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Everything posted by funhusker

  1. To bring the GMO topic back to the discussion: the question was "Are GMO's safe to eat". Scientists have found no evidence over the last 20 years that found GMO's could be dangerous for humans to consume. https://ag.purdue.edu/GMOs/Pages/GMOsandHealth.aspx
  2. Glad they are okay. But a small home may be a better investment for them this time, at least until they actually learn how to sail....
  3. I can appreciate the humor in the irony . But there is a huge difference between the two staffs. One was routinely finding themselves in the bottom 50% of the PAC12, the other just came off of an undefeated season and major Bowl win.
  4. Apparently "Big Brother" is still a show and Omorosa is a contestant. On tonight's episode she is whispering how fearful she is of the direction Trump is taking the country as she tries to build an "alliance". .....and I'm not joking
  5. We start football for the school in 7th grade. I would much rather have a 7th grader that has played only flag football than a lot of the "club kids" we get. Our first tackling drills are interesting, the kids with no experience are usually better at it. I think they are better at it because they take the teaching and pay attention to the form. Our "club kids" go out there and try to put on a highlight reel of big hits; it's sad (and kind of funny at the same time) to watch them completely whiff on the kid that has played tackle football for all of 3 days...
  6. I think Kiyoat was doing his Trump impersonation...
  7. I have never watch "Lord of the Rings". It is on Netflix now so I gave it a chance this morning. I made it about 35 minutes in and tapped out. There was no way I was going to make it another 2-1/2 hours.
  8. Honest question: has the dossier been "debunked"? I know there are a lot of interesting things in there that have not been corroborated, like the Russian prostitute stories. But what about the boring financial stuff? The stuff that actually matters.
  9. That's not odd at all. The average between your poll and knapp's poll show that 60% to be very believable. My informal poll: I'm FB friends with 3 vets, and they all think he's a dope, one of them is a Republican. It doesn't matter, just adding to the sample size.
  10. But then wouldn't the "tech bubble growing" get credit for the market growth before it popped? Or banks and housing markets causing growth in 2009? How much credit should Clinton or Bush get for the growth if we we're not going to give them credit for the decline?
  11. A person can't deny the current success of the market. People can discuss who deserves credit. But the conversation that doesn't seem to happen, assuming it's the Republican ideology driving this, is that it could have also occurred under Kasich, Rubio, Bush, or a list of about 15 other candidates that would have been happy to sign the tax bill. The problem people have with Trump isn't necessarily that he is a Republican. The problem is that he is a bull in china shop, really bad at assigning people to positions, and just really bad at being a manager; something he was elected to do. Not to mention all the stupid tweets and making the rest of the world lose a ton of respect for our nation. If your proud of the republican success, I disagree with a lot of it, but I can understand that thought process. If you're proud of "Trump", well, I don't know what to say....people are gonna be people.
  12. I think he thought your comment was referring to Trump. As did I
  13. "With regard to the House Intelligence Committee's memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it," the agency said in a statement. "As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo's accuracy."
  14. I might be weird, but I actually think wind farms are cool looking. For some reason the quiet rotating blades are relaxing to me.
  15. Is there anything more awkward than a holiday party for your spouse's work?  Especially when the coworkers centralize in the kitchen and leave the spouses, who don't know each other, to our own devices?  ....That was a long 3 hours....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JJ Husker

      JJ Husker

      That's why there needs to be booze...plenty of booze.

    3. funhusker


      @Comfortably Numb, I was driving and one of my middle school students was babysitting the kids, booze was pretty minimal for me :) 



    4. Redux


      In a situation like that, I reccomend opening with a story about your first wet dream.  Really breaks the ice.

  16. "We'll deal with that tomorrow night" (after getting our script approved by our overlords).
  17. I just don't get his thought process. I also have a daughter, whom I adore. I want her to know that she has many options and she is capable of doing many things. I want her to know her worth and I want her to find things she loves to do and explore the world. That said, when it's all said and done, she may grow up and marry a wealthy businessman and choose to be a homemaker. I'm absolutely okay with that, as long as it is her choice and not because she isn't capable of doing something else.
  18. This is true. I saw a meme on Facebook (sorry, don't remember the author.) That basically proved your point through thought experiment. If you were to ask anyone to put themselves in the following scenario, their answers would be the same: "You find yourself in the middle of an infertility clinic that is on fire. A young nurse is passed out on the floor. You only have time to carry her out of the flames, or to grab a case full of hundreds of embryos to keep them from being destroyed. Whom do you save?" A lot of people will claim this is a crazy analogy and doesn't deserve an answer. I only think they respond like that because they can't honestly answer out loud....
  19. Yes. Yes it is. By definition actually.
  20. I would rather have our government look for ways to reduce the number of abortions due to unwanted pregnancies by promoted sex education, family planning, adoption counseling, and birth control. Actually pragmatic solutions. Stupidity: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2015/07/07/colorado-iud-long-term-birth-control-success-teen-pregnancy/29818499/ Although, I think the funding was secured again (not 100% sure). But the fact it was even up for debate and its positive outcomes weren't celebrated by all is absolutely ridiculous. But hey, it's more fun to argue about what our version of God wants us to do....
  21. Our government is "waging war" on the wrong media members. Crazies like him, no matter the ideology they represent, need to go away fast. I think their effect is even greater now with social media. I person can here something crazy on the radio, actually check to see if it is true via the internet, and find dozens more fake accounts that say it's true.
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