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Everything posted by RedDenver

  1. He's literally been charge with a crime, plead not guilty, and has a court date set.
  2. But both Warren and Harris are lower than the others, so might just be good ol' misogyny.
  3. I don't think Harris is a well-known name yet on the east coast. And with a +/- 3.1%, those head-to-heads are all pretty close to each other.
  4. Except the data actually shows the reverse. Stop believing the lies that demonize immigrants. From the George W Bush Presidential Center: A NATION BUILT BY IMMIGRANTS From the conservative Cato Center: Immigration and Crime – What the Research Says FYI: The "disease" propaganda comes straight from the Nazis: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2690128/ In fact, many of the immigrants from Mexico and Central America are better vaccinated than Americans:
  5. Thanks. I was mostly trying to point out the laziness of the writing that attributed a Warren 1 point gain with a Bernie 1 point loss in a single poll without looking at the rest of the numbers or showing anything that would tie Warren's and Bernie's changes to each other.
  6. Biden's numbers have also come down about 8 points from their high right after he announced. Take a look at the average of polls and you'll see that Biden and Bernie have both been volatile recently while Warren is slowly trending upwards. Can't really say Warren's 1 point change in the last couple weeks is at Bernie's expense when Biden has lost 3 points, Bernie 2, and Buttigieg 1 over that same period. (I can't figure out how to show their poll average graph as an image, so I'm just linking the webpage.) https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/president/us/2020_democratic_presidential_nomination-6730.html
  7. Sounds like immigration numbers are declining: Crisis at the Border? An Update on Immigration Policy with Stanford’s Lucas Guttentag The rest of that article has a lot of detail on why immigration is coming from Central America now instead of Mexico along with how the US policies are making it worse.
  8. Agreed. I'm just concerned about the "forced" part. We should always be careful about giving the government the power to take away our freedoms.
  9. The devil is in the details. If this is going to be enforced then there needs to be a mechanism in place for judges to release people independent of the mental illness staff opinions and for review of the mental illness facilities and staff.
  10. I agree. Politicians and leaders preening and being vain is what they do.
  11. No. As an aside, Frank Herbert based his Dune series on the concept that we shouldn't trust charismatic leaders.
  12. I need some context. Why is seeing Mnuchin on a balcony sickening?
  13. I recommend just leaving the herbs in the oil at room temp - the oil will take on the flavor of the herb and it lasts a really long time at room temp. If you really want to freeze them, then I recommend the melted butter - I think it freezes better than the oil. You can of course just dry the herbs and use them that way - it's better than the dried herbs from the store IMO. I don't know of any way for fresh herbs to be stored and still be as good as when fresh. Although you could grow your own herbs inside in containers so you'd always have some fresh.
  14. As knapplc said, most grocery stores carry the tomato paste in a tube. You can also find it online. It's usually in a longer thin box really similar to toothpaste packaging. Something like this:
  15. I'll sometimes use leftover fresh herbs to infuse oil - just put herbs into oil in a bottle. Or I'll saute the herbs at low temp in melted butter, strain, and then freeze the butter in icecube trays, so I can just use a cube at a time. You can also just make ghee with the melted butter if you prefer.
  16. Yep. You're better off looking for tickets in the week or two before the game. There's a chance you won't find them at a decent price, but there's usually a bunch available especially the couple days right before the game.
  17. I'll often just omit things like that, but it's worth asking or looking around for ingredients that can last longer. For example, I found tomato paste in a tube instead of a can, so now I use it a lot more because it doesn't go bad.
  18. Making naan is pretty easy and I think it tastes much better. Here's the recipe I've used: https://foodwishes.blogspot.com/2019/02/garlic-naan-now-100-tandoor-free.html
  19. Thanks to SNL as W never actually said that. And strategery is in the Oxford dictionary now: https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/strategery
  20. Me too. It's part of why making large scale change is so hard.
  21. I have a strong opinion that modern agriculture needs to change as it uses too many inputs including water, so I'm biased on this account. But it's crazy to me to use up ~4 million people's worth of water just for pistachios in a place that has frequent droughts. Nebraska hasn't had water rationing for the populace that I'm aware of, so it's not at all the same thing.
  22. That's a good point, but I meant more big picture like how much water is used just for pistachios, let alone California agriculture.
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