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Everything posted by RedDenver

  1. Of all the campaign rhetoric Trump used, I really thought he'd at least be different from the two parties in not getting us in yet another foreign conflict.
  2. Man, I've missed a ton of frequent flier miles when using my phone. How come nobody told me about this!
  3. I guess I don't understand how a different metric is any sort of policy. They aren't even the same sorts of things. Measuring the economy is one thing, proposing a solution is something entirely different.
  4. You're missing my point: a number doesn't better serve anything. What's Yang doing with that number? And how does that help people? Those are the questions that need details to understand if it means anything.
  5. Just calculating a number - any number - doesn't do any good. What you do with that number is what matters.
  6. Yes, I can't even count the number of times girls have gone on sudden genocidal killing sprees.
  7. What good does calculating GDP differently do anyone? What tax breaks and incentives? The human-centered capitalism is a noble philosophy, but the devil is in the details.
  8. According to this, climate change is only the third leading cause of mass extinctions: UN Report: Nature’s Dangerous Decline ‘Unprecedented’; Species Extinction Rates ‘Accelerating’
  9. There is more CO2 in the atmosphere today than any point since the evolution of humans
  10. +1 Thanks for summing up what I'm trying to say better than I did.
  11. @knapplc @Dewiz I don't have an issue with Dany turning bad and killing everyone, but rather my issue is with the way it was told. The writers were trying to make it into some sort of "surprise" to the audience, but GoT has been a show about character development so it doesn't match the theme/style of the rest of the series. Instead of showing the audience Dany's descent into madness/genocide, all we get is a few angry looks on her face. And even more jarring is that Dany is all "let's save humanity instead of my throne" with the Night King plotline. What they needed is either more scenes to flesh out her coming to the decision to burn everyone (like a conversation with Gray Worm about whether they should even accept a surrender) or some flashbacks when she's perched over the city and the bells are ringing to show what she's thinking/feeling. But regardless, the real thing they've foolishly done is take all the drama out of the episode and have a completely unsatisfying death of the main villain - Cersei.
  12. GoT in the running with Lost as worst ending of a good show of all time. I'm not surprised though. It's a couple of mediocre fantasy writers taking GGRM's story and butchering the ending. It's been evident the last couple seasons that they didn't understand the themes or character arcs of the story.
  13. I think he's an interesting candidate, and he could definitely make some waves in the debates. Going on to podcasts, or any exposure for that matter, is a good idea especially for the candidates without the name recognition. But his big idea is to use regressive taxes to pay people, which I don't think is going to catch on with Dem voters. We'll have to wait and see.
  14. Something tells me it wasn't the cost that was the deal breaker.
  15. The site claims 3 big policies: UBI, Medicare-for-All, and Human-Centered Capitalism. But the "Human-Centered Capitalism" isn't a policy as it proposes no solutions just vague ideas. And given that virtually every candidate has backed some form of M4A, and that Bernie is the champion of that policy, that really only leaves UBI. Yang has a ton of other links under those three main ones, but I've never heard him talk about any of them.
  16. I doubt it. He's a libertarian running in the Dem primary. While I'm glad to see a diversity of opinions and policies, I'm not sure what group of voters would be his base. Also, bravo to Yang being one of the only candidates with ideas and policies instead of platitudes.
  17. Haha! I just came to post this video showing what a coward Ben Shapiro is:
  18. It's also self-serving that a bank wants you to deposit more money with them. Plus, it's ridiculous as Katie Porter shows in this exchange with the head of Chase: https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/10/politics/katie-porter-jamie-dimon-bank-employees/index.html
  19. Do you think he makes it all the way to the election before dropping or reneging on this issue?
  20. It's what I've come to expect out of the Dems, but I'll be pleasantly surprised if they can muster the "courage" to actually do something.
  21. Shortly after Trump talks to Putin...
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