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Everything posted by 84HuskerLaw

  1. I would very much enjoy having Turner Gill come back and would have enjoyed him as HC or OC or QB coach. I would also have Ron Brown back in an instant. He was a fine coach (he could likely coach many positions. He would be a fine HC in my view but he has never really wanted that extra heavy load of duty. I would enjoy George Darlington back but am sure he has aged out of the ability by now. Keven Steele was a superb recruiter and excellent LB coach. He'd be welcome back I am sure. Mike Minter was an superb player and I am confident could contribute a great deal in the secondary. Not sure if he is coaching though. David Humm was not a 'coach' as far as I know but after many years in the NFL with the Radiers, he could certainly offer some great advice. I bet he could call plays with the best of 'em. Charlie McBride is still able bodied enough to help get those Blackshirts lined up right to stop those pesky 'fun N gun' offensive schemes. Of course he wants the fastest, meanest, hungriest 11 guys on grass.
  2. We have to be careful to disinguish between 'fake' news which is basically published 'stories' based on manufactured data or fictional sources and or information that is wholly invented and the misuse of real data to deceive or mislead the reader or consumer. Liberals are doing both of these but the rampant use of the 'fake' news stories has reached near 'bibilical' proportions. Articles and news reports which are based or premised upon 'facts and or circumstances' which are simply untrue and pure fiction are quite commonplace and have been for the past 20 years amongst liberal 'news' organizations or outlets. The rise of the internet and web sources has spread this feux news (propaganda) to heretofore never dreamed of levels. It has gone far beyond 'spin' and cherry picking of certain facts amongs a bunch of them. Liberals rarely have facts on their side so they have realized they can't win debates or serious arguments without some rational basis. If you don't have the facts, make them up! That is the liberal modus operandi. Their schemes have been seen through now and credibility is lost. Very unlikely they will ever get it back UNLESS they cease and desist in the propaganda and get real and admit the truth - an 'inconvenient truth' has been exposed as the 'invented lie' it always was.
  3. I understand from a source close to the situation that during this long redshirt period, the S&C people have had Tanner in the all new, one-of-a-kind 'speed' room. This is an unique new training/development process through the application of the "NUbionics" technology. With special 'speed' gear, they can now improve a player's speed metrics about 20% typically. For example, a QB like Lee came in to Nebraska running about 4.9 - 40 yard dash. But with our new leggings, he now boasts a personal best of 4.47 on a series of 10 reps in 10 minutes, demonstrating he has not only dramatically increased his speed and quickness but also his endurance. Sadly, thus far Tanner has suffered from major immunity rejection and blood clots tendency in the back of his knees and deep thigh bruises. Pain killing medications are being administered and so far no allergic or other negative responses. The technitions are now testing to determine Lee's ability to function at a high enough level mentally while under the continuous influence of medications to stave off the immune system issues and alleviate the pain. His tolerance is reported to be improving weekly. It is not yet clear if Tanner will be able to utilize both the speed leggings and the 'gunslinger' arm builders. If not, Riley and the staff will be faced with a real Hobson's choice come spring practice (runner or passer?). Time will tell.
  4. I see no reason to hire someone else UNLESS we are going to go all the way and hire the very best 'elitle' coach. I define to be one of the 5 winningest current active coaches in a P5 program for no less than 7 years and 20 years of HC experience and a 'household name' recruiter. In addition, he needs a positive personality with national respect and capable of being 'a Husker at heart' and finally the hiring committee truly feels after interview, research, etc. that he is likely to stay in Lincoln until retirement age and views Nebraska as a destination job and not a rest stop on the way to the alma mater or the NFL or whatever. Not many of those out there I'd say. Someone with Husker bloodlines is a consideration but ONLY if he has atleast 10 years of HC experience and is a proven recruiting 'closer' (he needs to have a household name status to me).
