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Everything posted by FriendlyLurker2007

  1. I hope Rich Fisher sticks around awhile imo he has done an amazing job!!
  2. I dont care for the spread at UNL but...I think it might work well because you can get your play makers on the field faster, which if you do not have a top 10-15 recruiting class every year is a good thing. What I think is the problem is inconsistent play calling, however Tim is a bit new at calling plays I feel so far he has done a good job, sometimes great sometimes ok, and sometimes boneheaded. Unfortunately the defense has not been very good, If we can perform the way we did on the D side like last saturday, we have a decent shot at winning most or all of our conference games. I do believe we need yearly captains, we can fall back onto when things get tough. Anyway, to semi answer the OP's question, I feel it is probably true that you play like you practice, and obviously we need to stop the crazy amount of turnovers, not sure how you do that but hope they can get it fixed. One last thing in my rant...UNLEASH BO!!!
  3. also USC has our old WR coach, name slips my mind...but my response to this thread is, I dont care..
  4. braxton miller is good, our defense sucked that day, hope it gets better quick
  5. so the news writer is trying to find something to write about...NO WAY..who cares
  6. good, hope the meeting wakes em up and they play harder
  7. thats actually how i feel about other teams...i dont really have a problem with it
  8. Did someone say fix the defense? Oh that was me...
  9. yes they will have to score 35+ but as of right now, it could happen...fix the defense
  10. i was told that our backup qb could literally fly...its been bugging me all week that we havent put him in the game. js
  11. ya but would LSU be willing to lose two times to the same team two years in a row???
  12. offense is fine, bo and co. need to fix the defense after being here 5 years you would think it should be better, hope he can do it...we will just have to see...
  13. yes it is execution, and its up to Bo and his staff to put the players in the best situation to do that, if its lack of talent then again it falls on him and the coaches, imo he said that already, nothing new...good read anyway tho
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