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I really want to beat Wisconsin now

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I am not going to debate the politics of it and rarely do my politics interfere with my football but seeing all those cocky little Wiskysh*t students invade Capital square and the capital rotunda in Madison really makes me want to see Nebraska wipe the floor with them for more than one reason.

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Im sorry i don't see what Wisconsin politics have to do with Big Ten football...


The only reason i want to see the Huskers beat the Badgers this year is to start the Big Red Rivalry on the right note with the TRUE Big Red winning the first game.

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You'd be pissed too if you were taking a paycut, with little chance for future raises because you are unable to even talk about them with your boss.

Don't join a union that constrains you to follow in line w/ the other thousands of employees then. Unions award the underperforming with job security, and consequently fail to award high performers. If you're in the high performer group - don't be in a union. If you're in the underperforming group, pay your dues enjoy the status quo.


Why do you think teachers are on salary schedules? (hint: unions) Teacher of the year for the state of Nebraska gets the same compesation as the teacher the district is attempting to fire but can't without a year's worth of documentation. The children ultimately pay the price.


If businesses were run this way they'd fail (oh wait, large numbers of them recently did)

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A public union employee, a tea party activist, and a CEO are sitting at a table with a plate of a dozen cookies in the middle of it.


The CEO takes 11 cookies, turns to the tea partier and says, 'Watch out for that union guy. He wants a piece of your cookie.' "

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A public union employee, a tea party activist, and a CEO are sitting at a table with a plate of a dozen cookies in the middle of it.


The CEO takes 11 cookies, turns to the tea partier and says, 'Watch out for that union guy. He wants a piece of your cookie.' "


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All through high school and college I worked for sole proprietorship businesses. I was usually working right along side the owner.


It was difficult when I graduated and started working at a mega corp. I am now on my third mega corp. I don't enjoy it is as much as being along side the owner, but it has it's perks. I receive a reasonable wage and great benefits.


The whole CEO and mega corp argument for me is tiring. The last company I worked for had 65,000 employees. Everybody wants to bitch that the CEO made $3 million. Who cares.

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All through high school and college I worked for sole proprietorship businesses. I was usually working right along side the owner.


It was difficult when I graduated and started working at a mega corp. I am now on my third mega corp. I don't enjoy it is as much as being along side the owner, but it has it's perks. I receive a reasonable wage and great benefits.


The whole CEO and mega corp argument for me is tiring. The last company I worked for had 65,000 employees. Everybody wants to bitch that the CEO made $3 million. Who cares.

It may be tiring to you, but it is the #1 reason why the economy is a train wreck. 90% of the money is in 1% of the hands. Since the 80s the average wage has been damn near stagnant. But the CEO pay has gone up several hundred percent. If the CEOs all made something along the lines of no more than 20 times that of the lowest paid employee(which would have an operation with min wage workers limited to about 302,000) and spread all the exec and CEO money out across the rest of the workers, we would be on the way to righting the economy. Unfortunately the exec and CEO level are so greedy that they would sooner see the entire world economy collapse than have to only own one home.

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I enjoy the irony. This guy gets punched, the douche behind him is holding a "FAKE NEWS" sign in the background, and the people (who sooooooooo wish that they were in the streets during the '68 DNC) to the right holding the "Be nice, The World is Watching" sign. Why would anyone take these people, or their demands, seriously when they act in this manner? If you're going to protest, protest in the correct manner instead of this childish manner.



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