  5. A few responses seem in order: 1. It does not cost more to execute someone as opposed to life in prison. The annual cost inmate of prisons in this country exceeds 100,000 each. The argument that all the appeals and legal costs, etc of the process etc through final execution which is often more than 10 years is not an honest one. People somehow assume that inmates who get long prison sentences (life, 50 years, 35 years, etc) don't file endless appeals and requests for new trials, etc etc. Almost any convicted person will atleast seriously consider an appeal and the right to counsel typically provides a 'free' counsel to make the process work. The death sentence is not any different and in some cases, convicts actually don't want to appeal and look forward to the execution as a relief from prison life and or life filled with remorse or simple hate, etc. Budget issues are NOT even material or relevant in my view as we are talking about matters of justice, deterence, punishment and societal protection. 2. Fairness in the sense of what is the appropriate level of incarceration or 'punishment' as a penalty for the offense comitted is certainly a matter of individuals personal opinions in many ways. Society, through its legislative representatives and duly appointed and acting judges and other penal system authorities, have attempted to pass judgement and established sentencing and other penal guidelines and terms for parole, probation, work release, etc, etc. and even pardons. The feeling of anger, outrage and need for revenge and a sense of punishment by the victim and those close thereto often leads to demands for rather harsh punishment, beyond that which the more disinterested third party civilian would deem 'fair'. 3. The criminal justice system in America is literally loaded with many layers of safeguards and limiting factors with the constant focus and justice and fairness in the treatment of each and every accused and even those found guilty. From the basic safeguards long before an arrest of limits on law enforcement in the apprehension, arrest, detension and many judicial hearings in front of impartial judges and juries of our peers, to multiple appeals, government provided attorneys, investigations, supeona power, etc etc.etc. Post conviction reviews, rehearings, appellate reviews, reconsideration by prosecutors, police and FBI, etc etc. While cases of miscarriage of justice do in fact occur, they are very very few and far between. The system is far from perfect but it is the most perfect of any around the entire planet. 4. Science and technology has helped in the areas of forensics and so on but mistakes do happen. The greater risk is the intentional miscarriage (frame ups by dirty cops or judges or etc) but these are likewise very rare. 5. I believe the best approach might be something as simple as the creation of a new, independent review board or committee or other body that would take a look at each and every 'capital case' and perhaps even those involving long, mandatory sentences which indicate the convict will likely never be released in his or her life expectancy. I also believe it is not unreasonable to give the convict the 'option' of asking for execution as opposed to multiple life sentences (true life withouot any release possible). Effectively it is a sort of suicide. I see no reason it is perfectly lawful for suicide by a non-felon civilian while we deny the same to prisoners. This would truly reduce costs of penal system if that is a virtue to be even considered.
  6. How the heck can we have to go to Wisconsin, Iowa, Ohio State and NW all again next year. How can we have road games in the conference consecutively? I just get how this can happen. I believe we will have played Ohio State about 6 times and 4 or 5 were in Ohio. This is just not fair.
  7. To be fair to all concerned, I think the offensive woes were a true combination of the factors cited by many on here. When Tommy Armstrong played his best games, the offense did better, even with a number of injured guys from elsewhere in the offensive starters. But in general, the absolute lack of depth and injuries which exposed that lack of depth glaringly in the second half of the season, you can't blame Tommy. We still won 9 games and I think one can safely say we deserved to win those games (none were flukes or sheer luck). We came dam close to winning a 10th. Injuries to far too many starters meant we played our last 5 games with perhaps the worst offensive line in the conference. However, this is not to excuse the coaches (past and present) in this regard as there is NO EXCUSE for having NO BACKUPS to fill in reasonably in the absence of injureds. This applies to QB s, O linemen, TE s, RB s, WR s, punters, DTs, etc etc. We absolutely should have two excellent players at each and every position on the team, each and every season. Clearly we don't have one at each position. Best evidence of this will be: the number of all conference honorees. We should have no less than 8 that receive some kind of all conference recognition (1st, 2nd or 3rd teamers) and another half dozen that should be mentioned as players that 'wouda, coulda, shoulda' in that regard. Instead, it appears we may not even have any on first or second team. A 4 year QB starter not even mentioned? That says a lot! It is not just our opinion that we lack serious talent. Is the cupboard bare? We maybe not bare but it sure is low on stock Excellent recruits should be jumping at coming to Lincoln as the opportunity to play right away is WIDE OPEN across every position!
  8. Perhaps they have a punter that might want to change teams? A special teams coach? A couple linemen? A QB? Just thinking they already have lots of 'red' stuff in the closet and it's almost within the '500 mile' ish radius. LOL
  9. Jordon Larson and Merlene Ottey are perhaps two of the greatest female athletes in Husker sports history and certainly amongst the top 200 in Amercian history in the past 25 years in my view. Not actually sure one would have to add the female if we are to allow for some kind of comparitive factor. Just tremendous tremendous athletes!
