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Status Replies posted by CheeseHusker

  1. Quarterback is the least of the Packers problems right now.

  2. Huskers unranked in AP- about right- writers still a little gun shy about trusting us

  3. The following statement might make some people say "you are an idiot... but: "I want a Florida State/Oregon National championship game."

  4. I've seen photos of the student section clearing out late in the 4th quarter. What a bunch of fair weather explitivies!

  5. Which is worse...baseball Cardinals offense or Huskers defense?

  6. Armstrong, who threw three interceptions at Purdue, was the answer for dropped passes, Abdullah 's critical fumble, and a defense that couldn't stop Lincoln High? K.....

  7. And thats a winner! Lets go Cardinals!

  8. We can win this awful cesspool AIDS covered dumpster fire of a conference. Not because we're good, but because everyone else is so ridiculously awful.

  9. Nice to see the ump calling balls and strikes has the Cards in 6

  10. Two byes in four weeks really sucks.


  12. Fricken Dodgers found their bats bats today. Ouch!

  13. Why on earth should an NFL franchise be able to have a Native American name. It's demeaning and offensive to a very proud and important group of people. I think it's time that the Kansas City Chiefs change their name.

  14. Fricken Dodgers found their bats bats today. Ouch!

  15. Not a fan of Puig at all. Reminds me a lot of Manny "douche" Ramirez and Im a Boston fan. Ever since he slid into home plate on the walkoff homer, I haven't liked him.

  16. It appears that, apart from OSU, the B1G is still pretty wide open.

  17. I'm so sick and tired of the Cardinals "Best fans in baseball" piousness I have half a mind to rip the placards off Memorial Stadium so we aren't equally douchey

  18. Who knows much about Wichita, KS?

  19. Former Huskers. You keep making us so proud!

  20. And the Cardinals young arms come back to haunt them

  21. Silver lining.... hopefully I'll never see Pete Kozma in a Cardinal uniform after tomorrow.

  22. And the Cardinals young arms come back to haunt them

  23. Whtat number was kenny bells catch on sportscenter?

  24. Sound likes another hose job by the officiating crew. I could only listen to the radio broadcast, but I did watch a clip of Bell's catch and that penalty was crap. Was the rest of the game officiated as bad as it sounded?

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