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Everything posted by Huskerzoo

  1. Given that there's only 1 team on the list, this feels like a trick question. I'm gonna go with 7.
  2. Is the Michigan game now a q1 win? Or is that only calculated at the time of playing them?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Moiraine


      If Maryland gets in and we don't (and our end results are similar), then I'm not gonna believe people saying team history doesn't matter. Maryland is a basketball school, and that'd be the tie breaker.

    3. VectorVictor


      @Huskerzoo I completely understand. Been there myself...but this season I kinda went in looking for improvement and for Miles to try and keep his job....so it’s been a pleasant surprise. 

  3. Suggestions for a place to eat in Lincoln for 20 adults, 4 babies and 2 kids? 


    Looking for something nice but not fancy. Right now I'm looking at Lazlos but want more options. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. knapplc


      Oh, wedding rehearsal places.


      Scratch Phat Jack's, Momo's, and all those places.


      I'd call Toast. They have pretty decent food, good beers on tap (& a full bar, and a room large enough to accommodate your group that can be sealed off from the rest of the restaurant.  I'm pretty sure with enough advance notice they'd reserve that space for you.


      Lazlo's down south (56th & Old Cheney) has a room that should accommodate that group, too. And it's pretty easy to get to from anywhere in town.


      Those would be the first places I'd call for a rehearsal dinner. 


      Good luck!

    3. Ric Flair

      Ric Flair

      Green Gateau downtown is nice. Lincoln doesn’t have many great dining options. For good food, I usually recommend driving to Omaha. 

    4. C N Red

      C N Red

      Really, no Misty's yet? Downtown one is nice and pretty casual. Fireworks would be good too.

