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Occupy Wall Street

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And knappic, that's cool you have a job. Now look at the rest of the country. Don't extrapolate your personal situation to make a generalization.


I have yet to talk to an Occupier here in Lincoln that doesn't have a job. I don't believe joblessness is a prerequisite for Occupying.

i can personally vouch for knapplc on this one.

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I've attended and offered material support to the local Occupy movement. I did so because I agree that there is a partnership between people with money and our elected officials and that this partnership is hurting our country. It needs to be pruned back. I also very strongly support citizens' right to peaceful assembly and oppose all the BS permit requirements that are meant to make it extremely difficult for citizens to exercise that right........


Not until they get a handle on this dangerous sub-group within the movement that sees fellow protestors as expendable PR opportunities.

Calla, thank you for your insightful analysis, none of this surprises me one bit. People of this ilk enjoy inciting violence to gain exposure and sympathy as if they are some sort of victim. Sadpeople, for sure.


The problem you are going to have is that in this forum, you have to link it to an Internet article/blog/op-ed/propaganda piece for it to have any validity. Common sense, simple intelligence, and real life experience be damned. Because as everyone knows, if it’s on the internet, it’s REAL, and if it’s not on the net, it’s cannot under any circumstances be real.


Dr. King and his protestors were assembling peacefully and were beaten, arrested and prosecuted by the police because the police disagreed with their agenda - NOT because they had broken a law. There is a direct parallel between Dr. King's movement and this movement, and it's not even a leap in logic. Two groups of peaceful protestors rousted by the cops. This isn't a situation of "I can't see the parallel," it's clearly, "I don't want to see the parallel." Remove your head from the sand and see what's really going on.


74, are you even bothering to read the articles in your google results? You should. They paint a FAR different picture than the one you're peddling.


Knapp, did I read every single one of those, no, but I thumbed through them enough to get some details. Do I care if some of the articles support the OWS movement? No, not really, because I don’t have an agenda either for or against them. Did I read your linked articles to the Dr. King situation, no. I understand what his movement did, how they were treated, etc, I learned that many times, years ago in numerous history classes. Would the article you linked offer more information and possibly a different perspective, I’m sure.


Frankly, and this is by no means meant to be a shot at you, I have a life and I don’t have the time to sit behind a computer all day reading articles. Doing things like putting in my 40+ hours per week, being a taxpayer, home renovations, cooking, cleaning, yard work, paying bills, going to the gym 4 to 5 days a week, a social life outside of the internet, hunting, fishing, time with family and friends, and spending the 3 hours a week I actually watch TV on a Husker game either more important or more enjoyable to me. I catch my news on the run, usually while making dinner, putting together my lunch for the next day, or getting my work and gym clothes for the next day lined up and put together. As you may have noticed, I don’t post much on here since HB was blocked from work. I rarely do it at night or weekends, and when I do post during the day, it’s from my droid, which is slow and cumbersome. I don’t have time for all that.


Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get my yard cleaned up before midnight. Have a wonderful evening.

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This might be hurtful . . . but I don't care if you take me seriously. I'm a registered independent who might end up being pushed into the Democratic party by the Bagger craziness that has infected the GOP. Not ready to take that step yet but I do wish that I could vote in a primary. No doubt which party I would pick if I were forced to make that decision today. Not sure how that is disingenuous but I suppose people will see what they want to see.


Yeah, sure, blame the Tea Party for your possible shift in philosophy. If you are that weak in your convictions, it speaks of your character.


Not the Tea Party per se, but the whole direction of the party. My convictions didn't change; the GOP changed. A party that rejects anyone who approaches moderation has no place for me. The GOP is no longer the party of Lincoln . . . hell . . . for that matter they are no longer the party of Reagan. They are the party of Palin/Perry/Cain/Limbaugh. Is there any wonder why the GOP will be tailing off with the deaths of the boomers?


Enjoy your GOP extremism and personal attacks.


What about the Democratic party leaving the Democratic party of Sam Nunn, Scoop Jackson, JFK, Truman and even HHH or even Bill Clinton :dunno ? Talk about extreme - we have leftist extremists running that party now.

lol. Like who? With examples of their extremism please.

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And knappic, that's cool you have a job. Now look at the rest of the country. Don't extrapolate your personal situation to make a generalization.


I have yet to talk to an Occupier here in Lincoln that doesn't have a job. I don't believe joblessness is a prerequisite for Occupying.


