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Everything posted by DevoHusker

  1. Looks to me like a vendetta by the City Director. He started the process in September. In the linked article there is no mention of the Police Union getting involved. Radley is being disingenuous, but that wouldn't be as much of a headline I suppose.
  2. And, depending on what transpires for the next 3+ years, it could be a winning formula given the numbers we witnessed this election.
  3. I don't think she is the best choice. They need to do better. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/526481-democrats-nominate-pelosi-to-keep-speakership House Democrats on Wednesday nominated Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) to remain atop the party for another two years, brushing aside some internal grousing about a disappointing election performance in a vote demonstrating an overwhelming confidence in their long-time leader. The nomination was secured by voice vote during a process conducted remotely as a health precaution amid a surge in coronavirus cases.
  4. Huskers- 37 Illini- 23 ground- 186 air- 224
  5. Which is more likely? This, or that everyone else is reporting flu cases as Covid...?
  6. https://apnews.com/article/hate-crimes-rise-fbi-data-ebbcadca8458aba96575da905650120d
  7. https://www.newyorker.com/news/letter-from-trumps-washington/is-this-a-coup-or-just-another-trump-con? At times, during this unnerving week in America’s capital, it has felt as though we were watching events unfold in Minsk or some other dictator stronghold where elections are not stolen the day votes are cast but in the weeks afterward, as the defeated President holes up in his palace, defying reality and increasingly urgent crowds in the streets. Here in Minsk-on-the-Potomac, Trump has been perpetrating the Big Lie, claiming the election was stolen from him and apparently persuading millions of Americans to go along with this evidence-free fantasy.
  8. As much as I hate the haphazard comparisons "you're a Nazi...no, you're a Nazi" and "Nazi's were Socialists...Nazi's were Fascists" I do believe that you are correct. Bannon would have been a front and center party member.
  9. https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/crime/article247152511.html An unlikely bond: Miami cop becomes mentor to teen who attacked him during BLM protest
  10. I want to see this one go at least Statewide, if not nationally
  11. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/525793-pelosi-faces-caucus-divisions-in-biden-era?userid=567966 For Speaker Nancy Pelosi, her final years with the gavel may also prove the most challenging. The California Democrat is poised to enter the next Congress with a historically thin House majority, one in which the progressive and centrist factions are already bashing each other publicly at a time when President-elect Joe Biden is seeking national unity. The internal squabbling has raised early questions about the direction of the party, the trust in its leadership team and the fate of an ambitious legislative agenda that may quickly face headwinds within a restive House majority featuring little room for defections.
  12. I didn't say it was wrong, I said it was misleading. Here is the Tweet and graph. Show me where it says cases per 100k or refers to density? Until you click on the link, it refers to neither.
  13. Yeah, I know. But it doesn't explicitly state that it is not overall cases, but rather cases per 100k in population density. The graph makes it look like there are more total cases to bolster the "headline", when in actuality there are 1.4 million less cases (since August-thanks) in a much less densely populated sample of the 2,500 counties that voted for Trump.
  14. Great info. Misleading, but great. That article and graph show cases per 100k in population. So density. The actual number of cases is 5.2 million in Biden counties, with 3.8 million in Trump counties.
  15. I have an issue with either of these while the pandemic and shutdowns is still in full swing. It is willowing out millions of people that will/have suffered from the response, but don't necessarily pay rent or have college loans. If we are going to commit that large of funding, make sure that money is doled out across the board in a fashion that can best help the most amount of people currently. Large blocks of people would see zero assistance from either proposal. Deal with tuition and rent forgiveness later.
  16. I have noticed that here, even with my most conservative family/friends. A week later, and they seem to be resigned to the factual outcome, regardless of the shenanigans from Trump.
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