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Status Replies posted by BIG ERN

  1. Stanley Jean-Baptiste is now a defensive back and wearing #16

  2. Will Blatchford hit the bench when Dennard returns?

  3. Jerry Kill head coach for Minny just collapsed on the side line at the end of the game. Not looking good

  4. Those of you who have Showtime I would suggest watching the Tillman Story. Such a tragedy and I will always remember Tillman for what he gave up to serve our country!!!

  5. John Ritchie on ESPN First Take... "Bill Callahan is the best Oline coach in the NFL." It's too weird to hear that.

  6. Im still waiting for Heard to pull slightly ahead of the pack this saturday

  7. I would love to see Penn State upset Alabama this Saturday. It could happen. Really.

  8. What are we hunting.....

  9. Ankrah starting over Martin

  10. Wondering if anyone has sat in Row B. Seeing if it too close or better because its so close. Thanks

  11. Wondering if anyone has sat in Row B. Seeing if it too close or better because its so close. Thanks

  12. Are we recruiting Kimbo Slice's son for football? lol

  13. Casey Anthony found: Not Guilty, didn't report her daughter missing for a whole month. Why dont they do the whole lie detector test

  14. Why was Wiz Kalifa wearing a Husker hat at the BET awards?

  15. Why was Wiz Kalifa wearing a Husker hat at the BET awards?

  16. Why was Wiz Kalifa wearing a Husker hat at the BET awards?

  17. If Nebraska wins the ESPN Tradition Battle, What happens with the thousands of copies of ncaa 2011 that UNL would get?

  18. What a comeback by Kongo! Craziest fight I have ever seen.

  19. Happy Birthday Tupac!

  20. NCAA 12 preview of Huskers vs. Buckeyes

  21. Incoming NU walk-on QB Tyson Broekemeier set a slew of records last night in Shrine Bowl. http://omaha.com/article/20110604/HIGHSCHOOLS/706049801/-1#south-puts-on-a-show-in-shrine-bowl

  22. Jeremy Stephens is butt hurt because Danny Downes didnt blink at UFC: TUF 13 weigh in.. GO DANNY BOY!

  23. Jim Tressel resigned.

  24. SEC, Oregon, and Ohio St. Investigations on traveling 7-on-7 teams where coaches pay other coaches to sway decisions. Nothing new

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