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Everything posted by Lorewarn

  1. States that have the death penalty should also have it be in the 'town square', so to speak, imo.
  2. I'll help you out, the links are timestamped all you have to do is click play.
  3. I think starting on the ends and then working to the middle is a good way to figure out where we collectively start and stop valuing life haha
  4. Comparing doesn't mean the same thing as equating, which isn't what he was doing. But it does bring up a compelling lane of thinking. It's obvious that a fetus is "life". Nobody denies that. The "if we found unique DNA on Mars we would celebrate finding life on another planet!" argument is....true, but a red herring because nobody is arguing that it isn't life. The conversation rests solely in when and why do we start to value that life, because we kill alive things all the time.
  5. Maybe this is a dumb question, but if states are going to be cool with having the death penalty, why not kill them the day they get sentenced? After a month? After a year? A decade max to leave a reasonable amount of time for appeals if they were wrongly convicted?
  6. Of course. And I rarely text and drive, and even more rarely if I'm actually moving, and even then it's usually using my voice. But I'm certainly guilty of doing it, as are many. My main point wasn't to say that is fine, or imply that I shouldn't be concerned about the people around me, but the immediacy of responsibility is a real distinction. Of course we feel more responsible people we're more blatantly aware of or more closely connected to.
  7. As soon as that scene started I started laughing and yelling "NOOOOOOO", as it was clear they were riffing off the fan theories surrounding how Ant Man could have easily Killed Thanos The Boys is my favorite show out right now, and also maybe the best social commentary in pop culture.
  8. In regards to the risk tolerance discussion, which is really what gun control is about, I look at it like this. The odds of a young child getting their hands on a responsibly locked gun are very low, but not zero. However, the odds of that gun being useful for protection are also incredibly low, especially if it's safely locked away. I don't know if the stats exist but I'd love to see a comparison of accidental homicides and suicides by gun owners in their homes compared to successful thwarting of invasion with guns. And yeah I definitely occasionally text and drive. But when I have anyone else in my car the odds that I'll do that are drastically reduced, because I'm now responsible for taking care of that person. I feel similarly about owning a gun when you have things that make that situation more risky (ie children in the house).
  9. There's so many ways you can start tackling it, but the desire isn't there. Zoning laws are one of the huge factors that make it difficult. Maybe even the biggest. There's endless potential and feasibility for ~$25,000 energy efficient home builds, before you get into all the laws and regulations that make it next to impossible. I'd love to see, for a start, the government start selling off land it owns and doesn't need (which there is plenty of), with low cost sustainable houses built onto lots at a low-income feasible rate.
  10. I have a tough time believing that Warren wouldn't be a great President. She's reasonable, engaged, enthusiastic, and knows the art of compromise and being pragmatic while still standing her ground.
  11. Who's making the argument that it's all biological?
  12. When I'm trying to view threads the messageboard won't load and is just a white page with Request Header Fields Too Large written.
  13. Not a weird thing to point out when the perspective that liberals have a bloodlust to kill the innocent and groom children is getting closer to a mainstream thing people actually think.
  14. While it's impossible to have it perfectly balanced for everyone every year, if we go to a permanent 4 or 5 and the rest rotating, that will mostly take care of the problem won't it? No more getting Ohio State 8 out of 10 years, because the number of teams and the rule of cycling through everyone keeps you from getting stuck.
  15. The misuse of pronouns being or not being sexual harassment would depend entirely on the context of the misuse. There's definitely a certain way that could go down that would qualify, much in the same way where if I was constantly making remarks at work to my female coworker about her huge boobs and how great they are would also qualify as sexual harassment. It doesn't have to be physical, but we really don't know enough about this situation to have a good evaluation yet.
  16. Um YES! Tucker and many others are trying to raise the alarm on how we're being harmed by all of them replacing all of us! /s
  17. My 5th grade teacher in '00 told us (not taught, just telling a story) about how she went to a Klan rally and the KKK isn't as bad as people think.
  18. But the perception and stereotype remain, whether right or wrong. Trev knows this and it will be an element to be mindful of if we're in that position at the end of 2022.
  19. 100% this. You read the mom's quotes in that news article and you know immediately what type of parent that is, and it isn't one that you would give the benefit of the doubt to in a situation like this. Come on, we all know that mom. Interested to see more factual details come out.
  20. If this staff pulls a similar thing to Solich's 2003 staff, the AD will be very aware of how bad the optics would be if they got the can after. If Frost wins 7 games he's safe. He's had the ability to win 7 every year he's been here, even with less talented and put together rosters.
  21. Obviously not the worst city if there's that many homeless people. Homeless people go to the good cities, they wouldn't go be homeless in a s#!thole
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