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  1. What :o "Thousands join independence-day parade organized by youth movement seeking ethnically pure Poland"

    It's a mad, mad world.

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    2. teachercd


      With that said we were told not to post political things here and if I remember it was to result in a ban...soooooo...mods?

    3. Excel


      So when we see something wrong, unjust, or otherwise unethical we shouldn't speak about it until it actually hurts people?


      You can do whatever you like but no, I do not think that we should do anything above speaking on it because "it" isn't much of a thing. 


      What is unjust or unethical? Nothing has been done.


      Conservative and patriotic Poles have marched and joined together in revelry on Independence Day for decades now. These marches have always had a right leaning tilt and this year some Nazis showed up and hijacked it not unlike how anarchists will often hijack left-leaning protests.  Painting this as some kind of "~60,0000 Nazi March" is disingenuous and false. 


      What do you want? These people to stop celebrating because Nazis are around? You want them to assault the Nazis? You want the police to arrest or segregate the Nazis? Those options all sound quite Nazi-ish and would be unjust, wrong, and unethical. In a democracy you have to hear people you disagree with, even when those people have some really outlandish and offensive things to say. You beat them through discourse, not violence or silence so if anything seeing people from a broad spectrum of beliefs duking it out relatively peacefully in Poland is a good thing. 


      Of course the policies these people want are bad. I don't like them, they wouldn't be good but they'll never become a thing because there are very very few of these people - in the hundreds within Poland itself with maybe a few thousand associates and they're mostly dumb eastern kids trying to be edgy. 


      Media in the West and in Russia has a vested interest in smearing Poland and PiS with this Nazi label. The West wants Poland to back off of its anti-refugee stance and Russia wants to paint any Nationalist group (which are almost always anti-Russia) in a former SSR as Fascist as they have done in Ukraine. It's the same brush with which they paint all rebel groups as ISIS or Al-Qaeda in Syria, it's easier for them to sell what they're doing in those countries if they're crusading against the obvious bad guys.






    4. Enhance


      Typing the word 'mod,' 'admin' or some other variation doesn't bring stuff to our attention. :thumbs


      That said, this is probably better served for the P&R forum. Locking.

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