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Everything posted by huskerfan74

  1. Fastest score in football EVER. We keep breaking records
  2. Play calling is 200% on Frost so we see today if our offense struggles were because of previous staff. He simply cannot blame anyone but himself.
  3. There is a lot riding on this game in terms of the future. I hope team reacts well to recent changes and comes out firing. Go big red!
  4. I know everyone believes that we are magically going to turn things around next year with an easier schedule. The problem is that “difficulty” is relative. Wisconsin was a bad team to start the year and here they are competing for the West conference. Minnesota was an easy opponent and they beat us. Illinois was going to be a sure thing and we lost to them. Purdue was a must win and they ended up beating us and two top ten teams and getting ranked. The issue is Frost himself. While his coaches did not help, he is the one ultimately making the decisions on this team and that has not changed even with the coaching changes. Think about it. Frost decided to go with an injured Martinez in the Minnesota game. We might have won that game if smothers were given a chance. Especially when he had four consecutive shots to take the lead. He then decided to ride Martinez after four interceptions in the Purdue game. These decisions were not Greg Austin’s, Matt Lubick’s, or Verduzco’s. They were Frost’s decisions. I completely agree that we are a much better team than our record shows and I am sure many around the country will agree. However, at the end of the day, all that matters is W-L and we are on the bad end of that category. Five years from now, no one will look at this year’s record and say we did great things. The question is will Frost actually point the thumb and realize that he needs to stop being stubborn and start admitting that he is getting out coached and actually get help from some good coaching hires. Otherwise, we will start making excuses for Frost again next year. Let us admit that the task ahead for Frost is extremely difficult and if he can’t pull a miracle these last two games, it will be a sign of bad things to come. I doubt there has ever been another team with these stats sitting at 3-7 and that is all on Frost.
  5. Actually, since Trev announced that Frost is getting another year, many are so demoralized that they lost hope. What you see is boredom setting in. The bye week does not help either. Things will get interesting again after the Wisconsin game, win or lose.
  6. Wisconsin has allowed 7.3 PPG in last five games. Frost’s lethal and potent offense will change that stat…
  7. Transfer portal: Jaquez Yant Sevion Morrison Markese Stepp and Logan Smothers if Adrian Martinez comes back for Failed Redemption Part II
  8. By the way, Wisconsin has been playing lights out lately and they won’t go quietly into the night, especially not in their own backyard.
  9. Based on everything that transpired over the past week, I strongly believe that the next two games are the most important games in Frost’s tenure. If he wins both games, the team gains much needed momentum going into next season and we get off to a hot start. Lose these two games and that signals the beginning of the end for Frost’s tenure. I do not believe in easy schedules. We have proven that any BIG Ten team can beat us and they can even spank us at our own back yard. So, if we do not start winning and get on a hot streak, this will be over by next October. Let us hope that Frost realizes how important these last two games are.
  10. Our special teams have sucked since Bo was fired. Pelini had good special teams. Which begs the question if pelini can field good special teams why can’t our wonder boy Frost? Simple, he does not believe special teams are that important. If Frost had put emphasis on special teams since his arrival, his 5-18 record in one score games could easily be 12-11.
  11. So, he fired four coaches, took a pay cut, and he draws the line at hiring a dedicated special teams coach…seriously, Frost. Special teams hurt us way more than our offense. You would think the number one priority is to get a dedicated special teams coach who can recruit players who can kick a damn field goal from 30 yards out or punt more than 15 yards. Our punts blow, our punt returns are nonexistent, and I can’t remember the last time we blocked a punt or did anything special. Dawson seems to know how to coach special teams as much as I know how to perform brain surgery. This decision is like agreeing to fix the holes on the side of your ship but not the one at the bottom of the ship. Sign of great things to come next year…
  12. The disappointing thing about this early announcement is that it was done before the season was even over. What happens if we go to Wisconsin and get our A$$es handed to us? What if Iowa salvages their season by ripping us a new one? How would everyone feel at that point. Trev and Frost are assuming that we will get momentum in our last two games that will carry over to next season. We have not seen this yet this season. Let us hope we actually win our last two games. As it stands, It will be a very long offseason and will become even longer if we lay a goose egg in our final two games. I do not know what exactly Trev accomplished by making this announcement this early! And please do not say recruiting….
  13. Come on man, this decision sounds like a desperate wife who is willing to give her husband a fifth chance after he cheated on her four times because she is afraid she is not attractive enough to get a husband she deserves.
  14. I guess we can now retire this thread until October 2022.
  15. Aren’t we tired of this game already? I give up. I have zero expectations for next year. This way even 1 win is progress. In fact, my new expectation is for the team to show up to their games. This will reduce my stress level during games and prolong my life 10 more years. Nebraska is now the Kansas of the BIG.
  16. I like how ADs can spin anything to sound like we have a diamond when they don’t have the cash to get an actual jewel.
