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Everything posted by NM11046

  1. Cool, cool, cool. No big deal fellas. Will be interesting to see who he feels should be the point of contact in local government for men thinking of vasectomies and who one might reach out to if a kid needs some medicine for a cold. There should probably be a full time person in local government dedicated to approving treatment for covid.
  2. Wonder if this resulted in a permanent switch of parties to the good guys for these 20 ... not confident of the American public's ability to vote in their own best interest, but you'd think it would be a pretty easy decision for these folks.
  3. (Not racism, but don't think we have a separate thread for antisemitism - so instead of starting a new thread ...) Yeezy: "“I can say antisemitic things and Adidas can’t drop me. Now what?” Addidas, 5 days after his comment: "ADDIDAS TERMINATES PARTNERSHIP WITH YEEZY EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY". "Cancel culture" at it's best aye? I give it less than 8 hours before Tucker or Junior announce a partnership with Ye to make MAGA Shoes.
  4. Why it's so important to vote Blue for all local elections as well as POTUS - if they continue to move more things to the state level that is one way to curb impact. Gotta hand it to the GOP though, they've played the long game on this one and the courts. Very good strategists. You'd think they'd be more cautious about those they put forward though, I'd say a good number of them are bad enough to turn off once loyal GOP voters.
  5. Just want to let you guys know what a healthy discussion this is - glad there's a safe spot you can come to connect. Not in this situation myself right now, but know that there are caregiver support groups and other resources that might be useful for. Lots doing online meetings since covid. but there are usually live options as well thru local hospitals. Often times there are different specialists (i.e. healthcare lawyer that helps work thru POA, Living Wills etc) that volunteer their time or can point you toward options that might help. Also talk to your doctors about Pallative Care and getting lined up with that asap. It's a misunderstood profession, it's not hospice or meaning you are at deaths door, it's not all about medication and etc. but they deal with chronic health issues and can also help a tremendous amount with resources. We really try to advocate with our patients get connected with them as soon as they're diagnosed. They help out with ins issues, psych/social issues w/the patient and family, work to coordinate specialists etc. Easier said than done, but make sure you take time for yourselves. It's important to keep yourself and your mindset ok, sometimes that means skipping a day with family.
  6. Honestly one of the greatest things I've seen of late.
  7. No they didn't. You need to read other sources outside of Fox News about what is happening in that lab. You are amplifying a lie. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2022/10/18/business/bu-calls-report-that-it-created-more-dangerous-covid-strain-false-inaccurate/ https://www.wgbh.org/news/local-news/2022/10/19/boston-university-defends-covid-19-research-calling-criticism-inaccurate https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/oct/20/instagram-posts/claim-boston-university-created-covid-19-strain-80/ https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-pandemic-covid-omicron-health-science-365183938782 https://www.wbur.org/news/2022/10/18/bu-disputes-reports-it-created-a-potentially-dangerous-pathogen https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2022/10/18/new-lab-made-covid-19-coronavirus-at-boston-university-raises-questions/?sh=63e6ae752a4f
  8. Please name ANYONE who believes and advocates for late term "abortion on demand". You can't.
  9. Chilli & Cinnamon rolls Beer & nachos Burger & Fries
  10. To the ^^^ I am one and it's constant. Sometimes spoken out loud and often times not, and felt 100%. Ever have someone walk away from you at a party because they don't know what to talk to you about if it's not a comparison of kids and where they are and what they're doing? You can be a complete human, making contributions and living a good life without having children. AND I get to retire early.
  11. Not sure if anybody watched the 60 Minutes piece with Bart Barber (Southern Baptist Convention) a couple weeks ago (just finally getting to it myself on the dvr). @TGHusker in particular thought it would resonate with you. Very rational guy who explained his thoughts pretty clearly. I don't agree with many of his philosophies (nor I'm sure did Anderson Cooper for reasons that are obvious when you watch) but it's a great example of a discussion between two differing points of view that doesn't get combative. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/southern-baptist-convention-president-bart-barber-60-minutes-video-2022-10-09/
  12. See now TG I watched that exchange and thought it pretty smart and pertinent. If we're worried so much about the cost of living on the folks in the US why are we forcing peop;le to bring unwanted, potentially special needs children into the world?
  13. You know he is weak & pathetic, but let's focus on the fact that SHE is strong, and educated, and motivated, and driven. She doesn't look like a good option just because he's a bad one. (I know i"m preaching to the choir a bit here, but it's worth saying). Val is tough as nails and very qualified for the job.
  14. My guess is they're doing an expose of college coaching and buy outs or similar ... with all the changes this year sure would be an interesting look at the money programs bring in for the U, what they spend on coaches, what they walk away with etc. I'm assuming they were able to access that info at other universities and when something is held back the automatic assumption is that there is a reason for it.
  15. Goodness Val Demmings is making a fool of Little Marco. FL - how is this a hard choice?
  16. I think her greatest skill is being able to communicate very complex, difficult historical information in a succinct understandable way to the rest of us. Top notch. Thanks for sharing this.
  17. Thanks - my sarcasm didn't come thru. Fox is just a master at of taking a true story and then tweaking the headline and making the talking points of content bombastic to fan the fames of it's moths.
  18. Well I won't click the link to see what it is, but I can tell you just by looking at the link, and the fact that it's from Fox News, that it is indeed Fake News.
  19. Thats a very quick soundbite capitalizing on a limited information. A longer interaction would include more information, like the reasons for late term abortions and how rare they are. Buttigieg explains it succinctly here.
  20. People lump all latinos together - very different priorities and voting trends for Puerto Ricans' vs. Mexicans vs. Cubans for instance. GOP gained a lot in FL in 2020 for instance - mostly Cuban background, they are far more conservative in many regards, and have issue with Dems going back as far as Bay Of Pigs. They also don't see themselves as "immigrants" like mexicans who cross the border, and crime is a big factor for them.
  21. And you my friend, just like Hershel don't understand the difference between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.
  22. People walking more than 2 wide. If you have a third or fourth person in your group, they are to walk ahead or behind you. No need to take up the entire sidewalk and walk slower than molasses because you're all leaning in trying to hold a conversation.
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