  10. This Garland case is different because the death came late into the election year and then Obama didn't submit a nomination until signficantly later still. The Supreme Court term ended a couple months after and there were no cases to heard or argued before any such a late appointee, even if confirmed. As a result, there would be no rationale for any Obama Adminstration nominee being 'last minute' approved by an outgoing Senate. Republicans did the Dems a favor really because they kept the vacancy open so that Hillary (according to the Dems/Media/etal the "Next' President) and next Senate would select. It just so happens that the Republicans won the election and therefore get to make the selection of justice(s) in the next 3.5 or so years. Obviously, it depends on the time of the vacancy. Often they open up with some kind of advance notice as they retire. This gives time to find a pick, submit for 'vetting' and public discussion and in three or so months after, public hearings and so on.
  11. For a long time, I believe it was a crime to deface or damage an American flag. Not sure that being able to burn or trash the flag or not is such a vital civil right. The courts have ruled that flag burning is a 'free speech' activity and is protected. There may be ways to criminalize the activity within the Constitutional limits, but it is not goig to happen. It is fun watching Trump manipulate the media though as he has them jumping and flailing wildly every time he drops one of his remarks. Most of the folks understand he is just playing with the fools who call themselves journalists when in reality they are rabid leftist propagandists and Dem activists with nothing better to do.
  12. I think too many people overlook the kickers. I think to rank the positions by most to least important, you put the QB first, then the punter and place kicker are co-number 2s. This year's team is a perfect illustration of this as when Tommy Armstrong was playing his best, our team was very competitive with anyone we were playing. When our QB play was not so good, the entire offense basically shut down. And with the kicking game, it was almost painful anytime we were punting (doom and dread prevailed) while Drew Brown was excellent. I don't think you can overstate the vital importance of having a reliable, powerful punter who can change the field position and get you out of a deep hole or pin the opponent down near their own goal line. And you may not appreciate the field goal and PAT guy until you start missing them and they are invaluable in tight games and overtimes often end with the winning field goal. You can't waste a well placed scholarship with an NFL caliber punter or place kicker. Nebraska has a long history of fine kickers and punters and many a game's outcome has been greatly influenced, if not outright determined, by the success or fail of the kickers. We lost literally hundreds - even a 1,000 yards of field position - in the special teams (punts, returns, etc) this year.
  13. QB - 5 RB - 5 FB/TE/HB - 5 O line (CGGTT) - 20 WR - 8 DT -7 DE - 7 LB - 10 CB - 7 S - 7 specials - 4 (punter, kicker, punter/kicker, snapper) You then will add atleast 2 walk ons at each of these as well and ideally a walk on for each redshirting player in addition. 85 scholarships plus 70 to 75 walk ons. You can reduce that number some provide you have a number of 'athletes' than can play reasonably in multiple positions. For example, tight ends and full backs and linebackers are all somewhat interchangeable size and speed wise, etc. Safety/CB and even LBs can switch in emergency, for scout and practice rolls, etc. WRs and CBs and RBs are all preferred as kick / punt returners. To the extent possible, if you can find back up punters within the ranks of other positions, one should do so as the limited travel rosters allow more other positions to be taken. I would play a fullback but if you look at Riley, he doesn't play him so maybe take one O linemen out as you use double tights so much.
