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JJ Husker

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JJ Husker last won the day on February 29

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About JJ Husker

  • Birthday 05/05/1963

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    Northern Colorado

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Head Coach (18/21)



  1. I’ll try to explain this simply. Those people you are so sure are sick are choosing between 2 scenarios. 1- where the woman’s and doctors options are severely limited by draconian laws outlawing abortions in almost all situations. The same laws that are giving us story after horror story of how women are being denied proper healthcare for pregnancies gone wrong. And 2- the opposite of that, which leaves any and all healthcare decisions to the woman and their providers. As much as you want to make it about elective abortions being allowed up to the very end, it just isn’t. Those people are answering “in all cases” to remove the government and inflexible laws from the equation to prevent Betty Lou, who desperately needs (not willy nilly wants) an abortion for health and safety reasons. These fictitious late third trimester abortions of your conjuring really aren’t and won’t ever be a problem. For sure not a big enough problem that the alternative of not being able to get one when it’s really really needed is worth sacrificing.
  2. My dude…. There is a difference between 29% of Americans being okay with “in all cases” (in a place and time where late term abortions are basically nonexistent) and that same 29% being okay with, or in only your imagination, being eager to abort babies moments before natural birth. You just don’t want to acknowledge it because it leaves your strawman naked on a pole.
  3. Holy logical fallacies Batman. Strawman. False Dilemma. Hasty Generalization. Slothful Induction. Take your pick.
  4. Both reasonable explanations. Just thought the disparity with the win totals was a bit odd.
  5. My sportsbook (MGM) kinda sucks. They don’t have game lines yet. All they have now is o/u win totals and odds to win it all. Doesn’t make much sense either. CU’s o/u is 5.5, Nebraska is 7.5 but odds to win it all CU is +12500 and NU is +20000. How can we be expected to win 2 more games yet our odds are longer for winning a natty?
  6. Yep. And maybe even just a little bit of class. Every word and action thus far has been totally classless. Me me me is all he’s capable of.
  7. Deion is a bigger POS douchebag than I ever thought he was. When he got the CU job I didn’t like him on principle (because it was CU) but now I just hate him solely for who and what he is. f#&%in clown.
  8. Sure do. I was just minding my own business on the grassy knoll.
  9. These actually aren’t easy questions. I counted out Eisenhower and Kennedy. I wasn’t alive during Ike and JFK was shot just a few months after I was born. Most consequential I went with LBJ due to civil rights and the great society on the plus side and Vietnam on the negative. Could’ve also gone with Trump due to his destruction of our politics. He may very well end up being the most consequential if s#!t doesn’t straighten out once he’s gone. Historically highest I really didn’t want to pick any but the poll forced me to. Favorite was another tough one. Kinda like picking your favorite smelling fart. I went with Reagan mostly because I liked his demeanor even if some of his policies have proven problematic in hindsight. Under appreciated I went with GW, much to the consternation of many on this board I’m sure. I still think he handled the s#!t sandwich he was served about as well as he could’ve. I’ll just overlook his handling of the economy (as he also did) and the slightly misguided foray into Iraq. They may have fudged the facts about WMDs in Iraq but regardless, the world is a better place without Hussein. Billy C was a close second here. I pretty much hated him at the time but things were decent with the economy.
  10. Is it about Tacoma firemen picking out their new trucks and fleecing public funds?
  11. I don’t think “Huskerboard” reports on them either way. The defections are just more fun for most of us. If you have some inbounds to report, go for it
  12. Watched Zone of Interest this weekend. Was really looking forward to seeing it but should’ve known better I guess. It is about Rudolph Höss and his family and their time living right next to Auschwitz (1st ignored warning). It won some awards (2nd ignored warning). I figured the subject matter would be depressing but damn it was slow paced and basically no plot, just these people going about their lives oblivious to what was occurring next door. I can’t recommend it unless you want to see how detached these people were from the atrocities they were committing.
  13. Finished Shogun a couple days ago. Thought it was great and done very well. I did not know much about 1600’s Japan. Supposedly the book/show are very historically accurate even though it is a work of fiction. Would’ve liked a slightly different/better ending but I guess we can only blame the book author for that.
  14. Yes, getting the ball out on time and in rhythm was maybe the most noticeable improvement. Those few tenths of a second is all it takes to turn a well defended ball (or a pick) into a positive completion. Accuracy and quality of the throws was also very evident. I was even impressed by a few of the incompletions. At one point DR threw 2 consecutive incomplete passes to the endzone but the ball placement was excellent. Gave the receiver a chance but denied the defender. Halfass scrimmage or not, there were many excellently delivered balls.
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