everyone instead of the easy-mode of just riling up a hardcore base with lowest common denominator rhetoric.
  18. We were all on the same page two thread pages ago, before all of these: I spent a little bit of time this afternoon looking into theoretical solutions to fix gerrymandering, as I honestly have never looked nearly as far into solutions as I have into the problem. One way to do it is by embracing algorithmic based decision making. I don't know how legislators would ever agree on what factors and areas of interest are emphasized, but our ability to create an algorithm that works towards that intended purpose is entirely possible, and personally I think there's a compelling argument that the only way humanity will survive going into the near future is to embrace building our systems with good integration of math and AI. Seems impossible to get people on board though. I think the most realistic solution is to embrace A. ranked-choice proportional representation and B. bigger districts (less boundaries to manipulate/pack/crack, and more population diversity inside each).
  19. Cool, we also all know what NM was getting at even though the language wouldn't get an A on her final exam. Now let's talk about it.
  20. That's amazing that she put that in her contract.
  21. Same with my theater. The entire theater erupted after the first big reveal about 20 minutes in, and as I was grinning like a child I knew it was gonna be a special experience. I counted at least a half dozen times of entire-audience cheering and clapping. What a fun experience. Obviously not the greatest film ever made, but absolutely a top 5 theater-going experience for me.
  22. It's definitely different to some degree, but I don't know how much. Even the most egregious police killings have enough plausibility that the cop didn't truly intend or mean to kill the person. I do share sympathy for the officer but also think that's the responsibility you voluntarily signed up for.
  23. Good perspective and good articulation of something I've always felt. I'm a progressive person at heart, not by political ideology but by always being interested in progress. Some things I progress into seem like the best versions, so I stay there and hold onto those. Ideologues are exhausting to dive deep into the issues with, because they're so boringly predictable. I see this fairly equally across sides of the aisle when I make the mistake of scrolling facebook too long.
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