  4. There's a whole theory set up around identification and intervention that's really fascinating. See below, we try to do the same thing. However, group level intervention results in reduced precision in changing behavior. A good example was DARE. It was an attempt to change behavior, but it didn't work well. Everyone got it though which was good. If we developed better group level interventions that we include in school programming it could go a long way. You're starting to see some of this pop up in the form of mindfulness programs in school. Unfortunately, folks do not fully understand why we use mindfulness skills, so some of the benefits may be lost. This is a very important step for research, it's just difficult (and expensive) to track long-term outcomes of an infrequent behavior (e.g. homicidal acts of violence). https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://www.med.uottawa.ca/sim/data/Images/Prevention_stages_e.gif&imgrefurl=https://www.med.uottawa.ca/sim/data/Prevention_e.htm&h=529&w=945&tbnid=Kq35e7cUiNHtEM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=211&usg=__dpAaO5GGbKnCkWqvuUqLrNE9Eyo%3D&vet=10ahUKEwiTps7nn6vZAhVFR6wKHbI5ApgQ9QEIMDAA..i&docid=4rkY1iSWJDD7yM&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiTps7nn6vZAhVFR6wKHbI5ApgQ9QEIMDAA
  5. I agree and disagree. I think people would benefit from treatment, but you cannot mandate treatment. Society would also benefit from people receiving treatment. Additionally, you can make the argument that most mental illness are just extreme manifestations of normal behavior. We need to teach foundational skills to keep, we need to de-stigmatize mental health services, and we need to work as a society to promote access to services.
  6. This crosses over into a domain that I can't really answer (surrounding the intersection of developmental psychology and policy). I'm a pacifist. I don't like violence and while I can understand hunting guns actively scare me and I'd prefer that we limit access to them. That is to say that I'm biased here. However, I think "assault-style" needs to be operationally defined. The variables that seem important to me are things such as rate of fire and the damage produced by each round. I think it would behoove us as a country to use language that defines what we're scared of and why rather than a blanket term (such as assault style or mental illness...which realistically as I understand them can mean just about anything). To bounce back to your question. Age is a poor metric for any restrictions one way or another in my opinion. We set those guidelines to say "on average people at this age posses the skills we want for this behavior/action". If I was ever going to set an age limit on anything I would set that number at 25 in every case. At age 25, the prefrontal cortex has completed its development. The prefrontal cortex is the part of the brain that is most responsible for attention, complex planning, impulse control, and control of emotional reactions. Barring an age limit of 25, I would want to develop some sort of task that assesses emotional impulsivity. I do not think legal gun ownership by the individual fully addresses our concerns. It can certainly make things harder, but the same way kids still find ways to get alcohol or illegal drugs, if it's out there people will get it. To address happenings of school shootings I do believe that we need to make drastic changes to access to weapons such as what has been done in England and Australia. This will slowly change things, but it will take a lot of time and it will be a bumpy ride. I don't think this will happen as we have significant cultural variables that factor into a fear of a tyrannical government or invading foreign power that evoke a lot of fear from people. When you let fear instead of values guide action, you tend to get messy outcomes.
  7. Institutionalization is an issue with a lot of information around it that you need to take into account. First, we don't really have institutions anymore, we have in-patient treatment facilities. The majority of people that are put into an in-patient setting are there voluntarily. This is important because to put someone in this type of treatment facility without their consent is taking away their constitutional rights (freedom) that are usually only taken away in the event that you violate the law. According to the 2010 annual homeless assessment report suggests that 46% of individuals in shelters (where we can collect data) can be diagnosed with severe mental illness or a substance/alcohol use disorder. We also know that crime/violence is strongly correlated with substance/alcohol use. While correlation doesn't imply causation, it seems like a reasonable step to work towards a system where we maximize access to treatment and assess the impact on homelessness and crime. With regards to macro-level treatment, I'm pretty naive about other countries ways of approaching treatment. I specialize in understanding what it is about treatment that makes a difference. So I can't say there's a way another country does things that we should emulate. What I can say is that there's a general thing that I think we should teach everyone (school age kids being the first group). Namely, we should work on validating feelings even if we don't understand or agree with why they are happening. Additionally, we should work on accepting feelings instead of working to teach people how to get rid of feelings or ignore them. There's a strong evidence base to point to that would suggest that many problems in mental health are an artifact of ourselves or others not accepting our feelings.
  8. https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/ypwjev/the-brain-market-how-to-acquire-brains-both-legally-and-illegally
  9. Happy to offer something of interest. Question 1: Does the USA have more of a mental health problem than other countries: To answer your question, I think it's extremely important to understand mental health and mental illness. The too long didn’t read is, it’s really hard to tell, but it’s possible (though there may be a better explanation, see below). In a 2004 study published in the Journal of the American Association, The World Mental Health Survey Consortium found “The prevalence of having any WMH-CIDI/DSM-IV disorder in the prior year varied widely, from 4.3% in Shanghai to 26.4% in the United States, with an interquartile range (IQR) of 9.1%-16.9%. Between 33.1% (Colombia) and 80.9% (Nigeria) of 12-month cases were mild (IQR, 40.2%-53.3%). Serious disorders were associated with substantial role disability. Although disorder severity was correlated with probability of treatment in almost all countries, 35.5% to 50.3% of serious cases in developed countries and 76.3% to 85.4% in less-developed countries received no treatment in the 12 months before the interview. Due to the high prevalence of mild and subthreshold cases, the number of those who received treatment far exceeds the number of untreated serious cases in every country.” A 2014 meta-analysis published in the international journal of epidemiology published by Steel et al., supported this conclusion. “There was also evidence of consistent regional variation in the prevalence of common mental disorder. Countries within North and South East Asia in particular displayed consistently lower one-year and lifetime prevalence estimates than other regions. One-year prevalence rates were also low among Sub-Saharan-Africa, whereas English speaking counties returned the highest lifetime prevalence estimates.” So why am I skeptical? The DSM-5 (Diagnostics and Statistics Manual; and the previous iterations) is a document that was designed as a descriptive rather than explanatory text. To make a diagnosis, you observe a set of behaviors and you say "oh we call these things occurring together major depressive disorder". This is in the direct contrast to the medical model which is explanatory where you observe a set of behaviors and say "You're doing this because you're depressed". Within psychology, there is more or less a consensus to reject the medical model. There is ongoing research to justify the medical model that is primarily