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Everything posted by ColoNoCoHusker

  1. Does this remind anyone else of Dave Matthews & Walbridge from Don't Mess with the Zohan???
  2. When houses out here have lost their charters, the members were usually allowed to stay until the end of the lease on the building or until they graduate if owned by the chapter. Since it is an interim suspension, they are fine until end of the semester at least.
  3. Well, take my scenario to a (very) possible endgame: schools are the lifeblood of small towns. If rural schools and school districts are forced to consolidate due to students going to charter schools, those small rural towns become smaller and smaller until they disappear. BUT ... if the small towns disappear into urban areas then everybody becomes liberal snowflakes and we never again see the likes of Trump. Ironic? Corporations will be given one vote per share of common stock to offset the imbalance...
  4. The biggest Republican state politician in support of vouchers in Co has been pushing it for 20+ years. His vision for rural education is basically turning rural schools into cube farms of online education... His position is laughable that urban schools need more teachers but rural schools need less. So many from the urban areas buy into it tho
  5. There are State/Federal subsidies that get apportioned as well to help address the cost issues in rural districts. As urban districts lose students and/or as charter schools increase, there will be more competition for those funds. Typically this competition works against rural schools. At the heart of most school voucher/choice programs is the ability to funnel public funds to private schools and decreasing the net total amount given to public schools.
  6. Everyone is covering your other points so I'll take a stab at your policy question... I don't see how this would be good for rural districts. Typically, those that are proponents of rural education have a background/history/career in education and exposure to the challenges rural districts face. Every model I have seen for school voucher/choice structures ends up hurting rural districts at least indirectly by funneling a higher portion of funds towards areas with more school choices. The lower density an area, the fewer schools to choose from, the less $$ ends up being available. This is not guaranteed but I have yet to see a model proposed that avoids funneling dollars or State/Federal subsidies away from rural districts. If the Sec of Ed has no idea on how Public Ed works, is he/she going to surround themselves with those that do? Will any of those people be advocates to address the challenges unique to rural districts? It doesn't seem likely from what is available so far...
  7. At what point, I wonder, does the White House start ordering book burnings? I'm sure Trump is just praying out loud for spontaneous combustion to solve it...
  8. NCAA is loath to implement death penalty in D1 football/basketball. If you look at non-D1 death penalties, it also includes willful patterns of wrongdoing or specifically egregious behavior... The reason stated for PSU not getting it was they took corrective action. As it has been discussed the last several years, the threshold for "repeat offender" can be retroactive. In 2015 school did X, investigation in 2016 finds school also did X in 2014, & 2013. Under current interpretation, that would satisfy the repeat offender rule for the death penalty but the measure for D1 is whether the school is taking appropriate corrective action.
  9. I suggest reading the letter in the link. Also, this: Once again, it's important to read what's actually at stake. This was akin to the "Terror watch list" no fly fiasco. I would like to see firearm reform and I personally support keeping firearms out of the hands of the mentally ill. However, Saunders45 & the ACLU are correct in supporting the bill. The threshold for needing/having/being appointed a representative payee is the inability to manage one's own finances. It's a pretty low-bar to get an SSA representative payee and makes anyone in this category automatically mentally ill or disabled. We have gone through this for family members and it was much easier than getting a power of attorney. Having an SSA representative payee making someone classified as mentally ill/disabled is a miscarriage of our SSA system. IMO, this bill would be like using your IRS records to determine employability. It could be accurate but more often it would lead to the wrong conclusion. In any case, the system was not built for that purpose and there are better sources to use. https://www.ssa.gov/payee/ https://www.ssa.gov/payee/faqrep.htm
  10. They are two completely different, unrelated processes. Impeachment is the process used to remove POTUS or other official from office. For POTUS, the House votes to impeach the POTUS. If it passes by majority, the POTUS is now "impeached" meaning charges are brought against POTUS. After impeachment, the POTUS goes on trial in the Senate; conviction (2/3 majority vote) means removal from office. When most people discuss the issue of "impeachment", they are talking about "impeachment (House) & conviction (Senate)". Other than the above, the POTUS cannot be indicted on charges while in office. Nixon resigned before the House did anything and Ford issued the pardon preventing any indictments. Censure is a public & formal reprimand or statement of disapproval. In Clinton's case it was undertaken after they failed to muster enough votes for impeachment. It's a totally separate vote and process with no direct consequence for POTUS.
  11. Do they discuss the Ethics statements/EO issued by the previous POTUS' that Trump refused to issue? Pretty telling from the get go... Moiraine - A lot of us have identified this since the day after the election. It's amazing the fodder amassed in only a couple months: Just since he took office, he has created valid legal arguments for every basis...
  12. A couple I bought when they were first published: Rereading this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrique%27s_Journey Reading this for the first time; amazing the similarities to 80 years ago... https://books.google.com/books/about/Decade_of_Betrayal.html?id=f0ftCgAAQBAJ&source=kp_cover&hl=en
  13. We need all the idiots in politics, apparently
  14. I'm cool with an official language as long as it's either Anglish or Ol' English. Anything else has been done already... PS: I'd be cool with Galactic Basic or Klingon if those are options...
  15. Well, I am happy that VV, Zoogs, & NM11046 are happy... ;)

  16. I can agree with this. Even when I know it's happening it happens.
  17. Sandboxie is a PITA to setup/maintain. Seamless mode with Virtualbox/KVM or Unity mode with VMWare is much easier without the inconvenience... Also makes migrating to Linux super easy...
  18. You always did strike me as more of a Zima Clearmalt fan
  19. Maybe they should make their mass-market beer taste better. I know Coors is in denial on that; gotta assume AB is as well. The root of the problem is people not buying the beer; not that the beer is no longer worth buying... lol
  20. I knew they lost a ton of market share last year and were trying to figure out how to attract more millenials. This is what they came up with for their marketing campaign for the next year? Hmm...
  21. So Zoogs finally has a day off from this place??? lol

    1. zoogs


      Haha! I'm actually reasonably ambivalent about the results of this one. Catching as much of it as I can, though, and still rooting for the Pats.

  22. Can't get the video to play. Is Budweiser just riding the general wave of immigration discussion or they going a step further (even softly)?
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