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Everything posted by ZRod

  1. Whitmer would be fine, but the fact that she's a woman, and her personality, will be off-putting to some. Plus I hate the f#&%ing Michigan accent! The 6 years she has been governor have been good though, outside of the layoffs going on in the Automotive sector but that's not really anything she can control. The management of COVID was a little overbearing and there's the small scandal of her husband trying to get his boat out and her flying to see her parents, but that's nothing really. The transformation of the roads and Detroit itself has been remarkable though!
  2. It's literally none of those things, and a book that often contradicts itself within it's own text.
  3. Just when you think it can't sink any lower... What in the actual f#&% is this ruling??? https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2024-06-26/supreme-court-anti-corruption-law?utm_source=reddit.com
  4. Before I had a kid, yes. I was way more productive working from home and I could do some chores or get a quick workout in during downtime. In the office you stand around and talk for a few hours a day anyway, or get up and go for a walk to clear your head. Plus I find it hilariously hypocritical that these companies are forcing people to come back to work because "you can't be efficient working remote and don't have team building", but then they go and outsource jobs to India and Brazil so that you have to work with people of questionable talent on a whole other continent.
  5. In order to be squirmy and uncomfortable you'd have to be self aware.
  6. Are we still talking about illegals immigrants or immigrants in general?
  7. Sure, sure, but were they illegals?
  8. Technically I think it says murder in the scrolls. So, you can kill as long as you don't do the murdering part
  9. Hasn't this repeatedly been found unconstitutional?
  10. It was removed due to personal information like addresses and phone numbers being posted.
  11. That's so stupid. Flunk the kids. You'll never succeed in anything unless you have discipline and their are consequences for your bad choices to learn from.
  12. I've taken s#!ts smarter than her.
  13. Like that YouTube video with the buff Army Rangers or whoever demonstrating how to take on an attacker with a knife... He just takes off in a dead sprint the opposite way
  14. That was my first thought too, but if you didn't have anything extremely valuable on you and they have the jump on you, what's the point of fighting back and potentially dieing?
  15. The only thing Steve will be battling is his cholesterol and glucose levels.
  16. If they're launching a search they already know it sank. They probably heard it when it happened. I don't think the US ever crosses into the Black Sea, but I wonder if we know the outcome as well.
  17. Which is weird, because I've been using it for years and the app has consistently gotten worse for actually trying to learn a language.
  18. Doesn't matter. It's a store I like to look in and never buy from. Those f#&%ers want $100 for a manual pepper mill.
  19. Jesus f#&%ing Christ... Oxford is 20 minutes away from me. Rochester Hills literally starts across the street from me. This was 2 blocks away from where my wife and I first met.
  20. Why does diversity scare you? Can you show us on the doll where it hurt you?
  21. So many of these are popping up around here now, and I just marvel at how piss poor their quality control has been. Of the 4 or 5 I've seen up close around town they all have wavy panels for the doors and fenders. It's a lot harder to hide a defect on a big flat panel with no paint, but we get our asses lit up if a vehicle went to a customer looking like some of the things I've seen. Also another reason why you shouldn't by a first year model from any OEM. There's always bandaids and issues that still need fixes.
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