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Everything posted by Lorewarn

  1. The circumstances of an actual hostile armed invasion do tend to have the effect of people changing strategy.
  2. What the f#&% are they even trying to say here? Especially the host, claiming you're not allowed to express any reservation of launching into a land war in Asia? Did I miss the deep state democrat state media narrative that they want to put boots on the ground?
  3. Hard to know for sure, but I think the strategy is different when you're in the middle of a major urban center with lots of other interests. The Austin metro population is more than our entire state, and there are plenty of people interested in things other than UT sports (although I'm sure there are still plenty of fans, just the percentage is dilluted). Would make more sense in that way to focus on deals that help your program win moreso than deals that are gonna make for good advertisements for your BBQ place when tons of folks don't know who the spokesperson is.
  4. If I was a company looking to gift/pay players, an apartment would be the last thing I'd offer. They already have room and board paid for, and if they live off campus they just get a check cut for the room & board amount (which is almost always significantly more than they'll pay in rent with some roommates off campus)
  5. This could work for 99% of responses in 'conversation' with archy without all the rest of the stuff.
  6. Whatever's said on a Nebraska football messageboard has no bearing on helping or hurting the situation. Plenty of people just aren't experts or even laymen when it comes to good 21st century foreign policy strategy and geopolitics to know if what we are doing is good, bad, enough, dangerous, foolish, etc. There's always more you can do, and the line of how much and what type of 'more' that leads to nuclear winter isn't abundantly clear, so it's a natural thought process for anyone.
  7. Tombstone used to be my favorite but now it's a nice change-of-pace option. The best is definitely Red Baron brick oven crust style. There's also some new detroit-style types I've seen at wal-mart that are really good and will really fill you up.
  8. This was already disproven twice before you posted, and once more (now twice) after you've said it, so let's leave that point dead shall we? Was there anything going on in the world during Obama's early tenure as President that might be related to lack of funding? Like a global economy crash or anything?
  9. I'm not a fan of russian invaders but I am at odds with "Silicon Valley" on how inconsistent they are while masquerading as a neutral arbiter of acceptable and unacceptable language. Also there's 3 billion people on Facebook. Sure, less than half the world is probably rational but that would presume that only the non-rational half of the entire globe are the ones with Facebook accounts, which obviously aren't true.
  10. I have no idea. Not familiar with the bill and only recently have heard the slogan for the bill. Do you think a news article editorializing one (minority) perspective on a hot-button topic as being the only right one has a leg to stand on whining about other news falling short of a gold journalism standard?
  11. • Editorializes one single perspective on abortion as actually being true • Asks how we can trust outlets that shamelessly do the same thing
  12. That mean's I've got 4 more years to stay on my parents' phone plan to make sure I stay better than Stephen Miller.
  13. Not sure how Superman, Aquaman, Green Lantern and others would be able to work with the same tone. The Batman and Joker are both incredibly grounded films because the respective characters aren't actual superheroes. Start throwing in alien demigod powers, talking to fish, being able to conjure magic etc. and that doesn't really work. Or maybe it could, but I could not envision any of those characters in Matt Reeve's film.
  14. Also, when have we ever kicked off at 10a?
  15. I don't agree with this at all. If Russia never invades Ukraine, Gas stays under $3 a gallon, and the inflation/supply chain issues got shored up, Biden and the dems would still lose the house and senate in the midterms. Because it doesn't actually have to do with those things at all, that's just a convenient "why" answer to distract from it being due to a rigged aka gerrymandered game.
  16. For once I am not disappointed with the Nebraska fanbase as a whole the attitudes towards alcohol and even gambling are much better than I anticipated them to be.
  17. At B1G media days they just have two people walking the floor looking for hands and passing the mic to them, usually while the current question is in the process of being asked so as not to waste time. Seems to work just fine.
  18. The first 20 loss team to win back to back road games in 50 years. Best 10-21 or whatever team in history baby!!!!
  19. Not blocking a non-free speech source of state controlled propaganda isn't exactly being a champion of free speech.
  20. Just got home from watching it. Absolutely loved it - this is the Batman movie I've been wanting for years. Grim, grounded, detective crime flick that explores the man as much as the cowl. My real only complaint is that I would've loved if it was rated R. They went as far as the could with the brutality of Batman and also of the world around him, but couldn't go as far as they really wanted.
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