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Labor Force Participation Rate At 1979 Levels

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How's that hope and change working out for you. It appears the hope is gone and the only change many Americans have is what is in their pockets.


Well Obama's policies have erased job participation rates gained by the Reagan revolution, sustained by the Clinton/Gingrich perod, and even supported through most of GWB's presidency. 1979 - who was the president then - Oh yea, the most inept president of our times until now - Carter. Obama has officially joined him.


Oh, don't throw the stat at me that the unemployment rate has gone down - it is bogus - there are now 90 million people not in the labor force and too many lost jobs that aren't coming back.. An anemic 88k jobs created - most likely at low paying call centers and McDonalds (just my guess) but the only boom down is Washington DC.

People Not In Labor Force Soar By 663,000 To 90 Million, Labor Force Participation Rate At 1979 Levels


And Obama is making job creation his # 1 priority :sarcasm like he promised 4 years ago. While he flys off to more fund raising trips (also leading from far behind on the N. Korea issue). This guy is a joke, always has been - nothing more than a community organizer and fund raising socialist. Honest Dems - are there any :dunno - need to wake up. The radicals are leading your party and taking this country down the tube with their policies (By the way this is about Obama and not GWB - whose many policies I didn't agree with either). Obama owns this mess. No more excuses.



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What, exactly, do you expect him to do? I'm dead serious here. What do you expect him to do? He can't implement his policies, the Republican house won't let him. He can't wave a magic wand and get them to pass his budget, or anything else. We're funding the government 6 months at a time because compromise has become a dirty word, thanks to a fringe group of whack-jobs.

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How's that hope and change working out for you. It appears the hope is gone and the only change many Americans have is what is in their pockets.


Well Obama's policies have erased job participation rates gained by the Reagan revolution, sustained by the Clinton/Gingrich perod, and even supported through most of GWB's presidency. 1979 - who was the president then - Oh yea, the most inept president of our times until now - Carter. Obama has officially joined him.


Oh, don't throw the stat at me that the unemployment rate has gone down - it is bogus - there are now 90 million people not in the labor force and too many lost jobs that aren't coming back.. An anemic 88k jobs created - most likely at low paying call centers and McDonalds (just my guess) but the only boom down is Washington DC.

People Not In Labor Force Soar By 663,000 To 90 Million, Labor Force Participation Rate At 1979 Levels


And Obama is making job creation his # 1 priority :sarcasm like he promised 4 years ago. While he flys off to more fund raising trips (also leading from far behind on the N. Korea issue). This guy is a joke, always has been - nothing more than a community organizer and fund raising socialist. Honest Dems - are there any :dunno - need to wake up. The radicals are leading your party and taking this country down the tube with their policies (By the way this is about Obama and not GWB - whose many policies I didn't agree with either). Obama owns this mess. No more excuses.




The issues with this country can't be placed entirely on the shoulders of the President.... Republicans in the Senate/House are standing in the way of bills for the individual purpose of political gain, although that practice is hardly exclusive to one party. Political differences aside, the republican party could, at the very least, make an effort to work with the President on whatever issues they might disagree on for the sake of the rest of us.

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What, exactly, do you expect him to do? I'm dead serious here. What do you expect him to do? He can't implement his policies, the Republican house won't let him. He can't wave a magic wand and get them to pass his budget, or anything else. We're funding the government 6 months at a time because compromise has become a dirty word, thanks to a fringe group of whack-jobs.

Get off of his high horse and Show leadership. His (dem controled) Senate hasn't passed a budget in years, his signature legislation is going to be way over budget - as numbers come out about ObamaCare costs, He could be working with Paul Ryan and the Repubs on the budget that they have proposed instead of demonizing it. It is at least a starting place. He is the president - leadership begins there and also the example starts there. But his leadership style hacked off the repub in the way he passed ObamaCare & the way he demonizes them on every issue. The repubs have given in resently on the tax hike & raising the debt limit. Only the president has a platform that can motivate the public to accept the real changes (not hope and changes) needed to turn around the country. He's has had 4 years (2 wit a super majority) to get it done. Yet he remains in a campaign mode - and is not presenting real solutions. I believe his last budget was turned down by the full Senate if I recall. He needs to learn from Bill Clinton. Bill worked wt the republican leaderhip in the house and got things done. Bill and Newt got a lot done. Clinton was pragmatic, Obama is an ideolog - not capable of compromise. He's all about being the transformation president - pushing a socialistic agenda full of crony capitalism but not helping the middle class and poor as he wants us to believe. Yet, today there was another article that his solution is to raise more taxes. He hasn't addressed spending, entitlements, restructuring our tax system that would create insentives for manufacturing to move jobs back to the USA. This ties into the other thread that talks about expanding the tax base by getting the poor into jobs and away from dependance.