I wasn't implying that it is. I was replying to this post:


If they are stacking the deck, making it impossible for me to acquire security and comfort, then I would see it as much more of a problem. But the 1% aren't preventing me from gaining wealth. I could conceive of a brilliant idea tomorrow and become wealthy. I could continue to earn a modest but comfortable wage in my current career. If they're not attacking my (and your) ability to live, why do I care how much money they have?


So because you aren't personally being negatively affected, there's no problem?

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Talk about extreme - we have leftist extremists running that party now.


Serious question... please name the "leftist extremists" who are running that party.


Note: Even one will do!


lol. Like who? With examples of their extremism please.


It seems that I'm not the only one questioning this!

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I was replying to this post:


If they are stacking the deck, making it impossible for me to acquire security and comfort, then I would see it as much more of a problem. But the 1% aren't preventing me from gaining wealth. I could conceive of a brilliant idea tomorrow and become wealthy. I could continue to earn a modest but comfortable wage in my current career. If they're not attacking my (and your) ability to live, why do I care how much money they have?


So because you aren't personally being negatively affected, there's no problem?



Note I said "much more of a problem," not that there is no problem. I am being personally affected. My taxes went to bail out some of these 1% businesses, and we're never going to see much of that money again.



I don't not support these people. But I don't see that their movement is going to do anything to make things better. Maybe if they get a more cohesive message I'll understand what they're trying to do better. But Capitalism inevitably breeds 1 percenters. Short of tearing down our societal foundations, they're not going to change much.

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I was replying to this post:


If they are stacking the deck, making it impossible for me to acquire security and comfort, then I would see it as much more of a problem. But the 1% aren't preventing me from gaining wealth. I could conceive of a brilliant idea tomorrow and become wealthy. I could continue to earn a modest but comfortable wage in my current career. If they're not attacking my (and your) ability to live, why do I care how much money they have?


So because you aren't personally being negatively affected, there's no problem?



Note I said "much more of a problem," not that there is no problem. I am being personally affected. My taxes went to bail out some of these 1% businesses, and we're never going to see much of that money again.



I don't not support these people. But I don't see that their movement is going to do anything to make things better. Maybe if they get a more cohesive message I'll understand what they're trying to do better. But Capitalism inevitably breeds 1 percenters. Short of tearing down our societal foundations, they're not going to change much.



Of course there will always be people in the top 1%. :) This is about having the gap between that top 1% and the rest being so large. AND the overall wealth.

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I don't not support these people. But I don't see that their movement is going to do anything to make things better. Maybe if they get a more cohesive message I'll understand what they're trying to do better. But Capitalism inevitably breeds 1 percenters. Short of tearing down our societal foundations, they're not going to change much.


By the nature of statistics there will always be one percenters.


The question is... how much of the nations wealth will/should they control?


And what percentage of the population is suffering due to losses of home and other basic services, and will the rest of the 99% care about their plight?

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By the nature of statistics there will always be one percenters.


The question is... how much of the nations wealth will/should they control?


And what percentage of the population is suffering due to losses of home and other basic services, and will the rest of the 99% care about their plight?



How can we, in a Capitalist society, have any say in how much wealth our neighbors own? Do I get to decide how wealthy you can be?

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How can we, in a Capitalist society, have any say in how much wealth our neighbors own? Do I get to decide how wealthy you can be?


Our government (with the consent of the people) can set the groundwork for an economic system that can go from the top 1% owning nearly 100% of the wealth (Fascist capitalism) to owning about 1% of the wealth (communistic socialism).


It is the role of the people to pick a government that will lay the groundwork for a government that creates a groundwork for the right economic mix of capitalism and socialism, while avoiding fascism and communism.


In my opinion and per the opinions of most OWS demonstrators, we have to much capitalism that is starting to overlap with facsism, and not enough socialism (for the people) in the mix. With the bank bailouts, there is plenty of socialism for the banks that were deemed too big to fail.

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Maybe this will clear some things up.




Granted it is only one news source and I am not a big fan of any major network but, take it for what it is worth.

I read that original report by Fox News. They neglected to mention that ACORN closed shop way back in 2010. Also, they featured a slide show of 7 pictures of all of these alleged ACORN members at OWS. If you look closely at the photos you might notice that the pictures were of the same 3 protesters from different angles. Fox, as usual, is desperately spinning a story to try to get it to fit within their narrative.


It's a lot easier to make a collateral attack on this sort of thing than to explain away why a clear majority of Americans support the OWS movement. Funny how Fox fails to focus on that sort of detail.

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