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Everything posted by RedDenver

  1. It's ok now that there's no fullback.
  2. Legal immigrants and american citizens also commit terrible crimes. How is this different?
  3. The story about Urban is whether he was protecting the perpetrator. This is about whether people in power can hide abuses such as domestic violence.
  4. A lot of people don't know that google dropped their "Don't be evil" motto back when they transitioned to Google being a subsidiary of Alphabet. http://time.com/4060575/alphabet-google-dont-be-evil/
  5. Yes, that's the entire point of what's wrong with this system. A few people who do little to no actual work somehow get much, much more of the profits than the people who actually work there. And the only option is to quit and hope the other corporations who are all part of that same system will treat you better.
  6. So that article claims both that an unnamed Mexican official says there's a warrant for his arrest and that the man's lawyer says they have mistaken him for his brother. Hopefully they will get a bail hearing (how crazy is it that everyone isn't afforded even a hearing?) so that either ICE can prove the warrant and that they have the right man or it can be proven that they don't, and then we'll know the truth of the matter.
  7. If in your opinion Mueller should refer matters outside his scope to federal prosecutors and then you say he is doing that, then why aren't you supporting the fact he's doing exactly what you say he should do?
  8. And then on the other hand: Walmart is paying $20 billion to shareholders. With that money, it could boost hourly wages to over $15. I agree it's not just about the CEO pay but rather the equity of the entire system and CEO pay is just part of it. I can't find data on all the Walmart execs, but I'd bet a lot of money that if you took their salaries and bonuses and stocks and what-not, even a fraction of that would be way more than $10 per worker. The tax cuts alone will save Walmart about $2 billion/year, which would be about $1000 per worker, which is a goodly amount if you're making minimum wage.
  9. How often do they grab them on the way to the birth of their child? It'd be a totally different story if they had just gone and knocked on the guy's door or if they had a warrant or were pressing charges.
  10. I agree that a wage cap doesn't make sense. But I think that if CEO's have huge salaries and corporations are making profits, then the workers at the bottom need protections like minimum wage increases. We've seen this song and dance throughout the 300 years of capitalism - capitalists will try to squeeze every last penny they can out of the workers. (And to be fair, the workers would also do it in return if they had that power.)
  11. But even the Mexican authorities were careful to say he wasn't under arrest and there was no warrant. You're pre-supposing he's guilty when even the investigating authority hasn't said that. And they do just want to sit down and have a conversation - that's what questioning is. Now that might lead to an arrest or charges, but it might also lead to clearing his name.
  12. Not doing a good enough job apparently, but that has no bearing on if the media is holding Urban and/or tOSU accountable.
  13. I'm not. Innocent until proven guilty. There's no reason to force the man to miss the birth of his child because some police agency just wants to talk to him. He'll still be available for questioning afterwards. Just imagine if you missed the birth of your child because you were detained for questioning about something from 12 years ago. No warrant, no charges, just questioning.
  14. But he didn't even have a warrant out for him.
  15. Maybe this is the kind of off-field stuff that heralds Wisconsin's ascent to national prominence?
  16. Be careful assuming people are voting against their own interests. Here's a talk by Mark Blyth at UNL about that very thing (he concludes that they don't really): Why People Vote for Those Who Work Against Their Best Interests
  17. You know that the south seceded, so that makes Trump the south and California the north in your analogy, right?
  18. So it's ok for ICE to arrest a man on his way to the hospital with his wife for the birth of their child as long as some government wants to talk to them? Not only is there no warrant for him in the US, there's no warrant for him in Mexico either.
  19. That's some mind-boggling logic. Trump might be the only person more corrupt than the Clintons. Many years ago I didn't think global warming was happening or was man-made. But the beautiful thing about science is that you can test it yourself, so I went out and analyzed the data, and sure enough, those professional scientists are actually good at what they do and are correct that humankind is causing global warming. You don't have to trust me, do the analysis yourself. Here's some links to get you started: https://www.climate.gov/maps-data https://www.climatedata.eu/continent.php?cid=150&lang=en http://data.un.org/Data.aspx?d=CLINO&f=ElementCode%3a01
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