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Everything posted by commando

  1. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/davidmack/tallahassee-yoga-shooter-incel-far-right-misogyny-video?bftwnews&utm_term=4ldqpgc#4ldqpgc
  2. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2018/11/federal-judge-lets-north-dakota-republicans-block-native-americans-from-voting.html
  3. maybe a bit off topic......but isn't the correct term concertina wire instead of barbed wire? or is concertina a type of barbed wire?
  4. i supported his move to make bump stocks illegal. unfortunately he backed out of that promise.
  5. big jump from 1 potential liar to all women are liars. and breitbart is as respectable as the national enquirer. find a better source to link to. not saying your info is bad...just your source.
  6. lol....you linked a breitbart article. now i know where you get your fake news.
  7. hmmm...first time ohio state has punted against us in 3 years. does that mean our defense is improving by some small degree?
  8. kk....today we are going to see who can have the most serious WTF moment in the entire college football world.
  9. who was that womnan....i recall the name of the main accuser ford...and there were a couple others that were dismissed early...was she 1 of those?
  10. hmmm....suddenly the "fartenberry" joke takes on a whole new meaning.
  11. huskers 35 buckeyes 31 pass 224 rush 268
  12. he also took them off the terrorist watch list. but there are no dog whistles....nope...none at all.
  13. better to send armed troops with orders to shoot because the border patrol is overwhelmed by all the illegals invading our country ever since trump took over. it's much worse now than when obama was president
  14. yet you demonize the dems for it and pray at the alter of trump.
  15. of course he won't. it has obamas name on it. and he probably profits in some way from domestic terrorism. at least it frightens his "base" and keeps them in his pocket.
  16. son goes in for surgery today for broken bones suffered last friday night in football game.   he is bummed that he is likely going to miss basketball season so any prayers and well wishes can't hurt.  thanks in advance huskerboard

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      Yeah, bones pretty much take a minimum set time to heal. The variable is how long it takes him to get back to where he can really use it and push it. He's young so I would guess the time required will be on the low end. My son spiral fractured his tibia playing hockey. They told him 8 weeks before he could play again and he was back on the ice in about 4-5 weeks and in games by 6-7 weeks. It would've been 6 months (or never) for an old fart like me :lol:

    3. Scarlet Overkill

      Scarlet Overkill

      Tough break for your son.  Here's to the speedy recovery.  Attitude during the healing process makes a monumental difference, so he just needs to stay positive and all will be well before you know it.

    4. commando


      thanks again for all the well wishes.    he was determined to get to the game tonight and he made it and he still got to be a captain for the coin toss.   he is with the team for the after game meal so he must have handled the pain well.  

  17. i can understand that. that would explain why i had not heard him say anything before.
  18. to paraphrase bruce springsteen....they could be blinded by the alt right
  19. he is willfully missing that point...or so blinded by his trumpism that he CAN'T see that point.
  20. angry violent letist professor at UNL in trouble for liking a fart joke. the party that claims to protect free campus speech tries to get him fired
  21. so it's horrible when democrats do it...and commendable when trump does it? am i missing something?
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