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Crusader Husker

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Everything posted by Crusader Husker

  1. I am hearing here that Ohio State is not very good on the NIL side of things. Not sure if you are hearing it too? Not just lack of money but also lack of organization too.
  2. $EC, $EC, $EC!! If they care more, why are they not paid more??
  3. The Bias towards the SEC is ridiculous.
  4. I think it is mostly a large national push by people just pushing against Biden. I keep getting told that republicans are against it, but I don't personally know any.
  5. I no longer blame Trump for anything. At this point the blame is on the people who keep voting for him. Republicans are preparing them selves for defeat again in 2024 if he runs, and I don't think it matters who it is against.
  6. this year has at least 2 former Husker kids. Dylan and Caleb Benning. It will be interesting.
  7. I have said for a while. I think USC is the leader. Love to be wrong on this one and see him with the Huskers.
  8. Context matters, Dems and you were not the target audience of my comment.
  9. Let me explain it a different way to the Repub's. We are breaking the back of the bastard Russians (Who are bastards) economically by aiding Ukraine's war. Forget about the moral reasons, if you must. Think Reagan's 1980's star wars program. That is what help bring the USSR to their knees.
  10. Until you people have to live with the ownership of Cleveland, I want no complaining about your owners!
  11. I have been saying this for years, except 2 hands. Take it to the extreme and force the NFL to find real balance.
  12. This would be funny if there wasn't some truth in it.
  13. I live in a red state and a mostly blue community. I think that is really how it is. My son goes to school in Rochester NY. Very Blue state, but outside of Rochester. It is VERY red. My wife and I stayed in a small town about 90 miles outside of NYC. Trump flags everywhere. I lived in Vegas for 10 years. That place felt very libertarian at the time. Not sure about now. I think things mostly break this way. Urban-Blue, Suburban-purple, and rural red. You really can't over generalize too much, but that has to be close.
  14. Biden actually sounds like a pre-Trump republican in his handling of the situation. 80's Reagan rupubl'ss would applaud loudly.
  15. The amount of respect I have lost for people who have said something like that, not exactly like that is incredible. Trump is a pure depiction of the anti-Christ. I used to think along those lines in my younger days. Read the book, "Blue Like Jazz." It made me look at things much differently.
  16. Christianity has been ruined by politics. Started with the Edict of Milan. They should both be mutually exclusive.
  17. I am not sure they would add anyone who can't bring a 100 million dollar value with them. Only Notre Dame would do that. Kansas BB UNC BB? Maybe.
  18. At this point I would figure a heart attack. I am really afraid he is dead and made a cyborg of himself and no one knows. I laugh, or I would just cry.
  19. He ain't getting back. He may accidently fall down stairs or an elevator shaft.
  20. That is the problem, this goes way beyond the legislative progress. This is a societal issue. If you wait on government to fix anything we will wait for ever. Politians are really the biggest problem in this country. They are ALL self serving and only act like they care about us.
  21. I know I am a broken record, but, the only way for us to solve this is for ALL of the country to come together. As long as we are divided, this crap will keep happening.
  22. What Lincoln Riley has done with QB's is what makes me think that could be spot #1.
  23. They are consistent. I hope the keep Dad and Son for ever. Mediocrity is OK in their eyes, BUT, if we become what we can be, they are in trouble. Although seeing our revolving door, they may want to not fire anyone, ever!
  24. Libertarians need to start recruiting hard to get the normal people out of the republican party.
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