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Status Replies posted by knapplc

  1. Man, Brett Maher sucks. 

  2. Pour a little scalding hot nacho cheese out.  Downtown Lincoln Amigo’s is closing.

  3. Pour a little scalding hot nacho cheese out.  Downtown Lincoln Amigo’s is closing.

  4. Was anyone getting banned messages?

  5. Was anyone getting banned messages?

  6. Wisconsin Twitter seems to think last night was J. Taylor's last game at Camp Randle. The (arguably) best RB in CFB history leaving isn't a bad thing.

  7. Wisconsin Twitter seems to think last night was J. Taylor's last game at Camp Randle. The (arguably) best RB in CFB history leaving isn't a bad thing.

  8. Wisconsin Twitter seems to think last night was J. Taylor's last game at Camp Randle. The (arguably) best RB in CFB history leaving isn't a bad thing.

  9. Wisconsin Twitter seems to think last night was J. Taylor's last game at Camp Randle. The (arguably) best RB in CFB history leaving isn't a bad thing.

  10. Wisconsin Twitter seems to think last night was J. Taylor's last game at Camp Randle. The (arguably) best RB in CFB history leaving isn't a bad thing.

  11. Wisconsin Twitter seems to think last night was J. Taylor's last game at Camp Randle. The (arguably) best RB in CFB history leaving isn't a bad thing.

  12. Wisconsin Twitter seems to think last night was J. Taylor's last game at Camp Randle. The (arguably) best RB in CFB history leaving isn't a bad thing.

  13. Wisconsin Twitter seems to think last night was J. Taylor's last game at Camp Randle. The (arguably) best RB in CFB history leaving isn't a bad thing.

  14. Wisconsin Twitter seems to think last night was J. Taylor's last game at Camp Randle. The (arguably) best RB in CFB history leaving isn't a bad thing.

  15. Wisconsin Twitter seems to think last night was J. Taylor's last game at Camp Randle. The (arguably) best RB in CFB history leaving isn't a bad thing.

  16. I know a lot of you like to pretend that Iowa is not a rivalry game...but guess what...this win today just made it one.  If the Skers win Friday...and then win a bowl game...that is a great way to end this season.

  17. Wisconsin Twitter seems to think last night was J. Taylor's last game at Camp Randle. The (arguably) best RB in CFB history leaving isn't a bad thing.

  18. Wisconsin Twitter seems to think last night was J. Taylor's last game at Camp Randle. The (arguably) best RB in CFB history leaving isn't a bad thing.

  19. Two year extension? I believe the rumors about Moos drinking now.

  20. Josh Kalu with game winning FG block in Titans/Chiefs game.

  21. This board has enough negativity for one person's lifetime.

  22. Minnesota and PJ Fleck.... This season gets more depressing by the day.

  23. Watch the James Franklin to USC chatter start.

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