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Everything posted by Toe

  1. That thought crossed my mind too. But I don't think he is in the habit of calling out individuals. He never specifically called out Banker or Reed last year but he did repeatedly talk about the need to be better in their areas. Something like "we as a staff need to improve and put them in a position to succeed" would have worked without calling anyone out specifically.
  2. I'd like to hear him call out his own coaches on that, too...
  3. I just watch at a sports bar where the local UNL Alumni Association hosts their watch parties. Even if I have dinner there a few weekends a month during the fall, it's still cheaper than a cable plan with all the channels that Husker games are shown on. http://www.huskeralum.org/find-a-watch-site http://www.huskeralum.org/s/1620/social.aspx?sid=1620&gid=1&pgid=409
  4. Pretty sure this is a throwback/alternate. The normal game jerseys look the same Dat baseball champs shirt, tho!
  5. I have always thought that was a pretty idiotic way to look at your AD. Fans who think it should be like that are only looking at it through emotional fan base eyes. No, it's looking at it from the bottom line of the business. Football pays the bills for pretty much everything in the athletic department, if that disappears then so does a lot of other things. If the manager can't keep a business's moneymaker going, then he's failed at his real job, no matter how great he is as a person or how much he supported all of the other parts of the business that aren't making money.
  6. You know, they do still give the crystal footballs (AFCA Coaches' Trophy). Wonder where they'd put it...
  7. It boggles my mind that any Husker fans would feel otherwise about an 8-win season...
  8. I'd say I'm cautiously optimistic about the season as a whole and overall future outlook, but wary about the near-term because of all the transitions this year and inexperience at several positions.
  9. That, and a weak OL. The backs are there for a good ground game, but I'm less than convinced that we'll see it anytime soon.
  10. ^ Probably just overlapping, like 2 on Omaha or something. Anyone wanna look up the towns? Or Washington.
  11. So he had enough to be a partial qualifier at Nebraska, but that wasn't good enough for him? A PQ is kinda like a forced redshirt, isn't it? So I guess if he wanted to play this year instead, he gets to be a starter at... Arizona Western.
  12. That's AFL. I'm pretty sure guys playing for the Nebraska Danger in Grand Island aren't making that much money, though.
  13. 2018 class is currently sitting at #22, around the same place we normally end up. http://247sports.com/Season/2018-Football/CompositeTeamRankings Would like to point out that we sit at 22nd with ten recruits. Ten. Having a small number of recruits is not exactly a virtue when we've got this many scholarships opening up at this point. And even if we replace a 4* guy from last year's class with a 4* guy in this year's class, it's still a big loss because of the delay. (Help is on the way now vs help is on the way a year from now.)
  14. 2018 class is currently sitting at #22, around the same place we normally end up. http://247sports.com/Season/2018-Football/CompositeTeamRankings
  15. believe me they are not over they go on and on and................................. This is the excuse that doesn't end! Yes it goes on and on my friend!
  16. This board's BBCode doesn't support tables, but wrapping it in a [code] tag often helps preserve the formatting.
  17. And I think Wisconsin might be as overrated as we are underrated...
  18. Pretty much. One great year, and the media collectively creams their jeans. I don't know anything about Fleck specifically, but in a lot of cases like this, it's not so much that the coach is amazing. Rather, it's more that they got lucky on the recruiting trail (usually a QB), and maybe just the right schedule and a few balls bouncing the right way for them.
  19. It's been over 24 hours since that Facebook post was made, though. I'd think we'd hear more from other sources by now? But he did correct himself in the comments and said Elliot is in hospice care, not dead.
  20. Bear in mind that this data is a couple years old (2015-16, ie almost two years ago). This is with Nebraska not getting a full cut from the B1G, and without this year's overall bump in revenue across the conference. Revenues this year will be quite a bit higher.
  21. If he plays, I'd say Stanley Morgan for first TD, but I believe his status is still up in the air, isn't it? Tackle: Luke Gifford
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