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What, exactly, do you expect him to do? I'm dead serious here. What do you expect him to do? He can't implement his policies, the Republican house won't let him. He can't wave a magic wand and get them to pass his budget, or anything else. We're funding the government 6 months at a time because compromise has become a dirty word, thanks to a fringe group of whack-jobs.

Get off of his high horse and Show leadership. His (dem controled) Senate hasn't passed a budget in years, his signature legislation is going to be way over budget - as numbers come out about ObamaCare costs, He could be working with Paul Ryan and the Repubs on the budget that they have proposed instead of demonizing it. It is at least a starting place. He is the president - leadership begins there and also the example starts there. But his leadership style hacked off the repub in the way he passed ObamaCare & the way he demonizes them on every issue. The repubs have given in resently on the tax hike & raising the debt limit. Only the president has a platform that can motivate the public to accept the real changes (not hope and changes) needed to turn around the country. He's has had 4 years (2 wit a super majority) to get it done. Yet he remains in a campaign mode - and is not presenting real solutions. I believe his last budget was turned down by the full Senate if I recall. He needs to learn from Bill Clinton. Bill worked wt the republican leaderhip in the house and got things done. Bill and Newt got a lot done. Clinton was pragmatic, Obama is an ideolog - not capable of compromise. He's all about being the transformation president - pushing a socialistic agenda full of crony capitalism but not helping the middle class and poor as he wants us to believe. Yet, today there was another article that his solution is to raise more taxes. He hasn't addressed spending, entitlements, restructuring our tax system that would create insentives for manufacturing to move jobs back to the USA. This ties into the other thread that talks about expanding the tax base by getting the poor into jobs and away from dependance.



Perhaps a bit of reading is in order.

In June of 2011, the President and the Speaker began working toward a Grand Bargain of major tax increases and spending cuts to address the government’s long-term budget deficits. Until late June, Boehner had managed to keep these talks secret from Cantor. On July 21st, Boehner paused in his discussions with Obama to talk to Cantor and outline the proposed deal. As Obama waited by the phone for a response from the Speaker, Cantor struck. Cantor told me that it was a “fair assessment” that he talked Boehner out of accepting Obama’s deal. He said he told Boehner that it would be better, instead, to take the issues of taxes and spending to the voters and “have it out” with the Democrats in the election. Why give Obama an enormous political victory, and potentially help him win reëlection, when they might be able to negotiate a more favorable deal with a new Republican President? Boehner told Obama there was no deal. Instead of a Grand Bargain, Cantor and the House Republicans made a grand bet.




But yea, it's all Obama that won't compromise.

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Related thought: Is there a legitimate Republican politician out there right now? By legitimate, I mean one that can make a run at the presidential office without being mocked by a whole nation (Romney, Palin, etc.)....

Good question - I wonder that myself. I think the repubs need to look at govenors that have proven to lead in a fiscally responsiblie way. Other than Chris Cristie - a spotlight hound, most repub govenors have been too busy to be in the public light. I would think Mitch Daniels, Indiana, Bobby Jindal, La, Wisc's govenor Scott Walker, , Virginia's govenor, Bob McDonnell have established themselves in this way. I have not followed them to closely, but the 2 female govs of S.Car, Nikki Haley, and New Mexico, Susana Martinez are making waves as being good leaders in thier states.

I think we will see Paul Ryan, Robio, Rand Paul and Cruz - be the media crazed candidates from the Congress. I'd prefer a solid, conservative govenor who has proven he/she can get things done in the real world - which is often the world of compromise.

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i always love the ad hominem attacks in these discussions. why would obama's horse, however high it may be, need to be mentioned in a conversation about policy, efficacy, and the economy? and the quip about obama just being a community organizer. if that is really how the republicans see obama, they have to be messing their pants that 'just a community organizer' could beat out their best and brightest for the top spot. twice.

