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Everything posted by funhusker

  1. They did. ...and they missed it in Ames Just like Alabama missed it. Oops. This is purely a hypothetical and just for fun: if you were given $1,000,000 and had to double down on Alabama vs Oklahoma State on a nuetral field, where would your money go? IMO, Alabama is the safer bet. Yes, Alabama missed there shot to go unbeaten; but didn't miss as badly as OSU.
  2. They did. ...and they missed it in Ames
  3. Volleyball postseason was over a couple days ago... Give the BB guys/girls a chance.
  4. Are you sure you're from Kansas (or anywhere close to Arrowhead)? It is a lot of fun though. Honestly, I shouldn't joke about spelling; last time I was at a Chiefs game I don't know if I could spell my own name when I left. I went with a couple of friends to a Chiefs vs. Raiders game (one of my friends is a Raider fan, the rest of us were there for fun). Anyway, we tailgated next to some other Raider fans that had some tequila fresh from Mother Mexico!!!...luckily our wives drove us back to Lincoln.
  5. Welp, there goes the tradition and what not. Man, this next recruiting class is REALLY gonna suck now. Might as well put a basketball court in the middle of Memorial, probably draw more of a crowd... I probably should add, for the new members: I was commenting "tongue in cheek" with regards to an old thread about the sellout streak!!!
  6. I'm married, I'm a father of 2 year old triplets, I have a full time job, my wife has a fulltime job, I'm also registered as a fulltime student at UNL to finish my degree this Fall. My plate is pretty full. However, I've been in some classes with football players and joked with them about who is busier, me or them. As stressed out and frustrated as I can get sometimes, I beleive it can be rougher on them. We both have very early wake up calls... We both have the same amount of homework... Full time job = Practice, Travel, Conditioning, Film Study, Study Sessions, Training Room... Both go to bed late after exhausting days... The difference: I help to provide for three little people that adore me and aren't old enough to talk back.. The players play for 1.3 million +, and have to hear about dissapointments from people they don't even know. Thank you for all the hard work. Go get Iowa!!!
  7. I don't think anyone here can even begin to do Bo's job. For cryin' out loud, I'm guessing most of us here (except for Cy) would get a "deer in the headlights" look if we were asked to manage the chains on the sidelines. I might be out of line here, but chances are I'm not...unless someone here actually coaches a FBS football team. edit: I'm by no means saying it's ok to bash players, but I'd wager cash money there are more div 1 athletes on this board than coaches. So in reality more people here could begin to do the jobs of the players but not the coaches...just sayin'.
  8. edit: posted without thought.. What I really should have said: Even though the Huskers may get 10 wins this year with a win over Iowa and in a bowl game, it is frustrating to have the 3 losses the way they happened. Wisonsin: National TV and embarrasing NW: at home, unranked, Nebraska in BCS top 10. Never should have happened Michigan: National TV and embarrasing While this team, overall, can potentially still have a solid season, it is frustrating that the losses came the way they did. I yearn for consistency...(like everyone else)
  9. Maybe I'm in a bad mood and shouldn't write this, but I don't care... This thread is just as bad, if not worse, than the neverending "ESPN hates us because Marc May is a douche and doesn't think a 2 loss team is better than an undefeated LSU..."(not an actual quote, used for exaggeration purposes) Seriously, it is not the offseason!!! Can people do something on this board beside bitch and moan about things that make absolutely zero difference. Nebraska did not lose the Penn St. game, Nebraska is not the focus of a refereeing conspiracy, Rex Burkhead is not shaving points, this fumble does not matter!!! So I leave you with this question: "Who cares?" ps: I don't care about the fumble or this individual post. However, I do care that I open new threads excited to see new thoughts, ideas, or news only to be dissappointed by people that feel Nebraska is being attacked by conferences, referees, or Taylor Martinez's dad... I'll add one of these because I'm not looking for a pissing match from anyone. I'm in a bad mood and just feel like voicing some frustration about posts like this. Maybe I'm alone, speak up if not, but I just feel like the board is negative this year...
  10. Sorry guys, According to the posted pic, Yoshi is nowhere close to IN CONTROL of that football. Secondly, I don't have the pic or video, but I remember a Penn State player coming away from the pile with the ball. (I'm not 100% certain, but close to it) Valid fumble, doesn't matter anyway...
