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Everything posted by ICT HSKR 10

  1. I think we're more along the lines of 1 playmaker away from being mediocre.
  2. #1 QB??????? Over McCoy, Bradford, Tim "ESPN sucks my d!ck" Tebow I know he is good but he isnt #1 QB good. Actually I just saw on ESPN.com today that Locker was one draft guru's projected #1 pick.
  3. People down here are already complaining about hiring Gill, idiots.
  4. Are you kidding me? I'd buy stock in every restaurant in town if he were coming here! A one man boom in the local economy
  5. I think I would rather see Gill at Cincy simply so he wouldn't have to work under Lew Perkins. After what Perkins did at WSU, the his witch hunt at KU, I wouldn't want to see Gill have to go through that.
  6. I can't wait for the BCA to come out and blast ND for their hiring practices.
  7. This will be great considering Ganz probably had as much to do with the offense's success the last 2 years as anybody
  8. This truly defines how meaningless the Heisman has become, people raffling off their Heisman votes.
  9. Sure there were some questionable calls, but we handed that over to them by playing the last offensive drive conservative and not trying to run out the clock, and by kicking it out of bounds. Refs had nothing to do with that. Unbelievably we were in a position to win and shot ourselves in the foot yet again.
  10. They can't be any worse than the conspiracy theorists in Clemson's fan base. I spent a lot of time the last week over on Tigernet.com talking to people about Suh, explaining why he's getting so many votes, and how we're (mostly) not cheating. They were convinced that the only way Suh could be getting that many votes was if we had a bot going. One guy even produced a chart and highlighted where the bot took off, the whole thing. One guy had no idea who Suh even was. Said he'd never heard of him until this vote. A few more came in and basically called that guy and anyone suggesting Nebraska cheating foolish, and generally stuck up for Suh and Husker fans. That was cool. But the conspiracy theorists would not be shouted down. They were, and remain, convinced we cheated. Whatever. He must be a real Clemson fan if he doesn't remember Suh throwing their QB down like a little rag doll in the Gator Bowl last year. At least we have Killer Cacti here to represent all that is good in the Clemson fan base!
  11. Good call, can you imagine the Conspiracy Theorists if somehow Spiller ended up coming back and winning?
  12. Just got on there to vote, and saw that it was final, but their numbers are different now Suh - 121,664 - 18% Spiller - 107,937 - 16% I like that his lead grew, but WTF?
  13. True, coaches always walk that fine line between hurt and injured, and for the kid who got burned and not given time to heal, i don't see how that was helping anyone. Yes a lot of players play hurt but something like that is never going to heal with constant beating, wrapped or not. I do think the timing of this whole situation is strange though... I dont know if its strange. Its a situation when you dont like some one, or have issues with someone there is a time to speak up. IF you are a player and your coach did this stuff to you, and it just happens to be the best season ever for your school. Your coach is heralded as a hero and the biggest thing to hit campus. Would you be the one to step up or speak out?? Its easy when everyone is throwing shots to speak the truth. Its much harder when you are the only one standing. Doesnt make it right. These players should have come forward much earlier. But they didnt. It does show the strenght of character, or lack there of, of the ku players though Right on the money Fro, this happened in 2003, long before their "Conquest of the 2007 Season". This should have been brought up right on the spot, not 6 years later when everyone else is piling on him (and it takes a lot of people to pile on him!)
  14. I think part of that is what he was left with from Callaclown, who recruited tons of receivers. He's just balancing out the numbers, supply & demand. Our big demand now I think is O-Line!
  15. http://www.denverpost.com/sports/ci_13870940 Check out the well researched opinion posted by bitter CU fan at the bottom of the article. Apparantly Eric Crouch equates to 90% of NU players that enter the NFL. He's probably just pissed that Hawkins was pardoned today. to a Big Red victory tomorrow!
  16. There are 15 of us of going; we purchased one tailgate parking pass and three regular parking passes. http://cgi.ebay.com/THE-BIG-12-CHAMPIONSHI...=item1c0dc7d6a6 I live in DFW and do not wing the parking; you could get yourself in trouble by doing this. I have heard that their are towing zones everywhere by the stadium; however, some are marked and others are not. Just be careful. Do you know if they are offering the SRO tickets like they do for Cowboys games?
  17. I feel like my IQ just dropped by about 50 points, but I had to watch all of it to prove my theory about the Crouch facemask being KSUcks fan's pride & glory, and yes, they fit it in to the video.
  18. And the guy in the row behind is 7 feet tall with really point knees. Better than him sitting in front of you!
  19. Gotta love the level of professionalism displayed by media members these days. There's so much crap spewed by so many "bloggers" that things like this don't get researched, or even checked for edits before they're sent up.
  20. Couldn't agree more, only thing that can be pinned on Mangino is putting all his eggs in one basket as far as skill positions, and not back filling their lines.
  21. I agree with the concern about the big back, but on the other hand, NU was limited in number of bodies in the box due to the threat of Reesing passing the ball. KSU is run first, safe pass second. We can afford to put more in the box to stop their run, then pin our ears back and rush in passing downs.
  22. I think a lot will be determined on who can make the best adjustments. KSUcks couldn't do anything against OU and OU got up 21-0, then KSUcks made some adjustments and battled them to the end. The Missouri game was almost the opposite though, Missouri hadnt scored a touchdown after halftime in how many gams, yet they blew it open. Thomas appeared to be dragging towards the end of the game from getting the ball and pounded so often.
  23. It will be a refreshing change to see our D play against a team that is predominantly run-oriented. I think the longer K-State stays in the game, the closer it will end up. NU has to get up quick and lock down Thomas. They also have to keep the ball out of Banks hands, punt the ball out of bounds and kick off out of the end zone! GBR!
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