  14. Over 5000 posts in this 'discussion' of the general election. On top of all the other so-called political and or religious or the many other non sports topics. This is just nuts! This is the first I even pulled this one up out of curiosity I guess. Frankly, with the election over with I just wondered what in the heck could possibly be left to talk about on the subject when there are topics politicallly related that are seemingly related to current issues. Still, what the heck do you guys what to discuss politics on a Husker site for? Husker discussion is pretty insignificant lately. Frankly, it has been slow since the football season started. That is just the exact opposite as supposedly we all live for Husker football.. Yet its politics being 'discussed' (I would argue butchered but that gets into partisan considerations). You all need to spend a great deal more time really reading reliable sources and using your rational thinking brains and a good dose of common sense. There is so much liberal fluff and absolute nonsense being written on here it is scary. It would appear so many of you are fake news junkies and are believing so much of it. I suggest you take about ten steps back and seriously ask yourself whether you really think some of the 'facts' you are using to make important judgments on really seem true. There are very few honest and unbiased fact reporting news sources left these days. You have to learn to see beyond the misleading headlines and when it really does seem 'too liberal to be true' it is because it is too liberal to be true. The polls reported before and even after the election were obviously false and misleading. As for the election results: There is a good reason for the electoral college and it has to do with ensuring no states are disenfranchised by the eletion. Each state choses electors to cast the selection vote for President to prevent individual states from having a disproportionate impact on the choice. The electors are allocated based on the federal census counts and NOT the number of votes cast and for whom that may be reported by any individual state representatives. It prevents election fraud or misrepresentation or manipulation. The voters of each state are all assured that their respective share of the population is represented in the choosing of the President. It is not accurate to say, as has been reported by a number of liberal 'news' sites, that Hillary received more popular votes than Trump. It is true that they havereported that they have counted more votes for Hillary than they have counted for Trump when totalling all the votes counted across the 50 states and DC. Not all the states count all of their votes. Once the winner is known, counting tends to stop. For example, many absentee ballots are not counted after election day once the winner has been named. There is no reason to count them because once you have 'won' the state, that is all that is required to be determined. However it is not the total votes counted across the country but rather than candidate who won the most states' electoral votes that wins. Every candidate knows what it takes to win the Presidency and it is NOT get more votes than the opponent by campaigning in a handful of populous states and generating all your votes there. California can have a 100% turnout and NY a 20% turnout. It doesn't matter. Both states get to cast their respective electoral votes for the President/Vice President accordingly. There are several reasons why this was chosen as the method to pick a President but primary concern was to assure the President was the President of all the several states and not particularly beholding to any handful or a few thereof. To keep the union together, all members must know they are being fairly and justly governed and represented in all things the federal government does. Equal protection of the law and due process and etc. We are now seeing the Democrates attempting to undermine and destroy this fundamental pillar of our representative republic. We are not 'democracy' as such and choose very little in the way of state or federal policy by way of some form of pure popular vote. Again, this is due in large part to the founders and others with a great deal of common sense and intelligence in things political and social and economic understanding that pure democracy (deciding fundamental daily issues via general popular votes leaves too much to chance, misrepresentation and fraud. For example, if we were to allow total popular votes counted for a given candidate to determine the winner, we can full well expect massive conflict over voter fraud, etc. The great majority of states would not believe that California vote numbers were honest and accurate as we could expect California would come up with more votes than they have registered legal voters. There is wide spread acceptance of non-citizens casting votes in California within the sanctuary cities. This is a form of illegal voting and the people of California are being victimized to an extent as a result. But the rest of the country is not so concerned because only California's electoral college votes may be 'stolen' or redirected contrary to the will of Californians (not all Americans). unfortunately, it is not just Cali but other areas (typically cities with highly concentrated populations with majority liberal/Dem leaning voters where we see these kinds of things happening). We saw a few Cleveland/Cayahoga County precints in Ohio vote 100% for Obama in 2004 and 1008. This is obviously fraudulant and could have turned the election in Ohio to favor Obama. Ultimately he may not have won Ohio with a honest vote. We will never know. The system is only as good as the voter ID and other measures taken to assure a true, honest and fair vote in each and every precinct. We know Trump won 2600 of the 3100 counties in the country. That says a great deal about the widespread support and we would only need to look into some of those grossly out of proportion precincts that went way high for Clinton to find a bunch of illegit votes. Just basic common sense and facts.
  15. I count 12 and if you are correct that we have but one lonely senior (Utter) leaving, then we are sure short about 8 or 10 linemen. 5 positions X 4 deep = 20. Just my math but where o' where has our pipeline gone? Even using scholarship guys we shoud have 82 or so divided amongst 22 positions (or 3.5 PER position). We sure don't need 3.5 receivers across about 4 spots so that means we got room for 4 deep on scholarship at each line spot! Just asking? Where are they?
  16. +1. Time to try something different. And no matter who the starter is, it'll be something different. My ideal scenario is to try to start the season next year with a really heavy run/pass ratio and see what Bryant and Ozigbo can do to reliably set up reasonable third & short passing scenarios for whoever our quarterback is. That's an offense (in theory, obv) that I'm excited to watch. Chances are low for this scenario playing out as we will need a top twenty or better offensive line in order to 'push' our way down the field consistently. Haven't had that in a decade. We had so little depth this year that we were backing up our backups with walkons from other positions. But for Tommy Armstrong scrambling so well, we'd have had literally dozens of drive stopping sacks and hard to imagine we'd have made it through the season with just 3 QBs marginally healthy enough guys taking the beating that would have resulted from all those hits.
