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Spooky Tooth

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Everything posted by Spooky Tooth

  1. I think it is a combination of WCO and an historically bad DC who is a buddy that causes the Callahan 2.0 comments. And: - Replaces a 9-3 coach winning over 70% of his games with no losing seasons at the only school that ever fired a 9-3 coach - Breaks multiple long time record winning streaks - Starts a dual threat QB built to run the previous system - Has fans vocally blaming woes on a bare cupboard - Has lifetime winning percentage between .480 and .520 - Winless when trailing at halftime There's probably more. And there will almost certainly be more in the future. Loss to Southern Miss first season? Hey, now. In the interest of balance, Bo was the only coach in modern times at NU to repeatedly make a fool of himself on national television. Make ya a bet......tv cameras will be less absorbed with Riley's behavior on the field than they were with ol' lickspittle. Take me up on that? Why are you bringing Bo into it? We were talking about the similarities between Callahan 1.0 and Callahan 2.0. No, you were--true to form--setting up your straw man for another wedgie on Riley. Are you seriously going to pretend virtually all of your posts are not critical of Riley? All I did was make it easy for yo to segue into it..... Broken record, dude.
  2. I detect a little guilt. Were you one of those loud Bo detractors last year? I detect a lot of.....something. You NEVER miss a chance to piss on any thread that has any balance in it regarding Riley. That's you. I hope you understand that any post you contribute in will be that same broken record. Just for the novelty of it, why don't you pretend to have balance in what you say?
  3. I think it is a combination of WCO and an historically bad DC who is a buddy that causes the Callahan 2.0 comments. And: - Replaces a 9-3 coach winning over 70% of his games with no losing seasons at the only school that ever fired a 9-3 coach - Breaks multiple long time record winning streaks - Starts a dual threat QB built to run the previous system - Has fans vocally blaming woes on a bare cupboard - Has lifetime winning percentage between .480 and .520 - Winless when trailing at halftime There's probably more. And there will almost certainly be more in the future. Loss to Southern Miss first season? Hey, now. In the interest of balance, Bo was the only coach in modern times at NU to repeatedly make a fool of himself on national television. Make ya a bet......tv cameras will be less absorbed with Riley's behavior on the field than they were with ol' lickspittle. Take me up on that?
  4. A lot of the criticism of Riley is veiled defense of Pelini, which we saw in full bloom following the first game with threads such as "I hope you're happy now." There's no legitimate justification for the Riley hate after one, two or three games, and there's no explanation other than Pelini's fans are still butthurt. I wish they would take their carnival to Youngstown where I understand Pelini has gotten the old gang back together again. But there's plenty of room for Riley doubt, regardless of how you felt about Pelini. I know a lot of guys that hated Pelini and couldn't wait for him to get fired, and who are also completely disgusted with the Riley hire. It's rarely accurate to generalize a group of people based on one single criteria. Completely disgusted? After three games? Gotcha.
  5. I think my point is that it doesn't need to be EVERY conversation. Can't we discuss Riley's gameplan or Banker's D without it turning it into a Bo vs. Riley conversation? Riley should be able to be evaluated by fans without having the previous guy used as context. Got to put this in context. I agree that it's silly to not question anything the staff does under Riley. My problem, and here is the context, is with that segment of fans (and posters) who can't restrain themselves from dogpiling on the staff for EVERYTHING they do that doesn't work out right. These yokels can be counted on to come over to any thread that compliments the staff and pee all over it. It's like a Pavlovian response for them. That's the context. If they would just bring some semblance of balance to what they say, others wouldn't overreact to their criticism. Hope that makes sense.
  6. Brandon Reily is faster than I remember. That boy can lay it down.
  7. https://www.google.com/search?q=amc+pacer&biw=1344&bih=644&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0CAYQ_AUoAWoVChMI_M7StOO9xwIVyBWSCh0bcQPz#imgrc=iwNALc-jmW-c4M%3A
  8. He stays there long and he have a hankerin' for a relative.
  9. Ranking medical schools is tricky. UNMC has one of the top-flight cardiac programs in the country; I know of a doc from Iowa City who came to UNMC for his heart surgery.
  10. Such a way with words. Please, go find some wood to knock on before you jinx him. Help me out, O wise one.......
  11. Obligatory nitpicking: he sometimes carries the ball in a dangerous way, up high, no three-point contact. ball carried to the interior of the field. All readily correctable. Now that I got that out of the way, really impressive film. Not many runners can or should occasionally have their hips in front of their feet, but he carries off like a natural....sure sign he is not an upright runner. His jukes are both lateral and backwards at the same time. Think that's easy? Try it some time especially when you have forward momentum. I worry about his potential for an ACL injury because some of those moves put his feet in front of his knees on a plant, a easy way to blow the ACL. I sincerely hope every RB on our roster feels a sense of renewed urgency today. Cream rises to the top. :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance
  12. Pfft Meh Whatev Not impressed ...............................................Like hell! Welcome Ben. Have some dancing bananers :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance :corndance
  13. Bit on the snarky side for a new poster, aren't you? Wait, what name did you used to post under?
  14. 1. Get her drunk as a skunk. 2. Have someone video the two of you buck nekkid. You don't even have to touch her. 3. Show the video to the groom-to-be and ask for forgiveness. 4. Wedding's off 5. Profit!