conducted by psychiatrists but so far the results do not support an underlying disorder (equivalent to having a virus or bacterial infection) that would explain alterations in human behavior. The rest of the world (for the most part) uses a different standard of diagnosis which is the ICD (International Classification of Diseases) manual. There have been continued efforts to synchronize these texts, but I do not believe they're at 100% (not my specialty area). What this means is that even from our starting point what we in the USA recognize as a disorder or mental illness is not always (though it is most of the time) what other parts of the world view as mental illness. That is to say, we're comparing apples to something that's very similar to an apple, but not quite an apple. The next thing we have to understand why people are diagnosed. If we look at diagnostic criteria for a disorder, you regularly encounter something like this: there are 12 possible symptoms, if you endorse 8 of them you “have” the disorder, if you diagnose 7, you don’t. This doesn’t mean that people who are sub-clinical aren’t distressed. It just means that they don’t meet that criteria. To go back to our medical model example, imagine going to the doctor with a bunch of symptoms that are similar to the flu, but you’re told you come back negative for the flu. Would you expect insurance to pay for your flu treatment (that they don’t think you need…because you don’t have the flu)? So psychologists and others will routinely have some flexibility in diagnosis in order to give distress individuals access to treatment. This artificially inflates numbers. It’s also important to note that lots of people just plain suck at diagnosing. You’ll get a lot of things like PTSD diagnosis for individuals who experienced a “social trauma” which is not a diagnostic criteria. The bad diagnosis problem is further complicated by the people who give the most diagnoses and treatment; primary care providers. Even psychiatrists don’t’ receive any training in mental health until after they’re done with med school. Most PCPs have a very limited understanding of mental health despite the fact they are almost always the first point of contact. They want to prescribe meds to help (that’s the tool they have), so they need to provide a diagnosis that justifies the use of meds. All in all, the impact of our insurance system has a HUGE impact on diagnostic over expansion. Question 2: Are people with various “mental health” issues more dangerous? The long and short is no. You’ll see certain symptom presentations that do predict an uptake in this such as paranoid features and command hallucinations (a voice telling you to do something). However, research suggests that overwhelmingly individuals diagnosed with a mental health disorder and likely to be the victims of a violent crime rather than the person who commits the crime. The biggest predictors of violent behavior is a past history of violent behaviors and substance use. Violent acts are overwhelmingly committed against people you know as well instead of strangers. I need to step out of my office so I don’t have the time to find the citation right now, but I’ll search for that in a bit. Question 3: “ How often does a severe "mental health issue" go undiagnosed until after the fact? “ Diagnosing “after the fact” cannot be done. The people who do this are acting unethically. To make a diagnosis you need to sit down and talk to the person. It’s the same reason people making diagnoses re: Trump or Charlie Sheen are full of BS. You cannot diagnose unless you sit down and talk to a person.
  10. One of the things I'm most passionate about is mental health especially as it relates to treatment. I usually start talking when there's a school shooting to dispell some stigma surrounding mental health. I find that folks have a lot of questions or misunderstandings, I figure it wouldn't hurt to give everyone a chance to ask questions to their heart's content. No judgment, no bs, just my opinion and any science I can find to back it up.
  11. Re: climate change, I think this is part of the problem. Many people take the notion of man made climate change to think that humans are the only variable in play. No scientist is ever going to say that because by definition the natural laws that govern properties of the universe are in play. There are an inconceivable number of variables that are changing at any given point in time and frankly, we do not have the technology to capture these variables, the computing power to factor them in, or a model that would do them justice. However, we have a pretty good understanding that the stuff that we're doing does contribute. To take a parallel from my field. There is much debate in the lay public about if "mental illness" or even simply human behavior is a nature or nurture issue. Turns out we know the answer and we've known for quite awhile. Human behavior consists of: Genes, biology, learning history, and current environment. Now there are different behaviors that have different contributions from each of these. If you look at DSM disorders, the only one that is accounted for by over 50% biological/genetic factors is alcohol use disorders. Schizophrenia is in the 40s, everything else below that. That doesn't mean that we should stop investigating how genetics contribute to behavior that interferes with a person's life, it simply means that none of these solutions are the end all be all of mental health. Climate change is undoubtedly going to be similar. At this time, the intervention point is going to be on man-made factors. This will remain true until we can do things like creating a Dyson sphere and frankly that is significantly down the road.
  12. I can get behind the idea that people are in support of control variables. I'm sorry for my strong reaction. There's so much stigma in mental health already that I get defensive quickly. My bad for missing the point.
  13. FFS, I tried to get ahead of this, but lets have the discussion. How many of you know what a "mental illness" is? How many of you have any notion of the statistics surrounding violent crime associated with specific diagnoses? What about the "severely mentally ill" do you know what goes into that? Do you really want to rely on 18 year olds to say someone else has "mental issues" because I can promise you even a good chunk of my master's students have no clue. Let's do a quick knowledge check before we advocate for something because I'd wager really good money that this isn't going to work out well for the side of the general consensus.
  14. You look at the variables that are different between our country and others where this doesn't happen. You systematically manipulate them and see what the outcome is. Unfortunately there is going to be many situations where the cat is out of the bag. I think England is a country to look at as a model for changes. The intervention has to be environmental.
  15. I'll try to get in before the issue comes up: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4318286/?utm_source=Yahoo&utm_medium=Beauty&utm_campaign=kirstie-alley-las-vegas-shooter-stephen-paddock-psychiatric-medications "Our brief review suggests that connections between mental illness and gun violence are less causal and more complex than current US public opinion and legislative action allow. US gun rights advocates are fond of the phrase “guns don’t kill people, people do.” The findings cited earlier in this article suggest that neither guns nor people exist in isolation from social or historical influences. A growing body of data reveals that US gun crime happens when guns and people come together in particular, destructive ways. That is to say, gun violence in all its forms has a social context, and that context is not something that “mental illness” can describe nor that mental health practitioners can be expected to address in isolation."
  16. Being put in a situation where I'm not getting credit for the work I did on a publication, but can't say anything because the first author has strong influence over my career. Not thrilled. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. VectorVictor