  17. Yes, this is very much true in my view. 95% of college football players CANNOTplay quarterback and maybe 10% of those who play QB play it well enough to put Nebraska back in the elites of the game. We want to recruit, train and play the best of the best of the best. That is how you win at the highest level. We want the best dam QB in the game if possible. Certainly we need one of the ten best QBs who can pass like Tom Brady and run like Michael Vick. We've never had such a player yet but we should be ever looking. Until then, we need to recruit about 4 'good' QBs who are excellent passers that run much better than R. Fyfe. If we are stuck with a mediocre (or worse) offensive line, then we better have a QB who can REALLY throw and can atleast buy time to keep the sacks from killing us. The problem with QBs like Armstrong and Martinez before him is that our opponents simply made the wise strategic decision to minimize their pass coverage defense and attack our running game and limit the QB runs. Most defensive coaches will state that the best way to scheme defensively is "to make the offense one-dimentional" and therefore predictable. In a majority of those cases, the goal will be to 'stop the run first' and make them pass. If the opponent decides (rightly so in the case of Armstrong and Martinez for example) that our offense is more dangerous if our offense is successfully running the ball and they more greatly fear Armstrong/Martinez and Nebraska running the ball than passing it The defense is created to stifle our runs and take their chances with some pass completions. This has been the case as we have won many more games when we have been successful running it over passing it. This is because, in part at least, in my view - rush yards are worth twice as much as pass yards in general. You will win more games running for 400 yards than passing for 400 yards 'on average' The pass first QB proponents want a QB that can make the defense pay for overplaying the run. If so, then the run game will work. BUT without a strong offensive line, the run game will go nowhere unless we can pull them back with pass success.
  18. You would think that these guys love to play football and want to play anytime they can. Otherwise, why the heck would you be on a college football team?
  19. Please add a little explanation of 'depth' as I define depth as 'proven' talent that is ready, able and willing to play in the next game! POB was NOT 'depth' this year as he was off limits apparently as far as playing on this year's team. I am not going to redshirt Gebbia next year in my view of depth as I think we need 4 QBs ready to play any given game. You can lose two or three in a week's time now and then and certainly during the course of hundreds of practices/games annually.
  20. 2017 outlook, by player, by position, by grouping, on my subjective rating scale/system. I believe you get some good 'objectivity' from this subjective approach because you break it down in the sum of the parts. It seems easier to evaluate individual players and assign scores and the total up to get a team score. Each position needs a minimum of 4 players of Sub or better so if there are not enough, add a zero for each one you are short to arrive at the average. Pts Grade Subjective judgment of player's ability/talent/skills in his role on the team 10 Great He is all conference caliber" and as such he could start at most other Big Ten schools 8 Good He is capable of starting at Nebraska or several conference schools 6 Fair Typical second Nebraska or third string Big Ten player 4 Sub 3rd or 4th string at best skills. Would not start anywhere in the big Ten 2 Unknown Just have not seen him in live game action enough to judge. Score as Sub only if highly regarded by independent third party Once the individual players are assigned their grade, you can average up the scores of each position group and arrive at a position score. Average the various positions on each side of the ball (offense, defense, special teams) and arrive at a set of three to then total up for a 'team' score. Quarterbacks - POB - 2, Lee - 2, Gebbia - 2, Darlington - 2. total = 8 Average grade - 2 Tailbacks - Wilbon - 8, Ozigbo - 8, Bryant - 8, Others - 4 total = 28 Average grade - 7 . Fullbacks - Unknown. McNitt - 2, others ??? - 2 4 Average grade - 1 Tight End - Unknown. Good recruits/unidentified backups 4 Average grade - 1 O Linemen - 4 returning starters and 6 others played @ 6 each 60 20 others @ 4 (Sub only), 10 unknowns @ 2 each 100 160 / 40 ave. - 4 Receivers - 3 returning starters @ 8, 3 others Subs @ 4 36 Average grade 6 new recruits with good potential Offense: 21 divided by 6 = 3.5. This is the LOWEST SCORE BY FAR I have ever come up with on this system in past 20 years, by far. Of course, the TEs and QBs drop the score terribly but it is typical to have a number of 8s and 6. Past 15 years have been around a 6.5 to 7. Scary Without going into details, I will say my defense score comes up with a more normal 7.1. Special teams I score an 6 and that is dropped mostly because of the poor punting this year and our punter returns. Hopefully we find a better one or he improves dramatically. Terribly inconsistent and far too many muffs, clunkers and even blocked kicks. His net punting average is worst in the country. We are usually in the top ten. By comparison, our championship caliber teams had many scores in the "9" range with great players two or three deep at times across many positions.
