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JJ Husker

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Everything posted by JJ Husker

  1. I swear to God the autocorrect / autofill feature on my phone gets worse by the day. I type the actual words I want but this damn thing adds in periods and spaces and randomly capitalizes and completely changes words at will. It's really beginning to piss me off. Is it learning to be stupid from me? Seriously considering getting a new phone just because of this.
  2. Zoogs- I don't think it's unreasonable to speculate, discuss, remain vigilant, or even to bitch and moan a bit about the prospecs of a Trump presidency. I'm very leery myself. I am actually quite concerned and even some what scared about what they intend to do with the ACA and healthcare. I am less concerned about the things you are most concerned about, not because I'm a white male and they won't affect me, but because I just can't imagine we the people would ever let the worst happen. Sure I'm concerned that some minorities may lose a little ground they've gained and that is not to be taken lightly by any means. But really, these comparisons to Nazi Germany, Hitler, executions, mass deportations....talk like that, at this point in time, needs to be reeled in just a bit IMO. It's not that it isn't important or should be ignored until it's too late. I just think we run the risk of those voices never being taken seriously if they are borderline on the ledge now. But hey, that's just my opinion. Just trying my best to help some people not look too ridiculous. And yes, I understand that you and many others are much more concerned that he will spin totally out of control than I am. You might be right or I might be. But from what I've seen so far these past few days, this is a much worse and more dangerous response by the vanguished than what we saw from the other side when Obama took office. That may very well be due to my perception from right of center, but that's where I am and that's how I see things.
  3. JJ, you're using the word "you" way too much. The people protesting are a tiny fraction of the Democratic party. If we were protesting we probably wouldn't be posting here. So please quit acting like Huskerboard posters are running around out on the streets with pitchforks and torches.As far as calming down, I've been pretty damn calm about the whole thing and so have everyone else posting here. And I'll say it again, Clinton didn't urge her supporters to protest. If she had, people would've been just as upset at her as they were at Trump for doing it. Why are people having so much trouble telling the difference between the two? You might want to rethink bringing up whether other posters have gone through adversity. FFS, to paraphrase, you told me a couple months ago $30k/year was dirt poor. That's more than twice minimum wage. You're judging people without knowing anything about them. It's very easy for me to throw that out there about you and assume, maybe incorrectly, that you've never gone through the adversity of being anything close to poor. I could very well be totally wrong, which is why this is something you shouldn't do - you're most likely wrong. You don't know what any of us have gone through in our lives. Not to mention the fact most of us have stated we aren't personally going to be harmed by this. We're worried about other people. Sorry Moiraine, I am not intending to use the word "you" in anything other than a general manner. It's just the pronoun (or whatever part of speech it is-English never was my strong suit) that seems easiest in my wording. I tend to take in everything, the protests, the things I've seen on twitter links and facebook and some of the things I've seen people post here and combine them into a cumulative "you". Really, it's not meant to be personal. As far as my life experiences and money- no, I've never been what I would consider poor. Have always had food to eat, a place to live, and medical care when needed. That's not to say I've never experienced trouble paying all the bills and we sure didn't have a lot of the extras when I was a kid but we did have the essentials. I had to work and pay my own way though college. And yes, I have been lucky and have been pretty comfortable financially for quite awhile now. I'm sorry if at some time I sort of scoffed at a 30k income. My intent was not to demean, it was to illustrate how I don't think I could handle trying to make ends meet at that level. I admire anyone who can. I have become somewhat spoiled. That's not to say I'm not one medical emergency away from financial ruin or that I could retire today if I wanted to. Unfortunately I will need to keep earning for quite a few more years. Anyway, now you have a better idea of the lense through which I view.
