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Gun Control


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Melbourne's Herald Sun newspaper reported that roses and a baseball were placed Monday on the home plate where Lane played as a youth with the message, "A wonderful young man taken too soon. Why?"

Former deputy prime minister Tim Fischer criticized the National Rifle Association and asked Australians to avoid the U.S. as a way to force its Congress to act on gun control.


"Tourists thinking of going to the USA should think twice," Fischer told the Herald Sun. "This is the bitter harvest and legacy of the policies of the NRA that even blocked background checks for people buying guns at gunshows. People should take this into account before going to the United States. I am deeply angry about this because of the callous attitude of the three teenagers (but) it's a sign of the proliferation of guns on the ground in the USA. There is a gun for almost every American."


Why isn't Al Sharpton down there, demanding justice?


Not sure what this has to do with gun control.

Think Trayvon Martin.

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Gun control? Hells to the NO. Absolutely, unequivocally NO. If you dont have the 2nd amendent, you dont have the 1st and then Nazi style fascism is busting down your door in the middle of the nightand you're, like, disappeared to some rendition camp in Syria. No folks, its already getting ugly out there, dont give up your guns. Self defense is an inherent, biological thing, even bees and beetles will kick your ass if you piss em off.


This guy got carted off--via SWAT raid-- to a fed cage just for expressing his 2nd amendment rights in D.C on the 4th of July. He sits there still. They are going after 'patriots', 'constitutionalists' in the U(Police)SA as we speak.


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When I interviewed in Nebraska this spring and thought for sure I was going to get hired (then they cancelled the req) I was looking at homes in this very same area. Same age as me, gunned down most likely so somebody could jack her car. What the hell is wrong with people? This is why for the first time since high school I'm going to be getting myself a gun and a conceal/carry permit.




Donate if you can. She had 3 kids and I'm sure her family is going to need help.



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