  11. I don't think NU fans are going to see much "pressure" on Robinson. The d-line will play with a controlled rush forcing Robinson to "run away" from the play. NU will play man on the backside (with the backside DL just playing containment) allowing an extra person LB or DB to follow Robinson to the "play side". This will be the formula to contain Robinson and force a turnover or two. With Dennard in a man-to-man, and Green playing in a zone with Stafford/Cassidy, the Wolverines might actually just play into the strengths that the Husker defense has. David/Stafford will be able to run and make plays. Going out on a limb...Nebraska 38; Michigan 17 (Robinson will score at least once on pure athleticism) NU offensively: keep doin' what you do!!!
  12. Has anyone else noticed that threads are starting to become more off topic because people are starting "peeing matches" over minutea? We have 2-3 weeks left in the regular season and post are focusing more on semantics rather than content. Maybe I'm too sensitive to the situation because I've been lucky enough to spend a little more time reading the board, I don't know. Anyway, for all you people that want to "nit pick", use this thread instead of turning a 2 page topic into a 4 page topic full of "if you meant that, why not say that!" We could call it the "wood pile". Leave the ugly (cuss word filled) arguments for the woodshed but leave the cordial disagreements out where everyone can see them...and join in if necessary.
  13. Just playing devil's advocate, since we're in the "grey area" (I don't disagree with you) Where do we draw the line. For example: a person works in retail, he witnesses a coworker shoplifting clothes everyday. The person notifies the manager and the manager says "I'll take care of it." Penn State: a monster is doing unspeakable things to young people. A coach with no legal training reports it to his higher ups, "this is what I was told (remember, he did not witness), what should we do?" They respond with, "I'll take care of it" Would Paterno be fired if Sanduski (sp?, I really don't care if I spell his name right) was stealing equipment? Both are illegal activities... disclaimer: This post is to start discussion. Personally, I would like to see Paterno strung up next to sandusky, just with a shorter rope! The fact that he allowed this man to be anywhere near freedom is disgusting!
  14. This could be a fun thread... Paterno: Legally- nothing wrong, no laws were broken by him (that we know of) Morally- well...this is where the mess starts.
  15. Bo Pelini or Ron Brown should print off this post and read it to the RB room in their next meeting. This is the most well thought out post I've read on this board in a long time (aside from the "fire Pelini, we suck!!!" at the halftime of the Ohio State game )
  16. funhusker


    Menelik Holt says..... "HEY, ...don't forget about me!!!"
  17. This team is very young. I'm curious what people who feel this is an old team see on the roster. Are you guys looking at the overall team, 1st and 2nd teamers, walk-ons...? Martinez, Green, Heard, Abdullah, Bell, Turner, Enunwa, Tyler Moore, Jake Cotton, Spencer Long, Andrew Rodriguez: 11 contributors on offense are redshirt sophomore or younger, five are true freshmen. The starting QB will still have two years left AFTER this year. The defense isn't much different.
  18. I bumped this because it seemed like most people were predicting 2-3 losses and a possible "non-appearance" in the championship game. Yet some people are surprised that this team has lost 2 games and is a possible no show in the championship game.
  19. Funny story (at least to me).... The night of the LSU vs Tenn game I was in college at UNK. If there are any other UNK alumni from around 10 years ago, do you remember Leer Jets? Leer Jets was a weird bar in Kearney. It wasn't too far from campus so it tried it's best to be a popular hangout. It would try to be a "small pub" during the afternoon, dance club at night, and fill in all of the off hours with random entertainment like traveling stripper shows and "penny" pitchers. Anyhooo, the night (or late afternoon) of this game was a traveling group of female "dancers" showing their talents on the dancefloor of LeerJets. Of course myself and friends thought we would enjoy some cheap drinks and even cheaper entertainment while still having the football game on at the bar. I remember by the 2nd half of the football game all the guys in the bar would cheer louder for an extra point by LSU than they would for the "dancers"! I remember overhearing this conversation between a dancer and what I guessed to be the manager: Dancer: This is bulls**t, they aren't paying any attention or giving tips! We're leaving after the next set. Manager: Just wait, the game will be over in a little bit.... Dancer: We will stay if you turn off the game. Manager: OK. I'll make sure the DJ let's everyone know you guys are done after the next dance... I also remember Matt Mauck (sp?) being a stud in that game.
