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Everything posted by GM_Tood

  1. The DNC need to fix their own house instead of pushing the Russian meddling. The general election was rigged because the people found out about how the DNC rigged the primary. But, yes....if there is other connections that arise that would prove there were Trump/Russia ties I am all for that information to come out, and the necessary actions taken.
  2. He did it because Conservatives love States Rights, imo.
  3. As I stated in another thread, I am one that understands that Russia did what it did to influence the Election. Nothing to do with it? No, I can't say that. I think it had more to do with Trump vs. Hillary and who would be a better option in Putin's mind. Would Hillary keep/add to the sanctions, IMO yes. Will Trump look to limit/decrease the sanctions, IMO yes. Is Trump more open to working with Russia, I think so. The question is why would either, as President, take these actions. I would hope to do what is best for America's interests within their Foreign Policies.
  4. You don't have to hack into a voting machine to interfere with an election. It doesn't matter what we've done to other country's elections, that isn't relevant to the discussion. It doesn't matter who has interfered domestically with US elections, that isn't relevant to the discussion. You need some short term history lessons if you are asking these questions about Russia. This wasn't the first time Obama placed sanctions on them. The US and much of the world placed sanctions on Russia after Crimea and Malyasia Airlines was shot down. While the Russian economy began to stall before the sanctions, it has had negative growth since then. The sanctions along with low energy prices have really hurt Russia and are costing them billions. In this day and age, with out full on war, this is the only way we are going to send a message to them not to f#*k with us. Putin should be in trouble with his people, but he's done so well controlling the media and killing opposition that there is no one to really oppose him. No, I do not need a lesson on the Russian sanctions. I asked two questions. I assume by your reply that your answer to question 1 is yes, and the answer to question 2 is Don't mess with the US. I don't think the sanctions are working (other than compounding the problems with the Russian economy). Are they still f'ing with us? And my option above is what I would consider a better sanction to impose.
  5. You may want to pump the brakes on making fun of this until our Intelligence Community releases their findings. I am in the side that knows the Russians did what they did to "influence" the election. But, is this a strategy the Dems can raise the banner for and move forward? I am all for someone to come out of the weeds and take charge of the Party.
  6. Eight years. It's sad that you think this is funny. It's sad that there's nothing he could ever do to bring you on board. At this point I imagine you truly want it all to just f'n burn, all the way to the foundation, so it can rebuild from the ashes. I truly feel sorry for you. How hard did you try to get on board with Hillary? Or Bernie? Or Obama? Don't act like you've been building bridges. I voted for Obama...twice. Look, I understand how people can dislike Trump based on some of his actions. I'll leave it at that since I do not believe anything else said would make a difference in this conversation.
  7. So we have impeachment of Trump. We have the vote was rigged by Russians. We have people (except 1 guy) not wanting to admit Bernie was screwed. Is this supposed to be a winning strategy? Are these people hired by the Republicans with the objective to be as terrible as possible for the Dem party? I don't think if the Republicans PAID these people they would do a better job.
  8. Eight years. It's sad that you think this is funny. It's sad that there's nothing he could ever do to bring you on board. At this point I imagine you truly want it all to just f'n burn, all the way to the foundation, so it can rebuild from the ashes. I truly feel sorry for you.
  9. Russian technology/agents/etc actually hacked into voting machines and either changed peoples votes to Trump or rigged the actual votes in some manner? FALSE Or is this proof about the misinformation campaigns/hacking? TRUE Like this is the only US election where foreign countries meddled. We (CIA) do it to other countries as well....yawn. TRUE About the sanctions....are they working? What do you expect the sanctions to accomplish? I think the sanctions basically give Putin some political cover with his own people as the citizens can blame Amerika for their deepening recession. Cut them off from the International bank transfer system...that would turn the screws on Putin.
  10. Panda panda.

    1. ZRod


      I posses women in Atlanta.

  11. 라이브카지노→[」∫ASK500.CoM∫「]←F1카지노

    1. Redux
    2. NUance


      Is that Latin? lol

  12. Trump approved the raid at a dinner attended not just by General Mattis, but also by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the vice president, and his national security adviser. I believe the advice of these folks would be adequate. Our military knows how to plan and carry out special ops missions, and a prudent President leaves the planning to military officials.
  13. Gobbler's Knob

    1. NUance


      The little rodent saw his shadow.

    2. C N Red

      C N Red

      You guys must listen to Z100 in the morning.

    3. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Please, get this visual out of my head.

  15. When he says middle, does he mean middle class? Or "middle of the road" politically? If he's suggesting most middle-class Republicans are satisfied with those three moves then I would heavily disagree. Many of the Republican family members and friends I have can't tell me a damn substantive thing about the TPP. I tend to agree with you. I know I offer a more liberal perspective, but only one of those three things seems like an unequivocal winner to me. Hopefully Mattis can reign in Trump's impulsiveness and whatever influence Bannon tries to exert. That was a great pick. As you've said, TPP is a heavily politicized at the moment but trade is a super complex issue. The populist furor is certainly strongly against it at the moment, but wouldn't most centrist Republicans still support free-trade and exerting influence over the Pacific Rim economies? I wasn't aware sanctuary cities were a big deal for any subset of conservatives, actually. Tood, were you referring to people who weren't necessarily sold on Trump by the term "middle"? I believe by 'middle' he meant middle America/Rust belt Repubs.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3zcq99KJ6c
  17. Don't we rely on the countries in question to be able to provide the information necessary to vet these Immigrants/Refugees? I would imagine that these countries (outside of Iran) do not have the ability to provide this information in an accurate manner that would suffice the new Immigration vetting procedures in DC. This is just an opinion...if you are looking for 100% fact then I don't think anyone on this forum is able to give you what you are looking for as an answer.
  18. Defend what? Are you including all those losers that voted for 3rd party candidate that must feel like sh#t. Everyone has to defend their vote in the face of criticism. I voted for Hillary Clinton, one of the worst candidates in my lifetime. I can be called on to answer why I did that, and I will. I have no problem explaining that position, and no problem admitting that it was an odious vote to have cast. That vote is not immune to criticism, and while I can answer some of the criticisms leveled against me, I cannot answer them all. It is not an injustice for someone to call me out for that vote. It is not a wrong. On this forum I have several choices on how I answer those criticisms: Accept them, challenge them with facts, or simply not answer them. If I accept them, then I live with the knowledge that I did something wrong. We've all done that, we all live with that knowledge in some facet of our lives. It isn't the worst thing. If I challenge them, it's incumbent upon me to provide facts and logic to show why my accusers are wrong. How successful I am at that depends in a large way in how logically I approached my vote in the first place. The less logic used, the more difficult it will be to defend my position. If I simply choose not to answer my critics, that's fine. But if that is my choice, I won't snipe at those critics from the sidelines because that is not something I equate with integrity. Every position in P&R can be called into question. Every position should be defended. That's the nature of these conversations. If people choose not to participate in that process, fine. But they shouldn't bitch about those of us who do. This is what I was looking for. By no means did I mean what I said about anyone being a loser for their vote. Hugs and kisses to everyone that voted.
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