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84HuskerLaw last won the day on July 8 2020

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  1. Definitely a keeper. He has potential all over the field. Grab him quick.
  2. 16 points again. Maybe it’s a ‘sign’ that we are destined for the sweet sixteen to finish!
  3. Blue blood I would suggest is simply a way of describing the elite cfb program of all time. There are probably 20 or so ‘blue bloods’. Certainly the top 20 winningest programs in the history of Div 1. Recency bias may distort the view by younger ‘fans’ . But young (under 30 or even 35) have a very difficult time viewing football from a historical perspective. Probably one could say the top 20 winningest team of the past 25 years would not necessarily yield a list of ‘blue bloods’. Some of the better (winning) programs of the last 25 years won’t be included by a majority perhaps. It is largely based on historical (since fb began over a hundred years ago) concept. There are some recent programs that have had successful teams this century that won’t be blue bloods.
  4. Why is it that we just get 2 of the most accurate passers in NU fb history and we need tall receivers to even have a chance for a competition. ? There are plenty of good / capable pass catchers already on the team. Adding another one or two seems like overkill. I choose speed anytime. Id take another DL or two and or DE types. Add a couple LBs. We have about 18 DBs too. Couple of those can move to WR if desperate.
  5. I suspect he and Blye Hill both have personal connections from the past at Temple / St Francis. Probably how DONU might land him. Has a great visit list in the portal.
  6. If he weren’t a legacy X2, this would rank near the top. But, until he leads the team to a 10 win regular season, minimum, he is just another great player of many the wore the N.
  7. There will be panic in the streets if Raiola doesn’t come. Especially if he drives away several other QBs in the process of flirting with one school while engaged to marry another the eve of the ceremony.
  8. QB play is THE glaring issue. There has been improvement everywhere else. Penalties used to be a big problem on the team, especially O line. Not so anymore. RBs are getting better. We miss our starters but not as much as we expected. WRs are raw and green and hit or miss. I expect good improvement next year in that room. We have NO short passing game. Not sure why but we have no chance on 3rd & 5 seemingly. Obvious tendency is throw on first downs, a lot. We don’t give our run game a chance to get ten yards on three plays cause we start 2nd & ten. Play calling seems to be what Satt wants to do not necessarily what needs to be with our roster. But, it is tough to call plays with our QBs currently. One glaring missing ingredient is the I formation and the FB gives. We can’t get outside when we have ZERO inside threat. Satt lacks the true power run game instincts. If he will yield to this it would really help an inept offense. Sadly, our QB play is the heart of our problems. Been so all season. Imo.
  9. Frankly the last four years of Devaney. All were THE game every year. Don’t remember the year but the ice bowl vs OU in Lincoln when Calvin Jones tore em up! One of my all time favorite players!
  10. Every OU game in the Osborne & Solich era. Win or lose, they were typically the de facto national championship.
  11. Actually it appears as .4%. Less than 1%. Or essentially a snowball’s chance on Miami Beach July 4th. Let’s all focus on the game each week. Our season is flying by and we need to enjoy this time. Wins are so hard to come by lately let’s just let the Huskers decide for us! GBR
  12. Lol. The lengths some people will go to find ways to rag on Nebraska football.
  13. Rhule is getting the whole team to play as a team. Synergy is the term that comes to mind. The product is greater than the sum of its parts. A sign of good coaching - assembling a team, identifying capabilities and getting the most out of them. Rhule has done very well so far - year 1. Got a ways to go but the Huskers are starting to get the respect from opponents. We are no longer laughing stock. Some teams may wish we were not on their schedule. I think this is going as Rhule has planned, maybe slightly better. First you have to earn the right to be respected. That gives you a fighting chance. Then you play harder than you ever thought you could. You work your butts off every day. The intensity is there. The focus is there. The teamwork and camaraderie is there. The effort. After just 7 games, those are clearly signs of progress. He is building depth, getting youth blended in quicker than any prior coaches, and getting a good dose of confidence with humility. There are no selfish players - it’s we, us, the room, the mutual support, etc. Frankly, there are no stars - yet - but there some rising stars all over. Not sure how much better most of the older guys can get, but the young ones are showing incredible upside potential. Years 2 and 3 can be much more like Husker football the way it should be. I am a proud run the damn ball guy and a strong believer in the option game. We see what it could be IF we have players taught to execute it well. These guys have enough to tease opponents - imagine what a well schooled team can do with serious repetition and more than four or five simple plays. It’s been the best of a not very effective offense with a variety of plays, schemes, formations etc. HH / Simms have shown they are NOT throwers. Both have decent running ability but ball handling is downright scary at times. But, the revolving doors at WR and RB have really played a part. Both QBs are struggling and frustrated - presumably- with lack of success offensively. Patience has to be paramount but at this point, both QBs want so much to help the team. I think focus on trying to succeed overshadows focus on fundamentals. Thus fumbles and INTs. Penalties are trending better but aggression and effort have continued. A very good indicator - this bunch is getting better. Yesterday, we watched plenty of things to work on and complain about but the final score looks damn good to me. An ugly win but a handsome score! Purdue is not that bad. Nobody in the Big Ten is ‘that bad’. Long way to go but in about a month, this season will tell us how far we have come. I suspect we are headed in the right direction! Be patient and cheer for the Huskers. Things are looking up. We may find that this new and improved team can make us proud fans once again! No matter how many more wins we scratch and claw our way to, our opponents are going to remember who they played! GBR!
  14. It will help as time goes on to have a sincere focus on running the ball. We have miscues and mistakes, much like the frost era, but we have a scheme and plan offensively. Players never got better under Frost on offense. He had very little to do with defense and STs. Development (guys getting better as they age up) almost never happened. Frost moved a great athlete from TE to Center and it took 2 seasons to get better just snapping the ball. The O line was always a mess. If Frost would have adopted a balanced, multiple back offense, he would have had better results - on both sides of the ball. We had lots of three &outs and six & out possessions. A revolving door at WRs and WR coaches made offense inconsistent. Frost saw his only real QB never improve and played hurt half the time. Our run defense was poor bc they never saw run game in practice. In the end, it has been BOTH coaching and players. We had athletes but failed to scheme and adapt the play to fit their talents. Big slow footed O linemen. WRs could not run routes and catch and block. D line couldn’t stop the run. STs weren’t even coached apparently. Kickers and punters - bad luck, bad choices or both. We have better staff, as a whole, but it is too early to tell on how much and where, if any, we need to adjust. We need a better QB. But HH and Simms may improve by next fall. The offense needs more tweaking. Defense is playing as well as talent can be. Over time, we can upgrade talent and play even better. Do we have ANY all conference players? As of today, I don’t think so. By season end? Maybe a couple on defense. Nobody close on offense.
  15. Every game is a challenge. We have better than 50-50 chance. But it will be tough. Play well all phases, it’s a win. But it’s been many years since that happened!
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