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Everything posted by RedDenver

  1. This is why I think our democracy won't survive long-term. We've become indifferent to corruption and lies from our political leaders. Trump is just open about it. Hillary wouldn't have broken as many norms, but we'd still continue losing our power to the wealthy. Trump is speeding things along toward authoritarianism, and we should fight against that every step of the way, but I'm not optimistic we can win. The only question in my mind is whether we'll accept the oligarchy and lose our democracy or if we'll have civil unrest or (hopefully not) civil war. Either way, I think we're screwed.
  2. Hiring the best - as always. But seriously, this has now reached the Nixon level of firing the AG and AAG. Will the Republicans care at all?
  3. This needs to happen in every state. I spent Sunday evening filling out my ballot and dropped it off this morning - dropping it off took about 10 seconds.
  4. So one is proven false and another three are not.
  5. Why? It's not like we were watching practice or had really seen AM or TG play.
  6. For someone who claims to have a law degree, you should know the difference between "proven false" and "not proven" and between "believe" and "proven". You claim that Kavanaugh's accusers have been "proven false", which means you have the burden of proving that statement. I suspect you can't do that and that you've once again confused your beliefs and opinions with "proof".
  7. Wow, we've really become the most cowardly country on earth if a few thousand poor, homeless immigrants walking the length of Mexico is "a foreign invasion".
  8. Well, it will be until at least the end of No-Shave-November
  9. They aren't illegals. They can claim asylum or apply for entry just like other immigrants have done. We have a pretty good idea of who they are as they'll go through a lengthy immigration process. So you've basically got no argument in there. And aren't conservatives and Republicans supposed to be all about hard work and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps? Isn't that what walking for months shows? These people should be hailed as amongst the most courageous and determined of any immigrants coming here including most if not all of our own ancestors. But you can't see them as human beings. Typical trumpist thinking. #SAD
  10. Yep. Use whatever language suits your players' platforms or your programmers' skills. There's no right answer. Selecting a game engine is probably more important and usually limits your language options.
  11. Why do you think we can't think all of those things at once? I can think you're a saint or a monster and still laugh at you giving a press conference with your fly down.
  12. Yep, we better send 5000+ troops to defend against poor, homeless people who can't even afford transportation so they're walking the effing length of Mexico to get here. Hell, if they're willing to walk the length of Mexico to get here, then I'm more supportive of them being US citizens than the majority of the ones simply born here.
  13. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!! <deep breath> HAHAHAHAHahahahahaha! <wipes tears from eyes>
  14. I see what you're saying now. That seems like a very weak argument. If they want to make the argument that illegals aren't subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, doesn't that also mean they can't be detained, prosecuted, or jailed?
  15. Doesn't really matter who wanted what in which Amendment because only what's in the actual Amendment got ratified by the States.
  16. The Constitution is quite clear on the word "born", so I don't see any way that Trump's EO could supercede it.
  17. How Kayfabe has spread into our culture and especially our politics. If you don't know what Kayfabe is, the video explains that first, and then how it's spread from pro wrestling to all of entertainment, the news media, and politics. (Kanye is only used in the first example, so the title is misleading.)
  18. Not true: Also, just because it doesn't use common statistical tests as part of the analysis doesn't mean it isn't an accurate analysis. Also not true: There's more about opponent penalties but I figured you could go read it yourself.
  19. I've got 2 that are playing, so I'm winning this thread. Like being the skinny kid at fat camp.
  20. Hugely important. This needs to be brought up every time one of these right-wing nutjobs espouses or commits violence.
  22. I think it's pretty obvious that they are not.
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