      I've run into a similar issue in corporate America with my boss. Worked my ass off on a project, got it going and was getting accolades, then she saw the upside and reassigned me to take credit for my work. I think she's having problems with karma right now as a result though. 


      Just be patient and keep a journal/track of these grievances, so if something more serious comes around, you can show a pattern/history. 



    3. Huskerzoo


      @ZRod yeah, sorry was typing late last night. It's unethical for him to not give me proper credit. Also unethical for him to retaliate if I were to bring something up. He'll still do both. This was from my last job, so the finished products of the stuff I designed are starting to roll out, this will probably come up about 3 more times. However, he's still my best bet at landing a grant, still need him to help figure out the two body problem, he also will be a reviewer on a large amount of my publications. 


      There are some people you just can't afford to piss off. 

    4. It'sNotAFakeID


      I don't want you walking into a lose-lose situation. Why is he the best bet at you landing a grant? Sounds like you're working together on research and without him you wouldn't be able to complete the research? I just don't want you to find yourself in a position where he's your best bet at landing a grant and then he pulls some sort of stunt that doesn't benefit you in any way, shape, or form. 

      I'm also very unfamiliar with the grant process. How much does the reputation of the submitter play in the awarding of the grant? 

  17. That's kind of you to offer, I don't feel like there's a need. My ego is perfectly content with the mod label under my name.
  18. I gave two options. I'm content with bust being the outcome....or I didn't read the rules carefully. You know, one or the other.
  19. Take it to PM's guys or to the other sports forum. This isn't the right place for this conversation. @HuskerInLostWages @seaofred92
  20. All the more reason to hate New England. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Huskerzoo


      If he had gone there, they would have arguably lost 2 recruits including JJB who it sounds like would have signed with us. 

    3. VectorVictor


      He can still go tomorrow. 

    4. ZRod


      Hate us cuz they ain't us.

  21. Gotta love the impact this hire is having on Nebraska kids.
  22. It's kind of crazy. 5 guys get combine invites and we were a 4 win team. Wish we could've seen this team with consistent high quality coaching.
  23. My university gives a birthday day off. Using my day off to spend time with the fiance and play on HB. It's a good day!



      I think you have that backwards!!

    2. Scarlet Overkill
    3. huKSer


      I always thought it much more logical to have the day after your birthday (or 5th of July) off to recover from said celebration

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