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It's the whole household's fault. As in, the entire gov't. Both sides of the Isles. Not an Obama fan by any means (cant say not a supporter. He's my President like it or not. He needs to be supported. That choice is in that past and over with), but this is not his fault exclusively. But he's not exempt form blame either. Hate to break it to them, but it's the politicians' job to frickin compromise and get sh#t done, and theyre not doing it, and havent been in years.


Goes back to the old Big Mac vs Whopper battle, while the American people stand in line asking for a damn chicken salad.

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What, exactly, do you expect him to do? I'm dead serious here. What do you expect him to do? He can't implement his policies, the Republican house won't let him. He can't wave a magic wand and get them to pass his budget, or anything else. We're funding the government 6 months at a time because compromise has become a dirty word, thanks to a fringe group of whack-jobs.

Get off of his high horse and Show leadership. His (dem controled) Senate hasn't passed a budget in years, his signature legislation is going to be way over budget - as numbers come out about ObamaCare costs, He could be working with Paul Ryan and the Repubs on the budget that they have proposed instead of demonizing it. It is at least a starting place. He is the president - leadership begins there and also the example starts there. But his leadership style hacked off the repub in the way he passed ObamaCare & the way he demonizes them on every issue. The repubs have given in resently on the tax hike & raising the debt limit. Only the president has a platform that can motivate the public to accept the real changes (not hope and changes) needed to turn around the country. He's has had 4 years (2 wit a super majority) to get it done. Yet he remains in a campaign mode - and is not presenting real solutions. I believe his last budget was turned down by the full Senate if I recall. He needs to learn from Bill Clinton. Bill worked wt the republican leaderhip in the house and got things done. Bill and Newt got a lot done. Clinton was pragmatic, Obama is an ideolog - not capable of compromise. He's all about being the transformation president - pushing a socialistic agenda full of crony capitalism but not helping the middle class and poor as he wants us to believe. Yet, today there was another article that his solution is to raise more taxes. He hasn't addressed spending, entitlements, restructuring our tax system that would create insentives for manufacturing to move jobs back to the USA. This ties into the other thread that talks about expanding the tax base by getting the poor into jobs and away from dependance.



Perhaps a bit of reading is in order.

In June of 2011, the President and the Speaker began working toward a Grand Bargain of major tax increases and spending cuts to address the government’s long-term budget deficits. Until late June, Boehner had managed to keep these talks secret from Cantor. On July 21st, Boehner paused in his discussions with Obama to talk to Cantor and outline the proposed deal. As Obama waited by the phone for a response from the Speaker, Cantor struck. Cantor told me that it was a “fair assessment” that he talked Boehner out of accepting Obama’s deal. He said he told Boehner that it would be better, instead, to take the issues of taxes and spending to the voters and “have it out” with the Democrats in the election. Why give Obama an enormous political victory, and potentially help him win reëlection, when they might be able to negotiate a more favorable deal with a new Republican President? Boehner told Obama there was no deal. Instead of a Grand Bargain, Cantor and the House Republicans made a grand bet.




But yea, it's all Obama that won't compromise.


Both parties play this political game. Obama pinned his presidency on passing Obama Care wt his super majority - I didn't see any compromise there wt the repubs - it took back door, late night deals wt other dems and gifts to pass it . Coming into office he said job creation was job one - be honest - has it been? He used all of his political capital on health care, & pushing through stimulus spending. Nothing is 100% a leaders fauld and nothing is 100% his credit for success. But tough times test the metal of a leader - Obama has failed - yes I also fault the house leadership. As Obama could learn from Bill Clinton, the current house leadership could learn from Newt.

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It's the whole household's fault. As in, the entire gov't. Both sides of the Isles. Not an Obama fan by any means (cant say not a supporter. He's my President like it or not. He needs to be supported. That choice is in that past and over with), but this is not his fault exclusively. But he's not exempt form blame either. Hate to break it to them, but it's the politicians' job to frickin compromise and get sh#t done, and theyre not doing it, and havent been in years.


Goes back to the old Big Mac vs Whopper battle, while the American people stand in line asking for a damn chicken salad.


I agree - I will say after seeing the original article my emotions ran high. I have to support the office, I really don't care for his policies & constant blaiming Bush or the repubs (OK he may be a great guy outside of his policies and I'd probably like playing baketball wt him). I'm more conservative than republican - so I do fault the House leadership to a certain extent. But they cannot accomplish much without the senate and the president - other than surrendering all of their ideals and be in fact dem light. It goes back to compromise & national leadership has to begin wt the White House.

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