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"Not a true Christian"

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According to my future mother in law, unless your a part of her church, you are not christian.

Even though I'm lutheran, and was raised lutheran all through school.


Christians can be some of the meanest, most judgmental people in the world, all because some regard themselves as being superior because of their faith.

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The earliest canon I'm aware of--or have read about--was Marcion's canon. If memory serves, it was an edited version of Luke mixed with a handful of 'Paul's' epistles (ten or eleven of them). He also rejected the Hebrew bible in its entirety.




And while we seem to be in agreement, I'll toss my hat in anyway. I have about as much use for the 'acceptance of early church fathers' argument as I do the inspiration argument--none. The idea that an all powerful deity would inspire, compile, edit, dicate, or compose a book and the result of this event would be the confused garble available at fine bookstores everywhere is absurd. This to me was maybe the hardest pill of all to swallow. Maybe that's why I'm a heathen.


As literature I'm all about the bible. As divine testament...not so much.

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Technically the definition of Christian is one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Sometimes also called Christ followers.


Only God Himself can judge the heart.


Yes, and I believe this is kind of what brought the op to ask his question. If you go by this than Fred Phelps, Mormans, and things of that nature would be considered Christians. When I think of not "true" Christians that is what I think of. Its been said a lot in this thread that the only way to heaven is through Jesus. All judgement outside of that will be up to God.

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That raises the question of whether human acceptance means it is "right." And from that, do humans create religion? That answer creates more problems than it solves.


Per Roman Catholicism the Pope is Jesus' representative here on earth and can speak for Him in spiritual matters.


I was raised Lutheran. That Pope is just a dude to me. ;)


The Protestant Reformation did not come about until the 16th century. So if you were a western Christian before that, the odds were strong that you were a Roman Catholic.


The various heresies were put down with crusades and inquisitions during that time (Hussites excluded).


And that covers the time where the Bible was put together.

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The earliest canon I'm aware of--or have read about--was Marcion's canon. If memory serves, it was an edited version of Luke mixed with a handful of 'Paul's' epistles (ten or eleven of them). He also rejected the Hebrew bible in its entirety.




And while we seem to be in agreement, I'll toss my hat in anyway. I have about as much use for the 'acceptance of early church fathers' argument as I do the inspiration argument--none. The idea that an all powerful deity would inspire, compile, edit, dicate, or compose a book and the result of this event would be the confused garble available at fine bookstores everywhere is absurd. This to me was maybe the hardest pill of all to swallow. Maybe that's why I'm a heathen.


As literature I'm all about the bible. As divine testament...not so much.


Marcion was an interesting guy.


Later on he was branded as a heretic, he thought that the god of the Old Testament was not worth worshiping.

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The earliest canon I'm aware of--or have read about--was Marcion's canon. If memory serves, it was an edited version of Luke mixed with a handful of 'Paul's' epistles (ten or eleven of them). He also rejected the Hebrew bible in its entirety.




And while we seem to be in agreement, I'll toss my hat in anyway. I have about as much use for the 'acceptance of early church fathers' argument as I do the inspiration argument--none. The idea that an all powerful deity would inspire, compile, edit, dicate, or compose a book and the result of this event would be the confused garble available at fine bookstores everywhere is absurd. This to me was maybe the hardest pill of all to swallow. Maybe that's why I'm a heathen.


As literature I'm all about the bible. As divine testament...not so much.


Marcion was an interesting guy.


Later on he was branded as a heretic, he thought that the god of the Old Testament was not worth worshiping.

And he has a point. What with all the smiting, pillars of salt, and the whole 'I am a jealous God' and I'll punish you little mortal for all eternity if you don't worship me thing. That's more the attitude of a spoiled toddler.

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None of us that are human beings are "true Christians" without Christs sacrifice. In the Bible it states that no one goes before our Maker unless they go through Jesus who intercedes / interceded for us . Humans are one step above monkeys and without Christs sacrifices , our Maker looks at us as just that ; decrepit monkeys (which might explain the HMax crowd on their Cafe )...Not by human works , but by faith ...Through Christs sacrifices ...

And I will step up here and tell you I am one of the most decrepit monkey humans there is here ..

But believe Christ died for my sorry arse ..accept it and appreciate it ..


WWJD?? Would he continue to run around the web ripping people from other boards? Fellow Husker fans in fact. Don't fear, I'll help mentor you.

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WWJD?? Would he continue to run around the web ripping people from other boards? Fellow Husker fans in fact. Don't fear, I'll help mentor you.


Jesus would not rest until every person on the internet who is wrong has been properly beaten down.


As followers... it is our job to do likewise.

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WWJD?? Would he continue to run around the web ripping people from other boards? Fellow Husker fans in fact. Don't fear, I'll help mentor you.


Jesus would not rest until every person on the internet who is wrong has been properly beaten down.


As followers... it is our job to do likewise.


Well played!

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This is wrong. That is all.


This post is lacking detail. That is all.


Please explain what is wrong, and what the correct information would be.



The Pope is not, nor ever has been, Jesus' representative on the Earth, speaking for Him and on His behalf. This is not supported or substantiated by scripture.

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The earliest canon I'm aware of--or have read about--was Marcion's canon. If memory serves, it was an edited version of Luke mixed with a handful of 'Paul's' epistles (ten or eleven of them). He also rejected the Hebrew bible in its entirety.




And while we seem to be in agreement, I'll toss my hat in anyway. I have about as much use for the 'acceptance of early church fathers' argument as I do the inspiration argument--none. The idea that an all powerful deity would inspire, compile, edit, dicate, or compose a book and the result of this event would be the confused garble available at fine bookstores everywhere is absurd. This to me was maybe the hardest pill of all to swallow. Maybe that's why I'm a heathen.


As literature I'm all about the bible. As divine testament...not so much.


Marcion was an interesting guy.


Later on he was branded as a heretic, he thought that the god of the Old Testament was not worth worshiping.


He'd get no argument from me on that one.

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This is wrong. That is all.


This post is lacking detail. That is all.


Please explain what is wrong, and what the correct information would be.


The Pope is not, nor ever has been, Jesus' representative on the Earth, speaking for Him and on His behalf. This is not supported or substantiated by scripture.


The authority of the Pope is Roman Catholic dogma, and I am not a RC.


My point about the Pope was that if he declared a Bible in 400 CE... then for the western church that was the Bible.


Any other collection of books was just that... a collection of books.

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