  21. I have read very few comments stating that POB should be starting over Tommy. I have certainly never said that at all or even suggested the idea. However, I think many are like me. The feel it is malpractice to NOT have plenty of back up QBs ready to play on a moment's notice. Injuries happen in football (dozens each game in fact) at every position. Without researching it (it is not worth the effort) I dare say that there have been relatively few seasons when Nebraska has not had to play the second or even third string QB because the starter couldn't go. It happens regularly enough that any reasonable coach should prudently plan for it and plan to have a back up for the back up. The QB position is absolutely essential to a team's success. You may be able to fudge something here or there in many other places but you need a QB who can run the offense AT ALL TIMES. Not debatable. Most are saying that POB or some other guy (not on the team but who should be on the team if the coaches were planning wisely) should have been pushing for playing time and been ahead of a 5th year senior who never won the job after all that time. Fyfe has demonstrated, in my view, that he is a solid 4th string / scout team level player. He should be in that role.
  22. Craig Bohl? LOL He had his chance here and was fired for the defensive mess which if often pointed to as the downfall of the Husker empire. I am not sure it was fair to blame him but Frank put the blame on Tom's long time staff for his recruiting and on field performance woes when he fired so many of them. This was Frank's worst mistake among many. Hindsight is 20/20 they say but Frank's single biggest failure was recruiting. We were such a powerful draw that literally many of the best players around the country were sending letters, calling, sending film, etc to interest Nebraska in offering them. You could not have had it easier to recruit anywhere during Frank's first 4 years or so. Still, he turned down more talent that Mike Riley can ever hope to bring in. If the OWH is calling for Riley to be fired, they are fools. Anyone calling for the termination of coaches after this season is just not being realistic. We came within ONE PLAY of playing Penn State for the Big Ten title, a game we maybe could have won, all things considered. We ended up with a decent record and should get a decent bowl. This was as good as any Pelini would have mustered and in the end just as close as Michigan and Ohio State got to the CCG. Do Husker fans have plenty to be upset about? Yes. Are there issues to be worked on? Sure. Are there any coaching hires/fires that may be needed for next year? Maybe so. We will expect and demand dramatic upgrades in 'special teams' play as that was completely unacceptable. How Riley and Company accomplish this is what they are getting paid very handsomly for. Fail to do so by next fall? Then the AD may have to look at staffing changes. In the end, employees are to do as they are told or will asked to leave. Nobody can be expected to accomplish miracles but basic stuff is rightfully expected and required. Getting this generation of video game playing techno junkies to excell at something completely physical such as football is another story. Do they care? Well, I would suggest that they most likely don't have the same heart, desire, 'hunger' and so on as a generation or two ago would have. You see it often in the reaction of players after a loss. Often you don't see the real hurt and disappointment and upset that reasonably can be expected following a defeat. You are supposed to really want to win and if you don't you will suffer substantially. This is not often present these days. A difference in the attitudes and mindsets of this day and age presumably.
  23. No. this was an average season for us, sadly. Average is NOT Nebraska as you seem to suggest in your attitude. Iowas is average. We got blown out by average. That is not acceptable.
  24. I think the issue for lots of silly people and even some who are not being silly is that we won't know. The assumption is that becasue POB could not easily beat out Tommy Armstrong as 'thee' starter that he should therefore not play at all no matter what the cost to his or the team's short or long term future. For me (some disagree I know), playing POB this fall (had already been in the program for 9 months including a full spring and fall camp and was phsycially already mature) was very important to getting him ready to be a viable Big Ten starter next fall and ready to compete fully with Tanner Lee (Tulane's superstar transfer) and the HS phenom Gebbia. If I were POB, I would have wanted the edge up on both those guys with some playing time this year. Nothing wrong with being a three year starter. If you are going to the NFL, you will either make it or not after three seasons and 4 are not necessary. You also are in the NFL sooner if you don't waste a whole year in redshirt obscurity. He doesn't need to be a 'finished product' level player in his first season as a second string QB playing in a supporting role for Armstrong. A great way to learn in my view. Now, we could easily have the three blind mice next fall with no natural leader (hope Lee is all he needs to be).
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