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Everything posted by Toe

  1. It would be hard for them to NOT be much better than what we saw last year. But with the jump in schedule difficulty this year, we could have a much better team and still not have a real stellar win/loss record. We're still only two years removed from a 9-3 season, though, and I don't think that's out of the question for this year.
  2. @Comfortably Numb I think pretty much all of us are excited, it's just that some of us are more iffy on how long things will take, like how we'll look in year 1 vs year 3.
  3. "QBs should expect a camera phone out wherever they are" <- In other words, "Please don't be Johnny Manziel."
  4. TBH, I imagine that most players are kinda indifferent about the issue. They have bigger things to worry about.
  5. I was in favor of keeping it at 4 teams until I saw how awful the selections were this past season. Yet another SEC circlejerk? Big Ten goes 7-1 in bowls, but wasn't worthy of having a representative in the playoff? UCF has a perfect season but isn't even close to getting in? Like why do they even pretend that G5 teams are in the same division when they've essentially declared that it's impossible for them to be national champions, whether they're the best team or not?
  6. Will that be a public announcement, or just inside the team?
  7. I'm still trying to figure out how you can supposedly be 100% supportive of UNL's anti-discrimination rules, yet still be vehemently opposed to similar anti-discrimination rules up in Omaha...
  8. Unsurprisingly, the thread on the UCF board about this is a complete s#!tshow.
  9. If you feel like doing some reading, there's a big four-part interview with him from about five years ago on HuskerMax: https://www.huskermax.com/anatomy-of-an-era-dave-ellis-part-1/
  10. "Fixtures of the 80s and 90s?" DeLoreans were a fixture of Back to the Future movies, but that's pretty much it.
  11. In other words, they're the crazy uncles of the American family...
  12. They've been using these for a while now...
  13. Replacing James Rodgers, who went back to Oregon State with other Riley guys. (Anybody ever heard of the guy?)
  14. Despite the name, fall camp starts in late summer.
  15. Toe

    Buy In

    @Husker_Bohunk I'd say lack of buy-in was a bigger factor in Riley's third year than his first. Any players who had ever bought in with Riley turned around and sold it...
  16. Can we just copy & paste our answers from last year's thread?
  17. Toe

    Buy In

    @Xmas32 Buttoned-up in a suit-with-Yeezys sort of way.
  18. @teachercd More like small towns, period. not to mention certain presidencies
  19. Yeah, they confirmed that we'll be one of the schools wearing them this season (bottom of this article), just haven't unveiled the design yet.
  20. Just having the DL do something besides take up space and having the CBs not playing ten+ yards off the ball should make the talent look a whole lot better. The DL in particular, I think we've got the horses if we actually USE them.
  21. Toe

    Buy In

    Here's the segment he's talking about:
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