  4. Just a few examples of some of the comments that highly concern me; I don't mean to pick on anyone specific but can't you see how some of these sentiments seem a little extreme considering the only that has really happened so far is that the election occurred? I'm not saying ignore everything or blindly accept what ever comes. I'm saying at least take it easy a bit, at least until the actual policies or provisions or first steps towards actually, really moving towards the things you fear or dislike begin. Granted, he said some crazy ass sh#t during the campaign and some of his supporters seemed to like it and seem willing to go down some of those dark scary roads. I'm just asking if you can give it a small amount of time to see if he'll moderate his positions like I think he will absolutely have to, and probably wants to. I've said it a thousand times but once more, I didn't vote for him and I didn't support him or any of bombastic bs. But I have already seen signs that he is moderating and trying to become a bit Presidential. Hell, did you see the even gracious manner in which congratulated Hillary on running a good campaign and he stated how he respected her and her family? I recall it vividly because it made me laugh out loud as I was getting ready for work the morning after the election. I'm not asking for you to give him a chance because he deserves it. I'm asking you to give him a chance because if we don't, this country may never get past the divisiveness of this bitter election. I believe if and when they actually begin down any of those roads will be a much more appropriate time to begin the loud response.
  5. Or maybe all this premature, unreasonable panic will set the wheels in motion for it to actually occur. If something along the lines of civil war is what you fear, seems the groundwork is being laid now and I'm not talking about the things some billionaire jackass has said. And to zoogs post- The American people are not an institution. I agree our institutions may very well not save us but I have faith in my fellow countrymen even if they did nominate and vote for two pathetic people for President. If you view our country as something less than the cumulative efforts of our fellow man, you are selling the country short.
  6. Nobody would miss any person or celebrity who left the country because of the results of an election. And I dont care if it's because Obama won or Trump or Hillary. This country is much bigger than one person in the white house or any handful of idiot celebrities. If anybody wants to leave and that is all it took to precipitate it, good riddance, you weren't doing us any good by staying anyway.
  7. Fine. Go ahead. Just know it looks ridiculous to at least me. I'm done trying to calm you down. You're probably right, the blacks and Mexicans and Muslims and gays and women and have I missed any.... will probably all be lined up and shot on January 20th or whatever day numbnuts takes office. I'm probably just an idiot who doesn't get it. But please realize you are fueling, nay the actual source, of what you just a couple weeks ago feared would happen when you knew Hillary was going to win and Trump was going to lose. You were so sure the disgruntled Trump supporters would take to the streets, become even more unreasonable and violent, and, well, basically act like all the disgruntled Hillary supporters (or supposedly in some cases-Trump unsupporters) are now actually acting. I find it extremely ironic that collectively you have become exactly what you all were bemoaning a few short days ago. It's plain ass ridiculous. It makes me wonder if any of you have ever experienced real adversity in your lives. If this is how you deal with unknowns and potential problems, how in the hell are you ever going to be able to handle the real thing? At least there is post election results counseling available nowadays. Now I understand why. Just know that the many of us who aren't freaking out and currently losing our sh#t will be there to help you out when circumstances actually warrant it. And those are my very last words on the matter. Good luck.
  8. I'm sorry and hesitant to put this out there because some posters here, who I really like, aren't going to like it but, ya'll are crazy. Over dramatizing things a bit aren't we? Mentions of Nazi Germany, Hitler, needing to actually leave the country. Fearing? Trump is surely nowhere near the best that could've been elected but people need to get a grip and save the outrage and unreasonable (yes-unreasonable) reactions for when something actually does go bad. Yeah, he's said some inflammatory things and yeah he may attempt some of the crazier sh#t he has talked about but I believe with every fiber of my soul that the good guys will prevail over any of the truly insane stuff you all seem to be most concerned about. It is hard to make strides forward but it will be even harder for society to let things slip backwards. Trust me, things will be alright. There are too many good and reasonable people in this country to allow things to get any where near as bad as some of you are predicting. Have a drink, smoke a joint, whatever, but please relax a little. That isn't to say ignore it or to not be vigilant but this worst case panic stuff needs to stop. Step back, take a breath, realize that this country is a lot more about your fellow citizens, the same ones you have lived amongst your whole lives up to this point, and a lot less about one man or handful of idiots in Washington.
  9. Hey, could somebody give me a call or shoot me a text when all this election/Trump/hate/protesting/racism/sexism/counseling talk dies down to low roar. Already sick of it. If that's all this place is gonna be for awhile, count me out. Was hoping it would somewhat end on Tuesday but it has gone into overdrive. Don't you folks have anything better to do than argue about sh#t you don't have control over?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. TAKODA


      Yep, wish everyone could come a little closer to the center, but it is what it is. A time out getting away from all the bad vibe, might be the ticket!

