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Always a husker

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Everything posted by Always a husker

  1. Audible into a QB run and let our OL just run forward. Beck pissed himself when they went to that set. IMO, the toss and QB draw was open all night iwth that backyard crap. Or Power I with Rex and Cross. Run right into the mouth of that crap and knock em on their a$$. We DID NOTHING last night that leads me to believe beck or Paps have any clue about how to adjust That's what I was thinking. If we would of ran it right at them or ran a damn SCREEN (Beck, cough cough) we could have busted it big. How they lined up was basically like having their DT's lined up 5 to 6 yards behind the line of scrimmage. Major for Beck this game.
  2. Have you ever played football? Seriously? If you had you would know that it was a clean hit. Maybe the Wisconsin player shouldn't be running down field with his head up his @$$.
  3. One of the best blocks I've seen all year. Hands down. Can't say enough about how great a block that was. Isn't the goal of football to knock the other player on their butt till they don't get up anymore? What has happened with college football? When I made those kind of hits in high school my coach would rewind the game film and use those type of hits as an example of how to play football. And the PF on Stafford was even worse. He made a typical tackle... It wasn't even a vicious hit.
  4. Why no hate for Michigan State? Year after year they produce the dirtiest team in the B1G. If I had to rank the B1G teams I hate the most it would go like this... 1. Iowa (But they don't really count.) 2. Michigan State 3. Michigan 4. Northwestern 5. Wisconsin 6. Ohio State 7. Penn State 8. Illinois 9. Minnesota 10. Indiana 11. Purdue
  5. I want this kid really bad. He plays with great explosiveness and has good burst out of his stance. Love how he uses his hands. He's really good at not letting the o-line get their hands in his shoulder pads. Would love to see him in scarlet and cream.
  6. People who smoke Marijuana will smoke it regardless if it's illegal or not. The DEA is not going to show up to small time user's houses and arrest them. They may try to enforce federal law on the suppliers like they are trying to do with the medicinal mj out in California but, the state of Colorado has done a good job of keeping the feds away from it's med. marijuana program. I would expect to see similar results happen with full legalization.
  7. MICH NEB FIRST DOWNS 18 20 R u s h i n g 5 10 P a s s i n g 7 8 P e n a l t y 6 2
  8. Umm sorry but you obviously weren't there. They began kicking on the middle of the 40 about 10-15 yards from where the band was and actually had to move. You better get used to bands being important because they are in the B1G. It's part of the tradition and pageantry that sets it apart from other conferences. You guys are new and don't understand but eventually you will. I do agree though its more the field administrators fault then anyone's. I think people were upset initially as it was a sign of disrespect but I think after a few days people understand it was just a mistake. You are wrong. I watched the video and they did not start kicking on the "middle" of the 40, they started on the 30. What is the middle of the 40 anyway? Is that like the middle of the yard line? I'm confused. Oh and real classy fans you have in that video. "What the F***, get off the field you idiot's, what the hell, get off the damn field!"
  9. If Ohio State really didn't want our kickers on the field someone from Ohio State would have told them they couldn't warm up. And this is a FOOTBALL game not a band concert. You don't go to a concert and expect to see a football game ensue during intermission. And all the people saying it was classless need to get over themselves. Ohio State had fans in the front row with their chest painted F***TheHuskers. And of course ABC had to show that on the camera more than once. And how did we ruin script Ohio? Did our players obstruct the path of the band members? No! So why are you crying about it? They were hitting chip shots on the side of the field. That's not a great way to warm up. Respect goes both ways and maybe next time Ohio State shouldn't take an hour for their band to run around and maybe our kickers won't have to warm up while the band is playing.
  10. What if the Nostradamus predictions were right and we win the B1G championship but, an apocalypse happens before the rose bowl. Do we still fire Bo?
  11. Bla Bla Bla. I just wanted to know that it was. I do not use fritter. Nor do I know what a hashtag is. Seriously. And we welcome the visiting BlueHair Nebraska fans to Huskerboard.com. The van to take you back to the nursing home leaves in an hour, and the icebox is stocked with Prune Juice and Ensure. Sit a spell on the davenport, put your feet up on the ottoman, and let's see that the 'ole rabbit ears have on tap for us today. I'm 28 years old. No, my hair is not blue like some of these young punks do. Quite sure I could run circles around your ass, regardless of the situation, so blue hair my ass. Excuse me for Huskerboard being the only bit of technology I can handle. *cue "internet fight* gif bomp. I really love those. Huskerboard>Twitter. Who needs twitter or facebook when you can post statuses about how you hate your in-laws on huskerboard.
  12. I don't know how well Ball will play with his concussion issues but, I do know when you damage your brain from a concussion it severely harms your decision making process and, your pre-frontal cortex. If his brain isn't running at full capacity then it could severely hurt his performance. Another thing to note is that in a football game many players suffer concussions, it is only the severe ones that usually get reported. I'm sure Wisconsin is very concerned about him taking some shots to the head. With guys like Stafford and Osborne on defense they need to be careful.
  13. NU Equipment just tweeted this video. I wonder what the surprise will look like. I can't wait for this weekend!
  14. Not to derail the thread but, killercacti where have you been? And how are your tigers doing this year? I've been too busy to follow up on Clemson but they still remain my second favorite team after our battle in the gator bowl.
  15. He would certainly beat out Evans. He is not fast enough to cover receivers coming across the middle. He is constantly trailing them and gets bailed out because they have dropped alot of passes. Evans is one of the biggest weak links on our defense. Yeah maybe Evans from 2011 but this year the kid has been playing lights out for the most part.
  16. Always get a good laugh reading the boards after a bad loss. Huskerboard is in complete pessimistic meldown mode.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Foppa


      I'm surprised anyone gets worked up about it anymore. I've come to expect it these days.

    3. HuskerfaninOkieland


      I've tried to remain optimistically pessimistic.

    4. Decked


      Now you know what it feels like to be an idiot!

  17. You should edit the title to 'A point I didn't need to make'.
  18. Gold kool-aid? Um, that MIGHT be something else. Yellow? I certainly couldn't say black could I? +1 for making me laugh
  19. I understand your thinking, but as any Nebraska fan should know wins are never guaranteed in college football. Heck, we almost got upset by big, bad FRESNO STATE! Iowa may come into the Nebraska game with a chip on their shoulder this year. Walking into a game thinking you have a for sure win is setting yourself up for failure.
  20. Love what Eric Martin had to say about the freshman d-lineman. I get excited hearing about their size and strength. It's going to be fun watching them develop these next few years.
  21. Picture from yesterday via @NEB_FB_VIDEO
  22. I was thinking the same thing. It was a very frustrating season watching all the terrible calls we seemed to pick up week in and week out. Call it a conspiracy but I really do think that some people in control had some bad voodoo out for us that year.
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