  17. Nebraska is a storied program just like Michigan, Ohio state, and Oklahoma. Anyone who doubts that is a moron. Let us for a second compare Nebraska to Michigan. They are both storied programs and they both hired one of their alums as HC. Since 2015, Michigan under Jim Harbaugh had three 10-3 seasons, one 9-4, one 8-5, 2-4 during COVID year, and is currently 8-1. He is on the hot seat because he has not faired well against Michigan state and Ohio state even though his record is at 47-17 and 29-10 in the big ten. After his loss to Michigan state, the fans were calling for him to get fired. If he loses to Ohio state this year, he might still get fired. Now, contrast that to us, another storied program that hired one of its alums in Scott Frost. Frost is 15-27 at Nebraska and 10-23 in big ten competition with four consecutive losing seasons and no bowl appearances. His best team with all his recruits cannot buy a win against teams with a pulse. He is 5-19 in games decided by 9 points or less. So, why is it that Michigan fans can demand perfection from their storied program, and our fans are settling for excuses and making argument after argument to keep Frost for another year. Have we lost hope and passion for Husker Football that we decided to lower our standards and embrace irrelevance and mediocrity and promises that we might turn the corner next year? All we wanted this season is a 6-6 record. If Frost delivered that, I am confident that we would not be having half of these conversations. Yet, here we are at 3-7 with a good chance that we might end up with 3-9. If that is the new norm for husker football then we might as well join the FCS and just focus our energy on volleyball.
  18. I am on the same topic and your argument makes no sense at all. Whenever Yant was given an opportunity, he produced positive yards. He is a good athlete and has great potential. If he is not doing something the coaches are asking him to do then they should try and see what the problem is and work with him to fix the issue so he can be a weapon. In the Purdue game, he had two great runs and then the coaches stopped utilizing him. That is not how you develop your talent. As for your high school analogy, if I were a good teacher and one of my students who shows great potential was not doing something right, I would try harder to help them so they can reach their potential. That is what good teachers do. Based on your argument no wonder Frost can’t turn these players into winners. Asking someone to be great is different than showing them how to be great. Arguably we have much better talent than Illinois, Purdue, and Minnesota and yet we lost to them. Ever wonder why? It is definitely not Yant’s fault. I would not be surprised if Yant and others enter the transfer portal as soon as season ends.
  19. Isn’t that coaching? Player development? Why do these coaches gain paid high salaries? Isn’t it to develop talent like Yant. If we give up on every talented player because we do not know how to develop their talent and hone their skills then why bother recruit them. These are young men who need coaching.
  20. Would we be having all these threads and conversations if it were anyone else but Frost? Nostalgia is not a reason to keep a coach with four consecutive losing seasons. I will say this again. If Frost had any answers, we would have seen them by now. He does not. He is hoping that things will fix themselves if he stays the course. That is the message I get from all his pressers. Pros: save university money Cons: (1) More of the same crap week in week out. (2) Another mass exodus of players with Frost accusing them of not having the character he wants in his team. (3) Another 1000 threads discussing whether Frost should get another year or be Fired.
  21. I already made up my mind. What I wrote is exactly how I feel regardless of what happens in the last two games. Fortunately, it is not my decision whether Frost comes back for another year or is let go. That is on Trev Alberts. At this point, Frost has had enough time to fix and tweak things. His record is not a coincidence in year 4. The team chokes every time we have a chance to win. On many occasions this season, he proclaimed that this is his best team. If you have your best team and cannot come up with a game plan to win at least half of our one score games, then that tells me you have nothing left in the tank. Take Illinois for example, we have twice the talented players they have (if not more), yet their first year coach managed to scheme game plans that beat us, Penn State, and Minnesota. Frost, in his fourth year, with his best team ever, cannot get to 6-6 and lost to Purdue, illinois, and Minnesota, and may lose to Wisconsin and Iowa. He is 1-6 in the weak BIG 10 west division. Our defense might be having its peak year. We will lose many veteran players this season. Our defense kept us in all our games. What will happen if we do not have a similar defense next year? What I am trying to say is that Frost gave it his all and we have four losing seasons to show for it. All the fans wanted this season was for the team to at least finish 6-6 and go to a bowl. Yes, we lowered our expectations because we knew we had a very tough schedule. Yet, we did not even get that. So, the ship has sailed for me. We need a fresh start. Giving Frost one more year will not accomplish much. His players know he is on the hottest seat ever. Players like Yant, smothers, and stepp who are not getting playing time will enter the transfer portal and others may follow since they see a sinking ship. We reached a very difficult junction and I definitely do not envy Trev for being in this position. If it were me, I would part ways amicably and find the next coach who can develop the talent we have and give them a chance to win and succeed with an easier schedule next season.
  22. This season has shown that Frost is way too stubborn to admit that his way is not working. He is not the type to make any changes and if Martinez were to commit to another year, Frost will ride him till the end. I just hope that Trev realizes that giving Frost another year will not result in anything different than what transpired this season. Frost has nothing new to offer. If he did, we would have seen it already. It is time for a fresh start for both Frost and Nebraska. This experiment has run its course. We gave it all the time it needed to succeed but it failed. Time to move on. No hard feelings.
  23. How about Jeff Brohm…no one has more wins against top 5 teams as unbranded team.
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