  15. You're right. I'm so terrible I was never even considered for a single position. Not one. Ever. But it matters to me. My favorite message board gets cluttered with nonsense. Media vultures descend on players year after year for a nonviolent personal choice. No one even attempts to "explain" why smoking weed is affecting the player's performance––let alone an existential threat to an NFL franchise––and yet I'm supposed to nod and go, "What a fool" if someone smokes a little reefer three weeks before the combine. I can't even imagine the kind of drug abuse and hedonism those guys are exposed to every single year. What I'm hearing is that Randy should have taken MDMA or methamphetamine so that it would have flushed out of his system faster and he could have spared himself this public shaming . The rule is stupid. It hurts the players and the owners. It hurts the sport. It hurts communities––especially if they're black communities. It hurts the country. To hell with it. Let's not blame the victim. And that's what Randy is right now. The victim. The system is the problem. Randy's behavior is not the problem. Using cannabis is not a sign that you have a moral defect, even if fleeting, artificial regulations set up by bureaucracies private and public prohibit it. He could be using it for medication. Hell, he could be using it for relaxation, and the guy has a lot to be stressed about. Some of the between-the-lines chatter from people who saw him in practice last year indicate something is not right with him. He has a right to take care of himself. I care more about that than the NFL. I don't think your performance at almost anything except binge eating will be improved by cannabis, although Gregory is on the thin side for his position. I suppose you could factor it in this time. This statement is so wrong on so many levels it boggles the mind. You can agree to a rule or condition, or disagree with a rule or condition. What you can't do is effectively state "I reject your reality and substitute my own" when it is you who needs something from the system.
  16. Like I said, not interested in going farther with it except to say that most folks I have encountered who used mj regularly refused to recognize the deleterious effects it had on them. Case studies in projection, rationalization and minimization. Most marijuana studies done in America have focused on finding detrimental effects, very little has been done in this country to find positive effects. That will change soon, until then we can look to other countries research. Prior to the last 15 years or so that may have been true, but not now. My experience with supporters of mj has been one of intellectual dishonesty. Provide citations contrary to their position and it's always flawed.
  17. Like I said, not interested in going farther with it except to say that most folks I have encountered who used mj regularly refused to recognize the deleterious effects it had on them. Case studies in projection, rationalization and minimization.
  18. That's like saying there are plenty of alcoholics who can function and succeed, and many non-alcoholics who aren't motivated and don't strive. Are both statements true? Sure. Are they representative of reality? Not really. The reality of long-term pot use is a quantified decrease in motivation http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/02/marijuana-motivation-longtime-use-pot_n_3534031.html vice non-users. I don't want to get too deep into this because it will just devolve into an argument I have no interest in.
  19. That is quite the jump. Not really. Everyone at the combine knows that they are going to be tested. Standard procedure. And he couldn't even manage to stay off the weed until after the combine. That's a clear lack of motivation. Couple that with the fact that when you watch him play, he doesn't always seem to be playing hard... Do you think AFTER he gets a multi-million dollar contract this is going to improve? Agree. Many conflate a physiological definition with a psychological definition of addiction. My guess is that RG may be psychologically addicted to mj. An excerpt from the conclusion section of a Psychology Today article (sourced below): ".....there is clearly developing proof that marijuana is addicting, and clinically there are numerous reports....." The article goes on to state that ppl can use marijuana without showing addictive behavior, so it tries to strike a balance in its conclusions. Without going into details I have investigated many ppl over the last 30 years for various bad conduct, and many engaged in addictive behavior. A few things are clear to me.....that addictive behavior (pick your addiction: drugs, alcohol, gambling, porn) manifests in stages. One of the terminal (altho not the last) is admitting the problem, but still unwilling to change it even in the face of clear detrimental results. One could argue that RG is in one of those stages. And as you read his comments, keep in mind that virtually all addicts lie. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/reading-between-the-headlines/201205/is-marijuana-addictive
  20. #CoreValues Carl the coke head and philanderer. Marvin the philanderer, etc. Ron the homophobe. Kaz the wife beater. Quite the collection. Nice derail.
  21. Not bothered much by this. When the season starts the defense needs to be dialed in and locked down. It will carry the offense for a few games while the offense gets its stuff together. Now if the offense is still struggling in late September, Houston we got a problem.
  22. Not correct. Riley has coached many games and the results are known. You've posted many times here and the results are known.
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