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Mike Mcdee

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Everything posted by Mike Mcdee

  1. Zero. I had parents who talked to me about the perils of such establishments. They sell liquor there. No thank you. That's why I went to health clubs that only sold juice. Every once in a while I would order a soda pop. Wild times!
  2. And I'm pretty sure their defense attorney said in court that they were acting on his behalf/instruction. Interesting how when internet tough guys are confronted with the reality of their life choices, they revert to "He told me to do it".
  3. Looks like Capt. White Claw, along with 3 others were just found guilty of Seditious Conspiracy. Tarrio, Biggs, Rehl, and Nordean all found guilty.
  4. I'm all for paying good money for good beer, but $20 for a 6r of 4%? Get da faq outta here. This is an attack on the senses and wallet.
  5. Sure, but so is any other bank customer at any other bank with balances above those protected levels. Same thing with car insurance. You are only insured up to the limits of the policy. I wouldn't tell someone who had say $500,000 of liability they were "Uninsured". If they suffered a loss greater than that amount, they would be Under Insured.
  6. Was he a member of congress when he was honeypotted?
  7. In the sanction handed down, the judge specifically talks about how these lawsuits have become more about fund raising and not about seeking legitimate legal relief. Gives an example of the ask as well.
  8. So who is responsible for theat $1mm bill he just handed down? Trump or the law firm who represented him?
  9. I'm a registered independent that leans left on social issues and right on fiscal. So my opinion on Trump is admittedly biased against him. But this is dumb. He's now selling NFTs? To take more money? The hats/flags/signs/shirts/coffee mugs aren't generating enough of a revenue stream?
  10. I have two daughters that play softball and come from a softball heavy town in Nebraska. Is there a reason why NU doesn't sign any players in state? There are division one players in the state. Heck, the Nebraska Gold team won a National Championship (with Bahl), but not one player from that team is playing for Nebraska.
  11. Going back to my pre-birth classes the Mrs. and I took, the first 4 weeks of pregnancy is the time between the last cycle and the missed period. My bad if I'm remembering wrong.
  12. Maybe Kelly doing that cheezy photo shoot with him with the 360 camera will scare him off from LSU.
  13. The problem is, they are a car crash. Statistically they are outliers, very much on their own. But they are loud. They say and do things that get them attention. That attention is getting them paid, as far as campaign contributions. They are finding a lot of people who think like them, thus reinforcing their rhetoric.
  14. @admo Are you equating Biden to Hitler? Or is this a dig a Time? Genuinely asking.
  15. You have to think most rational people would hope she gets primaried. I'm 100% for Freedom of Speech. It allows people like MTG to reveal what they believe. The onus is on her constituents to decide if those beliefs align with their own.
  16. Do you think this was a situation that Clemson told him to commit now or they were moving on? Thus speeding up his original timetable. Or was the Omar Brown commitment us moving on ahead of time?
  17. My hope is other clown shows will see the futility in these "Audits" and decide not to do them. I just want this put to bed and for people to stop spreading mistrust in our democracy.
  18. https://www.azmirror.com/2021/09/23/arizona-audit-finds-biden-won-by-more-votes-and-no-evidence-of-fraud/ So it looks like today they report their findings.
  19. She was a pretty interesting person. Used to get a flocked Christmas Tree and have it mounted upside down from the ceiling.
  20. So he preemptively conceded the loss in the election and gave reasons BEFORE the election was held about the amount of fraud? Cited fraud detection used in Russia, Venezuela and Iran. Sounds like someone didn't put the date right in the build for auto-updating/posting. YIKES.
  21. Maybe, maybe not. This photo just shows him smiling with kids. Some of which like hats. Hats of his recently defeated opponent. But all still smiling none the less. Have a good rest of your day.
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