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Everything posted by Cdog923

  1. Ryan Reynolds was attached to play Connor MacLeod for a long time. If they want someone Scottish, and want to do a good job, go for James McAvoy
  2. I agree about Seth Rogan; my favorite parts of his are when he's a supporting character i.e., 40 Year Old Virgin (which is the only Apatow-written vehicle I enjoy) or Superbad. I did mildly enjoy Zack and Miri, but I think that's more to do with Kevin Smith. And Highlander is an awesome movie. The TV series is a guilty pleasure of mine, too.
  3. That's more of a Luke Wilson/Vince Vaughn movie, though.
  4. I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers. My wife might, though.
  5. Judd Apatow isn't funny. Neither is Seth Rogan. Will Ferrell has exactly two funny movies. The Office is horrible. Parks and Rec runs circles around it.
  6. Infinity War just got moved up to April 27th. 

    1. RedDenver


      Why? Was the original date conflicting with another big movie?

    2. Cdog923


      There's no conflict; I'm assuming they moved it up for a global release; it was already being released the 27th in Europe. This way, they can both market it that way, and help avoid spoilers for Americans for a week. 

    3. VectorVictor


      What CDog said. And it sounds as though there will be significant spoilers in Avengers 3: The Avengening (e.g. Kree/Skrull War--characters not who they actually said they were the whole time, characters dying, the location of the Soul Stone (I'm wagering it's on or part of the yellowish planet we've seen in the trailers). 


      Good move by DisMarvel--not sure why they even bothered with different release dates in the past, unless it's a logistics thing. 



  7. Yep; gonna have to pull it up when I get home, especially if it's that Upton picture.
  8. Yea, your explanation in your next post superseded my snark. Your image is blocked, so I'm going to assume it's either a giant thumbs up, or Kate Upton dancing on a beach.
  9. If it's an issue of Decker being the guy, but not being able to practice, get Rairdon the reps. If you're going to move him with the intent of keeping him there, then move him.
  10. Guess that would have sucked for the most successful team on campus, up until a couple of years ago.
  11. According to RPIForecast's Wizard: - a win over Michigan would bump the RPI to 43, and SOS to 95. - a win over Iowa would bump the RPI to 55, and SOS to 105 - a loss to Michigan would move the RPI to 60. - a loss to Iowa would cause lots of drinking, and people possible jumping into the Missouri River.
  12. This is honestly what they should have done; the community could still have done the in-depth roster edits they do every year.
  13. Looking forward to watching the Huskers play in NYC: a concrete jungle where dreams are made of. 

    1. Scarlet Overkill

      Scarlet Overkill

      Thanks a lot for getting that song stuck in my head.

  14. I don't know if anyone is disputing this. What we are disputing, however, is that you speak for every farmer when you deny the thought that one of them could have smoked a bowl before setting the GPS on their combine this morning.
  15. I agree with point #1; it's incredibly disingenuous to the spirit of the game for a smaller conference team to dominate their regular season, but not make the tournament if they don't win their conference tournament. Point #2 is pretty much already done; if you're in the top 4 of a Power Conference, you're almost guaranteed to make the tournament.....although this year could be the exception to the rule.
  16. Depends on how the team is being addressed: for me, I prefer "Nebraska Cornhuskers" if they're throwing the name of the University in, or just "Huskers" if it's being used as a standalone.
  17. Cattlemen, as everyone knows, are the arbiters of all knowledge.
  18. Who? I'm not seeing any offers to anyone from Casper College.
  19. How many teams are going to have a true Center, though? That's a problem that needs to be corrected with coaching and game planning, as our best lineup this year (and probably) is with a true center on the bench.
  20. He has been playing a ton better since he came back. His left handed hook shot is becoming his go-to move in the post.
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