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Mike Mcdee

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Everything posted by Mike Mcdee

  1. The grass roots movement to resurrect that trophy was walking through the tailgates for the 2016 game. They were asking for donations since that is what the original idea for it was. My donation earned me a cool little replica.
  2. Is this in reference to following on the twitters? Not sure I quite understand. Like Mills and Robinson followed Washington, Martinez and JD? I'm not on twitter.
  3. One thing I thought of when throwing out labels of right and left. @BigRedBuster is a right leaning poster. You are to his right and he your left. It's an over generalization to label everyone left of your belief system as the angry violent left. There are extremes on both sides. I'm sure as someone who leans hard right @HuskerNation1, there are those on your side that lean harder and are more radicalized. I personally don't ask you to account for their actions. I'm personally a centrist and can't boil all of my stances into one party. Found this article today which seemed fairly on topic. https://www.yahoo.com/news/smack-talk-politicians-trade-charges-whos-being-uncivil-042351028--election.html Both sides have stoked these fires. Though he may not have been the one to invent these tactics, Trump sure embraces their use.
  4. Can we just agree that there are people on both sides that have been $h!tty? One group started this whole thing off and that gave rise to Donald Trump as a political figure. It wasn't Republicans, Democrats, Liberals or conservatives. There was a group whose business model was built around fearmongering. They whipped up this position we are in, stood back admired their creation, then questioned why they are being pushed back against. "An eye for and eye leaves the whole world blind." -Ghandi biographer Fischer.
  5. I'm pretty sure that Gabby Giffords was shot at and hit with real live bullets from a deranged right winger. She lived. There were 6 other people that didn't, including a child. Again, I don't really blame the GOP for this guys action.
  6. Again, this is out of context. I don't think either side is behaving in a way I'd want my children to emulate. I hate "what-aboutism" and "but he started it", but this did get particularly nasty when Donald Trump started acting this way and was then reinforced by cheering crowds.
  7. I want to start by saying that these tactics are irresponsible in some cases and reprehensible in others.
  8. If anyone is good with meme creation, I've got an idea for one. It's a 2 cell meme. Cell 1 is Nicki Haley on Fox n Friends w caption "They were saying Booo-urns". Cell two is just the South Park pic of them yelling "Simpson's did it". NM.
  9. So if this is correct, does the White House get to pick his replacement with the understanding that the special council and his investigation will be ended?
  10. Is it just me, or is he "Throwing the Bones" in his commitment photo?
  11. Since they aren't refunding the money to ticket holders, I'm thinking the game would already be "soldout". They would just be reissuing the tickets.
  12. Damon Benning said this morning that Bell has been playing hurt throughout fall camp. You could tell on some of his runs where he had open field. HCSF stated those need to be 6 points instead of first downs.
  13. This was the one I saw Saturday night that made me think it wasn't just our fans complaining like Chad May. There's a throwback reference.
  14. What information should we use when trying to make a prediction on election results? That's the heart of this. Most if not all media sources use polling. Most if not all polling showed Trump would not win. You are asking to be shown where a media source went against their own polling information and interjected their own opinion. I recognize that journalists do have biases, but reputable ones attempt to keep said biases to a minimum. I think what you are asking for doesn't exist, which is why you are asking for it.
  15. Now wait a minute. Are you saying if someone is instructing their opponent in a debate to do their own "Googling", that they are essentially conceding or surrendering their side of the argument?
  16. I'd be worried too about getting the "D!@k sniffles". CDC did just come out and state that STD's are at an all time high.
  17. Now I'm not saying I know what happened to said staffer that slept with Smith, but if they were removed from their position and later terminated, that could be an issue. I have no problem with the sex, but if University policy dictates removal from position or termination for inappropriate sexual relationships between staff members of differing authority, then both should have been disciplined equally. It's been awhile since my days in Advanced HR Management and Collective Bargaining. Hope my memory is still intact. I heard memory loss is going around.
  18. I know it's a beaten and dead topic, but the came on my spotify feed and enjoyed the thought of this as entrance music. https://youtu.be/fT67ta4VrQQ
  19. Nothing against those guys, but that song doesn't make me want to Kool-Aid man a wall.
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/report-mother-zach-courtney-smith-claim-ex-ohio-state-assistant-victim-retaliatory-plot-ex-wife-223132593.html So now it's not just Zach's mom coming to defend him. Courtney's mom is now saying this has been some elaborate plot against Meyer and Smith. W the actual F?!?
  21. Under the I180 bridge is always fun. Just north of the blur party area.
  22. I lol'd at the golden shower bit. Cohen is killing it with this show. He had to though. Now that it's aired, there is no way people will fall for his characters again. A writer on the show has stated that it just keeps getting crazier deeper into the season.
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