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Status Updates posted by HuskerInLostWages

  1. Bay v WVU, absolutely zero defense. they better hope they can score a lot against someone with a defense because those teams look like pop warner teams.

  2. Okie Light 84-0 over Savannah...Way to be a man and show some class by running up the score.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. HuskerInLostWages


      Bucky, they still don't have a running game. That Savannah team is absolute crap and each of their defensive players have 1 leg apparently.


    3. sd'sker


      what is the point though? i mean, what a waste of time. nothing gained.

    4. NUance


      Why schedule Savanah? Sheesh, just have a second spring game in the fall. Okie Lite. Long on money. Short on brains.

  3. Old cell phone, French horn...Andre Dawson. Almost as funny as the Brut commercial where every female gets preggo.?

  4. Hate the Phillies, so glad my mets are making them their little bitches

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. melscott62


      There are a few other Mets fans on here(including myself). I am hoping pelf can bring us the sweep tomorrow. He never pitches well there though

    3. Ratt Mhule

      Ratt Mhule

      Do you like their minor league affiliates? I hope you do since my bro plays for their AA team

    4. Danny Bateman

      Danny Bateman

      Good to know there's a few good Mets fans on here! Who's your brother Po?


      Dang, Pelf pitched pretty dang well yesterday and the pen just blew the sweep. This was the first time Ramirez looked shaky. Then Acosta and Batista absolutely peed the game down their legs.

  5. Celebrate the anniversary today, birthday tomorrow. Thanks early for the b-day wishes because I always miss them.

  6. Watching the USA vs. Costa Rica match now. I like what Klinnsmann has already done, the team is attacking the goal(missing every shot but attacking). Quite a difference from that garbage coach Bradley.

    1. HuskerfaninOkieland


      I've been impressed with their play so far.

    2. HuskerInLostWages


      Still a work in progress and thank god this was a friendly. The defense needs some players to get the experience. Bocanegra is getting old and it's close to Nat'l team retirement in my opinion.

  7. Have to love comments from idiot Longhorn blowhards bcarter62 Clay - Not sure who you are replying to, but the B12 never had a chance of competing with the SEC WITH NU. What did NU EVER do in the B12, overall. A&M is TWICE the athletic program of NU...and they would be middle of the pack in the SEC, at best.

    1. redblooded


      The entire big 12 would be bottom of the pack SEC most years. The reason why OU and UT love it is because they don't have that schedule and Nebraska was down... Good god, T-shirt Texas fans need a good hard 10 years.

    2. VectorVictor


      Actually, hasn't Nebraska won just as many NCs and Big XII titles as Texas, not counting the '09 title that they blatantly stole?

    3. HuskerInLostWages


      Matthew shhh don't tell the douchebags from Texas that, it hurts their feelings. This dumbass also fails to realize such things. He's done this for years though.

  8. For you US Soccer fans, Klinnsman rumored to be the #1 choice

    1. EZ-E


      Absolutely 100% agree and hope it ends up being Klinnsman.

    2. Blackshirts007


      jason kreis, real salt lake coach is in the running, he's from nebraska!!!

  9. New job working me till nearly 8PM PST and no time really to be on HB. Got home last night and found out my wife is pregnant. Is it too early to start buying baby Husker gear?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HuskerHacker


      Never too early!

    3. fro daddy

      fro daddy

      Congrats Lost!! We found out a couple of months back and are now 4 months along. Feel like this one is a bit of a miricle after tying for 4 straight years with no luck. Congrats again to you and your wife!

    4. NUance


      Congrats to you HuskerInLostWages! And congrats to you Fro Daddy as well! My boy is 1 yr old this month. He can throw a ball back to me. Well, 3 or 4 feet anyway.

  10. Hard to be in Oahu Hawaii while the continental US is freezing it's collective arse off:) I'm doing it well though haha

  11. I am back and ready to watch NU win this week in English rather than Spanish. I hate Acapulco.

  12. Gone for 2 weeks to Acapulco, GBR and will be back soon.

  13. Pictures of Nude girls painted red is the bestest

    1. mmmtodd


      pics or youre a liar

  14. no NU PPV game being shown here in Vegas:(

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