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Count 'Bility

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Everything posted by Count 'Bility

  1. CM is only trying to offset his own stupidity and his own ignorance, both of which are obvious to wven the most rare of reader, by taking this fake, self riteous, highand mightier than thou, defend the players at all costs approach.
  2. Lazzaris. Yay or nay?

    1. teachercd


      Its awesome!! And not liberal or conservative

  3. This is not you being the person Mr. Rogers thinks you can be. Im being factual. it happened. You think sh#t aint gonna happen cuz CNN stuck camera in her face and did nothing to take it away went she went all nutso?No, but you calling a woman a bitch, was that necessary? the bitch on cnn advocating ppl be killed over this? yes. I called her a bitch. and ill do it a thousand times over. And i'd do it to her face if she were standing. She's a worthless bitch.
  4. It's the one on Nov. 1. I was on my phone on break at work. Didn't see the date. Wasn't trying to hide the source. I was just curious. wanted to be sure i wasnt missing it. in another words, this story is getting spun all over the place as something that just happened because of Trump election.
  5. This is not you being the person Mr. Rogers thinks you can be. Im being factual. it happened. You think sh#t aint gonna happen cuz CNN stuck camera in her face and did nothing to take it away went she went all nutso?
  6. I once saw a fat bitch on cnn say there would be casualties on both sides.
  7. http://www.jsonline.com/story/news/2016/10/31/uw-stout-student-dies-after-assault/93091678/ Is it this one? the one that was beat up on Oct 30? or this one?..... http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2016/11/01/saudi-student-assaulted-wisconsin-dies-his-injuries/93101338/ where he actually died on Nov 1. Actually. I think those are the same one. Help me out here. https://www.google.com/search?q=saudi+student+murdered+in+wisonsin&oq=saudi+student+murdered+in+wisonsin&aqs=chrome..69i57.7839j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  8. Unify America. Give a trump protester a diaper and a binky today.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. macroboy


      I was at the Denver protests last night. Amazing! Purely amazing.

    3. macroboy


      And I went to work today. It really isn't that hard to figure out.

    4. ZRod


      Today is the second holiday Inhave off this week...

  9. racist and bigot as terms have become so watered down by all this, i pity people who are really victims of them.
  10. Snoop dog wants to move to Canada. Will they let him in?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NUance


      But when Snoop gets off his couch and finds out they legalized bud in Cali he'll want to stay.

    3. Redux


      Canada has all those immigration laws that Trump wants to install.....so no, he won't get in.

    4. GSG



  11. everyone look over here. over here. gun control. See? gun control. over here. No dont look over there. There's no gun issue there. it's over there. the real problem. Here gun control. *proceeds to slide a bunch of unknown sh#t under the table and not a damn thing done about guns* Ok. over here. health care. We're dealing with health care here. gonna be free, so pay attention. health care for everyone. exciting, aint it?. see **god knows what other sh#t is in that umpteen thousand page disgrace**
  12. Calexit? LOL. Bye Felicia

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. ColoNoCoHusker


      If it means finally stopping all the Cali immigrants to Colo, where do I sign?

    3. WoodyHayes1951


      I'm all for it. The more time you spend on the coasts the less in touch with reality you become.

    4. The Dude

      The Dude

      They really are taking all your jobs.

  13. You're just going to go ahead and label anyone decrying Trump as jobless individuals living off the government? I'm going to go ahead and make the same sweeping generalization and label you a close-minded bigot. you already have. like days ago. Whatever you say Adolf. see. that was easy.
  14. You're just going to go ahead and label anyone decrying Trump as jobless individuals living off the government? I'm going to go ahead and make the same sweeping generalization and label you a close-minded bigot. you already have. like days ago.
  15. They threw their little tantrum. Got their attention. Now it's time to get back to work. Oh wait. n/m. Ooohhhhhh. that's why theyre so upset. They know the teat's comin out.
  16. New polls show Hillary's lead is growing.

  17. PC. He should be nicey nice for the sake of it, cuz we have ppl who cant handle the truth in a proper way? Dont say this or that, cuz such and such might us it to overreach and generalize? lot of reaching goin on in here. im out. good chats fellas. I'll go back to being a happy delusional uneducated guy from podunk i guess. Enjoy being miserable over nothing.
  18. so there are no bad ppl coming across the border from Mexico? The problem with his statements is that he says..."They aren't sending the good ones, folks". Well, there is one hell of a big load of BS about that statement. I personally know some very very very good people who are hispanic immigrants that raise great families, participate in the community and America is better for them being here. But....all he has to say is we are getting a bunch of rapist and murderers. he did? he said that? guess i dont see it. never heard it. so it's assumption. interpretation. If you, and other people, wanna take it that way, so be it.
  19. Irresponsibly xenophobic fear-mongering. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2016/jul/14/gary-johnson/mexican-immigrants-more-law-abiding/ cool. But i never saw in there that all are law abiding. I also never saw anywhere where Trump said "all mexicans are bad hombres". See what's happening? spin mode in warp speed?
  20. so there are no bad ppl coming across the border from Mexico?
  21. Educators telling other kids that hate speech and bullying is NOT allowed is not partisan. It's being a leader in the school and showing that those actions are not tolerated. I'm pretty dang sure the students would not be allowed to chant that in our school. Nor mine. For one it's just simple misbehavior against the rules. Unless raucous chants are allowed there.
  22. these frickin tools were this way before Trump. They think trump though gives them a right to act this way. It's sad that theyre stupid enough to think that is the case. This is what i mean by extreme idiots on both ends of the spectrum being a problem.
  23. It's also my right in the face of stupid "f#*k trump" chants to call them complete idiots and only doing severe damage to their beliefs and cause. Theyre idiots.
  24. Fair enough. But I want a President who's a little bit better, a little bit smarter, and a little bit tougher than "most people." If that makes me heartless, so be it. : I agree that a President should be better, smarter, and more in command of his/her emotions. The last aspect concerns me about Trump, but I could be overreacting, and he could be fine. Oh, don't get me started about Trump. The man is an egotistical jackass of epic proportions. My only hope is that Pence is able to adequately run the country while Trump is out grandstanding to get attention. (And I don't have a whole lot of confidence in Pence's abilities either.) But this thread isn't about the egotistical jackass of epic proportions that we elected. It's about Hillary and her surprising reaction in defeat. Surprising to me anyway, because I've long thought toughness in the face of adversity was one of her traits. I have to say I agree with you on this. Her reaction and lack of ability to get up in front of her supporters that night was a big surprise to me. And....like some have said...pretty classless and disrespectful of those waiting for her. It is almost a middle finger to everyone who supported her and saying...."who gives a crap about you anymore...I obviously don't need you now". I dont think that is rational. could be true. but i dont see it that way. I think they really thought is was ok to play "wait and see" as the counts continued to come in, probably waiting till morning. So they told all the folks that it would be best to go home. Then it was a short time later that Penn was called and it was a done deal. Its easy to assume that based on how things were going, actually calling Penn is something not many expected to actually happen. Well at that point, what's she supposed to do? Call everybody back to celebrate a loss? There's some reaching here to paint Hillary as bad because these reasons. I dont take issues with any of this (of course my guy won right? LOL)
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