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Everything posted by HuskerNCo

  1. Oh Knapplc- this is so not like you...what has come over you? Oh what the hell... go get 'em... and GO BIG RED!!!
  2. Congrats to you and your wife. My advice, speaking as a mom, would be help out as much as you can...wash bottles, do laundry, hold the baby (don't worry, I promise he will not break! lol) Expect life as you know it to be quite a bit different, in the best of ways though. Again congrats to both of you and I hope you are blessed with a happy healthy baby. GO BIG RED! My daughter was watching NE vs UCLA in '87 the day she came home from the hospital with her momma
  3. Good deal. Merry Christmas and enjoy your family.
  4. Bought and paid for actually...I can't explain the specifics but he is just one of many that were bought for their vote for this stupid assine waste of time massively expensive piece of sh#t legislation... it is all over talk radio out here in CO.
  5. Let us know where and how many $$$ are needed. I'll help.
  6. as usual you are just so damn helpful aren't cha....
  7. I don't know...who wouldn't want to get away from the constant never-ending, whining, bitching, complaining, demanding, 'it's not good enough', 'we are nebraska' crap that is going on. Be it offense or defense...can't blame him if he were to leave... just saying...
  8. BigWillie....I luv you...thanks for bringing reason to the board...appreciated. ok continue on.....
  9. How freaking cool would it be if he actually won the damn thing! I am totally digging all the press the Huskers are getting. Go Big Red!
  10. Never ever ever ever ever happen nor should it.
  11. Thanks for posting this not that anyone is going to stop with all the hate. I want Wats kept on staff.
  12. Yepper there are lots of girls on here...
  13. I've been listening too. Waiting patiently. If he would quit with the Tiger Woods bs and get to the important stuff already I would be a happy girl.
  14. Best player won!! YEAH BABY!!! CONGRATS TO SUH!!! GO BIG RED!!!
  15. We always want more. We are Huskers fans. That's what we do! GO BIG RED!!!
  16. GO BIG RED!!!!!!!!!! 7 HOURS AND COUNTING!!!
  17. Sounds like a plan to me. Don't care how we win just win. GO BIG RED!!!
  18. STFU DO NOT RUIN MY BUZZ thank you very much....
  19. Very cool!! Enjoy the game tomorrow and all the excitment that goes along with it! GO BIG RED!!!
  20. Then maybe he should have followed the rules while in school. Maybe he would not be where he is now. AND do not tell me he did not know the rules AND do not tell me he had no one to go to. B F'N S. He had his college education right in front of him and pissed it away. Only one to blame for that is Thunder. He had plenty of people to go to for help if he so choose. He didn't. Don't defend him. You can't. Any of the kids that get a full ride scollie and freaking blow it are stupid. To freaking bad. Please don't bother to respond. I know what is right and what is wrong. Thunder is wrong. He had the right intentions but made ALL THE WRONG CHOICES.
  21. The spot usually is the Millenium Harvest House off 28th on the west side. Also, if you can get there, go to the Mall and park in the underground parking for free no one checks and it is just a short walk to the MHH.
  22. never said it was going to be a pain. I've lived here for over 20 years and trust me I can hold my own. Don't hand me poor Thunder. He knew what the rules were when he got here. Good for him trying to take care of his brother but his actions don't justify his intentions. Poor Thunder my ass.
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