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Everything posted by RedDenver

  1. They could do a last shot or post-credits scene for the final episode where Bran's and/or Arya's eyes turn blue. That would suck a lot.
  2. Yep, I stopped reading his books because they became too boring with no plot advances, which is why I think the show is actually better. It's just disappointing to see the show fall into the old tropes after being so fresh for so long.
  3. Whether he was or wasn't isn't the issue, it's the change of tone and theme from what made GoT great. If GRRM writes in the same style as the show has the last couple seasons, then the same criticism would extend to his writing.
  4. That's a fairly disingenuous statement by Kristol, which shouldn't be surprising. Opposing a trade agreement before it's signed is WAY different than imposing tariffs afterwards. Plus Bernie is comparing his voting record against Biden's, which isn't the same as the rhetoric.
  5. It's possible that the writers will incorporate some sort of motivation or at least a purpose for the Night King, and that could dramatically change my perspective. But the show writers are more of the traditional fantasy fare and not the subversive fantasy writing by GRRM that made the show so great. The writing quality has been declining the last 2 seasons, basically since they moved beyond the books. Just look at how many times there have been "hero moments" where a character should have died but miraculously escaped over the last 2 seasons - which we saw again where all the main characters survive the army of the dead and only some minor characters die.
  6. WARNING! I'm tired of using the spoiler block and there's a bunch of spoilers in here already, so stop reading this thread if you don't want spoilers. I guess Bran no longer serves a useful purpose now that the Night King is dead. What a waste of a plotline they've been building since the very first scenes of season 1.
  7. Great movie. Fat Thor was my favorite character. In a short time, Thor has failed at saving Asgard, then at saving his people from Thanos, then at killing Thanos before the snap. Thor is having a nervous breakdown when Endgame starts and he continues to be emotionally broken throughout the movie with him finding peace by the end but not everything is back how it was. His character arc is the same as the arc of the movie. I thought it was really well done.
  8. I have no idea if this is true, but if someone told my wife that, I'd tell him to go eff himself. No coach is ever going to worry about my kids as much as my wife and I will. And no coach is going to put the best interests of a kid ahead of themselves or their team.
  9. This is just some guy's opinion, but it shows how critical winning particular states are in the general election:
  10. To be clear, it was this statement that gets my WTF. Remember that Trump thinks white nationalists are "very fine people" Trump supporters.
  11. The Intercept probably does the best investigative journalism. I'd recommend them because they're one of the few doing investigative journalism anymore and because they don't cover the same stories as the MSM.
  12. Isn't that simply the demand of the market?
  13. If you're going to count people other than the candidate, then Bernie has been attacked a lot, particularly by former Hillary staffers. It seems like a poor way to judge a candidate though. Also, I don't agree with Yang, but I respect that he's taken a stand and putting forth a solution.
  14. Warren, Bernie, and Yang are all identifying specific issues and providing specific answers. I've seen some but not a lot from Harris, Booker, and Gabbard and virtually nothing from Beto and Pete. Biden just entered the race, so we're still waiting on him, and I don't think the rest are going to matter for the race. Why do you think other candidates are playing well but not Bernie? I haven't seen him lay a finger on a candidate other than Trump. For myself, I don't care at all if the candidates get along well - what matters is their policies and to a lesser extent their rhetoric. I actually wish the Dems in general would stop playing nice and getting pushed around. Give me a firebrand over a milquetoast candidate.
  15. I'm surprised how many like Buttigieg. He's got no answers. Is it just looks and charisma?
  16. Buttigieg has come out and said he doesn't want to take a stand on policies. It's an old political trick to try not to offend anyone and not to have to do the hard work of proposing and defending issues and solutions, so he's out in my book. I like Warren too, but she's not doing well in the polls and hasn't caught on with the voters. The Dem primary is proportional, so it's not affected by how the Electoral College works. And I can't imagine voters from the other states deciding to vote the same way the swing states did just because that might help in the general.
  17. Powerful stuff: 'You did not act in time': Greta Thunberg's full speech to MPs
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