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Everything posted by jager

  1. I work with a PSU grad. I told him i wanted Iowa to win last week so that the Huskers could be the ones to beat them.
  2. I was just out in that area this summer. Went through Chadron to the Black Hills. Beautiful areas.
  3. I only lived in Nebraska near Lincoln for four years in the 80s and have been a Husker fan since. Go back to visit school friends or game once in awhile. But everywhere I go, if I have Husker gear on, I find fans, even in other countries.
  4. I heard on a sports radio show a few weeks ago that he was a really good DT QB. Hadn't heard of him or seen any film.
  5. Adrian could ask to Oline "Do you realyy want to hurt me?" by Culture Club
  6. at least it's not "when we lose this game". So that is an improvement.
  7. I better have another kool-aide just in case.
  8. I'm not saying AM will be in the NFL or good/great in the NFL, but remember Kordel Stewart. He wasn't a good passer, decent runner, and he played quite awhile in the pros.
  9. https://tenor.com/view/beavis-and-butt-head-laughing-gif-19758205 you said.....
  10. I'm with Dogs In A Pile and Hilltop. ST will be better, but that's not a high bar. OL will be more disciplined which means better. Johnson will have the majority of carries, but others will contribute. With these small improvements, the Huskers win by double digits.
  11. Barring a complete melt down this year. I agree with Undone. There have been improvements on the offense and defense (more here). Just clean up special teams and the dumb penalties and this could be a really good team. Remember, some wanted Chin gone last year,. Most wanted him gone prior to that. I still think Frost can be a good coach, just have to be patient. Others have posted his attitude coming here, and that probably did hamper his coaching. It does appear (albeit slower than we want/like) that he is making improvements.
  12. I was thinking the same thing. It might be the best option?
  13. I'm not completely writing off his mistakes, but AM is not the reason the team lost. He does make questionable decisions from time to time though. The fumble, he should have thrown it away or turned up field and ran. The OT interception was on 3rd and 3, he definitely should have just ran for 3 or more on that one. If this team was 5-0 or 4-1 people would be talking about what a Hypesman candidate he is.
  14. The O-line played better in the second half (for the most part). After Sichterman made his second false start, Frost chewed him on the sideline. He played better afterwards. The right tackle (can't think of his name) kept getting beat though. But no more penalties. This game game down to the punter(s), who didn't due their job. Now I admit that I am an eternal optimist, but i see marked improvement from everywhere except special teams. Although Culp was making his kicks Saturday.
  15. No, but the announcers even made a comment about it. 2nd or 3rd, leaning towards 2nd.
  16. Special teams cost them 4 more points. two on CTB and two on the FGs. That ties the game. I'm not bashing AM, but he threw a bad pass to Stepp I believe on the left side where there was no one in front of him. Most likely a TD, at least another FG on that drive (they didn't score on the drive). That puts the good guys in the lead and changes everyone's opinion of the season. For the record I still have hope for the season (I'm always optimistic).
  17. The bold portion is what I saw a lot of. Watching the video, Greenhagen was "blocked". I put it in quotes because they barely touched him most of the time. Once Juergens went for a low chip block, but the paly hadn't gotten there yet and Greenhagen just went around him. In defense of the line (don't be angry with me) they did block, just very poor blocks.
  18. . ISU doesn't bring a new market. CU would bring the Denver market and that would overshadow the ISU following.
  19. You could also say that you (Scarlet) didn't achieve those high marks right away. It took time (a decade) and finished with different students than you started with. I've been teaching for 20+ years and you always try to improve, but you don't achieve greatness overnight. You try things, notice where you have improvement and where it is lacking. Then you make changes and try to improve. Each player (student) is different and will respond to methods differently. It takes everyone to make it, even the low achievers. You also have to make cuts to the staff when necessary to improve, Frost has done this to some degree, but you also have to give them a chance to grow and improve. especially when you started where they did.
  20. If the offense improves, the defense will automatically improve. They won't be on the field as much, give our better players more rest, and the opponent will become more predictable in their schemes. I'm not saying the defense hasn't improved, but if the offense can be somewhat better, we will see an even better defense.
  21. This was ultimately what caused the demise. The coaches didn't know how to recruit fully eligible talent. Everything else just steam rolled from here.
  22. My biggest concern for him is his size (weight). QBs in the BIG, especially for Neb take lots of hits. If he does come to here, I hope he can pass well.
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