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Crusader Husker

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Everything posted by Crusader Husker

  1. That is one of the many problems I have with him. He is not conservative, he is a Statist. He is only conservative on the right issues to keep the cult happy. I think he is also LGBTQ+, which a conservative person doesn't like. But I think he is that just because he likes threesomes.
  2. I really agree with this. I have never understood the hate. A little Hyperbolic at times, yes. But over all he is pretty good.
  3. I am not tired of seeing Taylor Swift at NFL games and the cameras focused on her. Annoying? A little, but I am tired of hearing people complain about it that seems to clog my social media threads.
  4. I get tired of all of the people who say they will leave if so and so are elected. Would love to know if anyone has ever left. I am pretty sure that anyone sneaking across the southern border has never said that though.
  5. I think the Chiefs got by with some Defensive holding and DPI. The way it is officiated in the NFL, I think you can just roll the dice every down.
  6. The Taylor effect...
  7. I watch way to many conspiracy TV shows. Designated Survivor, 24 and the like. I am sometimes surprised Trump is still alive.
  8. That my friend is a lot of money. It does seem like some of it is earmarked to the new athletic center?
  9. Nope, that would be his brother! HOW DARE YOU SIR!!!!!
  10. Sometimes I think Vince McMahon and Trump are the same people. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/vince-mcmahon-accused-abuse-sexual-assault-trafficking-lawsuit-rcna135695
  11. Kia Sorrento Got it with 70K, Ditched it with 207K 137K
  12. Sark is now the only coach returning to his playoff team.
  13. He just needs to run on the campaign, "I am not Trump!" I still think he will win. Moderates and independents will vote for Biden.
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-bleeding-moderate-support-could-100000261.html Good Article, I know the gutless repub leadership has to realize this. This is just one quote that should scare them.
  15. He should jut have Monica Lewinsky be his VP, it is both fitting and brings everything kind of full circle. I say full circle because the people that felt Clinton was an immoral heathen and should be thrown out of office, are the same people voting for Trump.
  16. In Ohio in the primaries you just ask for a ballot. I can vote Dem or Repub. I am wondering about other parties?
  17. Assuming Nikki will be off the ballot by the time Ohio primary time comes in, I am going to have to do a write in ballot. I am thinking writing in, "the crap I took this morning." Any other Ideas?
  18. Nice boob sighting the Taylor Swift booth.
  19. I am glad they are stocking up on skilled players when their biggest problem is their line SUCKS.
  20. 1. Stupid on that kid. 2. Iowa is so irrelevant to the NCAA they will skate by again with nothing.
  21. Our old next door neighbor's parents were born in Latvia. The escaped after WW2 to come to America. Their parents had to deal with both Nazi's and the Commies. They said, their parents said, the Commies were much tougher to deal with than the Nazi's. Crazy thing, when the commies left, Latvia granted all kids of former citizens, citizenship. They just moved to Latvia. Maybe not a good time, but they didn't seem worried.
  22. I haven't watched the Huskers in a few years. I have watched the Iowa dual and watched last nights dual this morning. It didn't get all of Allred's match or heavyweight. We still seem to lack the aggressiveness of a PSU or Iowa. We only seem to put 1 or 2 moves together where teams like PSU and Iowa are able to string more moves together. It has been that way for years. I always wonder if it is coaching or S&C. I guess the real answer is probably both. Looking at team rankings, Missouri? Really? I looked at their schedule. They have dominated everyone, but have not wrestled against the Big 10 elite in a dual.
  23. You can really say it is the NE vs. the rest of the country. The reason it is really tough to say that is Urban areas tend to be controlled by Dems and they have some of the worst public schools in the country. I don't think it is that simple. Suburban areas tend to be a little more republican and it has some of the best schools. I think it is really more about economic factors other than who they voted for.
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