    3. The Dude

      The Dude

      Remember when unflattering comments of President Obama were removed from the status bar because "we always do that with political posts"?


      Pepperidge Farm remembers.

    4. Cdog923


      Alright, see you in 2020.

  10. One of the very basic decisions in this deal is, Are you for the mandate that everyone needs and has to have coverage, or do you want to accept that some lives are disposable and refuse medical care to those who can't pay for it? That is the mandate issue in simplistic terms.
  11. Sorry LOMS, you're right, I have no specific knowledge of your situation and I shouldn't have acted like I did. I will offer though, purely mathematical, $175/mo is $2100 annual so if your penalty is $1800, doesn't that effectively make your cost only $300 more per year to actually have the insurance? Again, I don't have any direct knowledge of how the penalty really gets applied or the options or conditions where you live and it's been a long time since I've really had to figure out how to get by on limited resources. I hope your condition improves and that you are able to get the care you need. Edit- sorry, I read your post closer and saw the 175 was for a 10k deductible plan. That is what they consider a catastrophe plan and likely would do you no good for day to day medical care. IMO That type of plan would be a waste for you. You already effectively have a catastrophe plan, everyone does, it's called go to the hospital and don't pay your bill. I thought that was one of the things the ACA actually fixed but I guess it didnt.
  12. I don't want that filled by Trump.But I bet he'll move on it like a b**ch.Ha, couldn't resist.
  13. I think we are officially light blue considering our last few election cycles. I don't know exactly how the gap may be filled but I don't think it really exists here. There's an OOC beauty in here btw.
  14. Excellent post and info dudeguyy. I do have pretty good experience with it, both as a consumer and as an employer who used to select and offer the plans. I also, for some sick and perverted reason, actually read almost the entire ACA bill when it was being implemented. I have wasted many brain cells contemplating how to fix it and I have come up with nothing that doesn't negatively impact at leat one of the 3; quality, availability and cost. Sadly, I am fairly convinced that it cannot be suitably fixed. I hate the word "can't" but it is such a behemoth and a seemingly unfixable problem. I believe the thing that is going to have to give is quality and also to some extent availability. The problem with letting cost run wild is that also affects the amount of people that can be covered so it is always a double loser. I also agree with you that Trump's coverage and competition across state lines is basically a joke. NO way that begins to put a dent in it. The best solution I have come up with is a complete socialistic takeover with single payer....and there goes quality, convenience and some availability. It is just an absolute shitshow.
  15. Totally agree with this. Women do have special healthcare needs and elevated expenses. That is not a place to be looking to save dollars especially considering the massive amounts spent elsewhere in the budget, like military.
  16. I may not be fully informed about the "gap" especially in other states. My exprince and knowledge is in Colorado and it seems like the subsidy is phased in immediately from the point you become ineligible for Medicare or the state care program and I'm pretty sure it phases out at around $50k individual / $90k family income levels. I am speaking completely from my memory of researching it for my emoyees over a year ago. I do know at the time it seemed like at any income level a person could make it work and would be seriously gambling with the health and financial well being if they chose to forego it. I will acknowledge that may not be the case everywhere so I apologize for getting a little preachy.