  20. I agree that tOSU is the staple program in the Big 10 and everything else that comes with that, but beating tOSU this year does not mean the same as in years past. No Tressel, no Heisman contenders and not a lot of respect nationally. If none of what happened over the off-season and last year had occurred, hell yeah I'd say Ohio State. But I still think Wisconsin is the best program (as far as talent is concerned) this year, and they're no "second tier" team. If they're second tier, then we're second tier, and I don't think we are. tOSU is not "the big boy" in the Big 10 anymore, at least not this year. That's why I have to go with Wisconsin. Let's go back to the late 1990's and early 2000's. Nebraska was definitely not the "big boy" in the Big 12 North; that was reserved for KSU and Colorado. But who did teams celebrate their victory over more, Nebraska or Colorado and KSU? Ohio State is a school in the Big10 that Nebraska should want to be on the same level with; Championship caliber 9 years out of 10 (NCAA infractions aside). Wisconsin is the best team in the league this year (although that belief is waining) but they are not the best team if you take into account the last 15-20 years. This is why I made the analogy of a NU vs. OU type rivalry, not a NU vs Missouri when it counts for something once a decade.
  21. because that would be pragmatic, intelligent, and not worthy of discussion... Way to take the fun out of Huskerboard
  22. I would hope Big 10 fans would realize this too. Nebraska vs Oklahoma is not only a Nebraska tradition...its a College Football Tradition. Now that this games is going to be played VERY RARELY, you take advantage of it whenever you can. Who cares if it disrupts the Rose Bowl and the B1G vs Pac 12 tradition. Nebraska vs Oklahoma is bigger and more important than that. The Rose Bowl could hypothetically play B1G vs Pac 12 every year for the next 100+ years. Nebraska vs Oklahoma might happen 2-3 times the next 100 years. You play NU vs OU in the Rose Bowl. For most people Nebraska-Oklahoma doesn't even register as a rivalry. http://espn.go.com/s...Id=1&listId=311 just one example. Sorry, add it to your OCS. Don't change our tradition. http://nbcsports.msnbc.com/id/26676228 You should just go back to your Wisconsin board if you really can't figure out why Nebraska vs Oklahoma isn't mentioned on either of those polls. Fixed it for you. i disagree with huskerbs in these two instances. the ou-NU rivalry ended with a whimper long ago, and it is silly to expect, or even want, the B1G to change some of its greatest traditions for our preference. the ou-NU rivalry was only relevant when both teams were in the top ten, which was a lot, but hoping for ou-NU to play again would only be for the nostalgia, not to preserve or revive any perceived rivalry. wisconsin has had to unfortunate loses, but they are still the team the rudely introduced us to the B1G. I agree on all counts accept for one. From my perspective the OU vs NU rivalry didn't end all that long ago... I still remember what I did the night before the 2001 #1 vs #2 Gameday matchup: Halloween party in Lincoln, dressed as a hooker (my buddy's girlfriend was the pimp), and got hit on by a guy (very creepy) Plans were to go to Gameday the next morning but had to much fun tailgating with NU and OU fans in the alley behind my buddy's apartment at 22nd and Vine. This weekend seems like a couple of years ago, not "long" ago. Although I do realize that ten years ago put me into my "awesome college years" and some posters here in kindergarten.... What I'm saying: "To a person in their early 20's or teens, yes, the OU vs NU rivalry is long gone. To a person in their 30's or 40's, like me, it is a very recent rivalry. To a person in their 50's, 60's, or 70's; the "Game of the Century" might have well been last weekend!
  23. Ohio State and here's why...... Two years ago, before NU was even a thought in Big Ten expansion, who did most college football fans think of when Big Ten football was mentioned?: Ohio State and Michigan.. . Michigan: proud program on hard times, much like Nebraska was (or "is" for you downers). The Wolverines are a sleeping college football giant; if you believe Nebraska can return to the glory years you have to believe Michigan is capable of the same thing. Ohio State: the Big Ten golden boy (2 years ago when current recruits were in their formative years). These guys were in the NC discussion, running over Michigan, they were Rose Bowl bound before the first snap of the season, these guys are the "Texas" of the Big Ten. Fast forward two years. Nebraska is brand new to the Big Ten and looking for a statement that it can build upon. Would Nebraska be better off playing a "second tier" team in the inaugural championship game; or get right after it and play the "big boy". A NU vs. OSU championship game could be the beginning of a "NU vs. Oklahoma" type rivalry. If NU was able to pick a rivalry in the Big Ten, why not let that rival be the biggest and baddest mo fo on the block. As I mentioned earlier, current high school underclassmen know OSU as the powerhouse of the conference, what would they think of NU being the new AND BETTER show in town? (disclaimer....I enjoy the people and state of Wisconsin very much!!!)
  24. Personally, I was glad Martinez stayed in the game, and if Burkhead didn't get dinged up he should have been on the field with him. Those guys, and the offense in general, deserved to be on the field and taking the knee. If the game would have ended with the defense on the field, I would hope the BLACKSHIRTS (feels good to say) would be on the field to watch the clock hit zero. These kids put it together today. A great game!!!
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