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killer cacti

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Everything posted by killer cacti

  1. My wife and I were just talking about what would happen if I were taking her to the hospital and she was in labor, and we came upon these idiots blocking the freeway. My answer: some crushed mofos.
  2. You ask, and you shall receive... or since you are a graphics guy, you could just make yourself a jersey? Killer Cacti Extreme ruler of Huskerboard I like where your head's at.
  3. Honest question: If he goes there and wins 3 straight Super Bowls, how pissed are you guys?
  4. Vote Cacti. For Something. Daddy needs a jersey on his sig.
  5. I am one that has spoken with Landlord about many of the situations he's stated above, and I'm one of the ones who don't come around as often. Like Minnesota said, I used to look at this place as family, I'd share pics of my family and exciting news about my son being born, now it's extremely different. In 2008 before the Gator Bowl, I came here and was extremely surprised at how well I, an opponent, was accepted. Just a few weeks ago you guys jumped on some lady who joined. I backed her up, because I remembered how well you guys accepted me and hoped you would do the same for her, and all I got in return were posts about how Mrs. Cacti wouldn't like what was going on and how me & this lady had something going on. It's purely childish the way some people act here - to pile on to a new person like that. Yeah, she was a bit different, but she deserved a fair chance. I very rarely visit the Football board anymore, because it's just hell to read some of those posts. I absolutely refuse to even click on the politics & religion, because everyone that claims to be entitled to their own opinion absolutely blasts others for theirs. I mainly stick to the BS forum, posting my work into the Feedback post that noone ever comments or probably even reads, but it's a bit therapeutic for me. Makes me feel like I'm getting my work out there for people to see. As far as Landlord, you guys have to realize that he moved away from pretty much everyone & everything he knew to go to ATL. Huskerboard was a constant for him, at any point he could come here and there was a sense of family, at least until he felt that he was being attacked. He would get bummed every time he was sent on a "vacation." I know it was his doing by moving to Atlanta, but have some patience. He's about to move again & it may be the same type scenario with him not knowing anyone. Just remember that because this is a website it can be a constant when everything else is people's "outside" lives may be chaotic. So stop with the "it's the internet" crap and have a bit of patience with everyone. Most people have a reason to think, say & act the way they do. If you give them a chance to come forward with it, it would be best for everyone here.
  6. well done, sir. Seriously, feel free to post your fam pics here. Or Christmas card, whatever.
  7. Who's saying he would be the DC? Sorry, misunderstood.
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