  17. Not to be rude, but I would very much like for you to get insurance so, if the unexpected should occur, we don't get stuck with the bill for your healthcare and so you can receive the care you may need. Sorry, but it is bullsh#t that you are in some gap between Medicare and being able to afford insurance. If you do not qualify for medicare, there are subsidies in Obamacare to where you can afford to purchase it. Problem is, "afford" can be a relative term. If you choose to eat out, go to bars or sporting events, buy video games etc., then yes you can afford healthough insurance. But you are probably young and healthy so it seems a reasonable gamble to not pay the $300 or so bucks a month it would likely cost you. $1800 per year penalty. Pffft. I pay $1460 per month (MONTH- I didn't stutter) now for coverage of family of 4, and it is going to around $1850/mo. beginning in January. If your income is such that you really cannot afford $300+/- per month, then you are eligible to get a bunch of premium help from the government. I was about to say go get it, but I guess we're all in limbo now as to what changes may be in store. This year, I have had some issues and my wife just had a surgery with numerous other procedures. The cost of my medical and Rx to date total to date about $75k and my wife's stuff is going to likely be around $80k. And I'm not done for the year. Thinking I should also have a surgery I need since we have already maxed our out of pocket, so another IDK $80-100k. I would be absolutely screwed if I had not spent $18k on insurance. I can't afford the $30k combined it cost me this year either but it sure is better than the $140k to $250k it would've cost without insurance. Believe it or not, we're not even deathbed sickles ready to kick the bucket. Just a couple rather common and routine things.
  18. Okay. 1- Buy Gear VR headset. About $99 2- Plug in to your Samsung phone, Galaxy S6 or newer. (Won't work with my S5 so upgrade here I come) 3- Need the Gear VR app from the Oculus store. (Haven't found this yet but hoping will have more specifics when purchase headset) 4- Watch Huskers-Gophers in 360* VR 5- Profit
  19. Old guy here so please humor me. So, if I want to watch the VR broad cast of this game, do I just go out and buy the Playstation VR system? Is that all it takes? Or do I need other stuff like subscriptions, connections, the Voke thingamajig or anything else? Nvm- I clicked on the link above and think I may have found my answers.
  20. With no mandate (as distasteful as that provision is), we fall right back into the same trap of people receiving care and not being able to pay for it. Hell, many people now, with insurance, cannot afford their premiums or the care. The providers pass those unpaid costs on to those who can pay and it exacerbates the rising cost problem. I don't believe the open market idea of competition can begin to fix this problem.
  21. Obamacare, and healthcare in general definitely needs fixed. I am not aware of Trump's specific plans or if he even has one beyond his "repeal" shtick. But you can't just repeal it without bad consequences. If they figure out a way to make it (insurance and medical care/drugs) affordable and to have it available for everyone, I'm all for it. I will be keeping on eye on this with great interest. Personally, I think allowing purchase across state lines and more competition could be a good thing but I fail to see how that will sufficiently address the costs issue or even how an out of state insurer is going to be able to function in all locations. I have serious doubts this issue will get made acceptably better.
  22. All this endzone dance taunting and the uncontrollable whining and gnashing of teeth.........Neither is a good look IMO.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ColoradoHusk


      I agree. I wish people would want to work together instead of further antagonizing each other and creating more division.

    3. Savage Husker
    4. TAKODA


      Grief Councilors, dealing with people who have anxiety from the unknown. Wow!

  23. I was just thinking to myself, boy, are we going to miss not having an upcoming election to discuss and the sweet sound of campaign commercials all around. Chelsea Clinton vs Jenna Bush Theme- Unfinished Business
  24. I agree with some of what you say, but I want to touch upon this. I don't know where you all watched the coverage, but I did on ABC. They pretty much said that the stupid uneducated rural white male vote is what won the election for Trump.Pretty deplorable. My guess is they said "rural white males without a college degree". And it's the truth. If you felt offended I'd suggest it's because you are sensitive. I know one hell of a lot of rural college educated people who voted for him. Well, if they were educated, that only leaves two other possibilites. So, are these people you know racists or misogynists? I joke but I've seen too many who have this view of any Trump voter. It's no wonder the world seems a scary place today if a person thinks this about 50% of their fellow countrymen.
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