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How has the Marine Urination fiasco missed Huskerboard?

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EDIT - two things 1) I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, I just don't know where you're going with these posts.


What I'm trying to say is that we are now livng in a video age, so we should now expect to have what we are doing come under more scrutiny. Surely most everything bad caught on film had been done before, and will be rebroadcast for all to see for PR shock value.


2) Congratulations on 888 posts. Seems like a milestone to me.


it would be a bigger milestone if we were in China!

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There are so many worse things that have happened, and all it takes is the media to make something much bigger than it really needs to be.


How would have today's media reacted during the Bataan Death March, the Japanese troops being roasted alive on Iwo Jima, the firebombings in Dresden, the bombing of London, etc....

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I used the word intimate, not intimate. Long "a" on the end, not short.



verb \ˈin-tə-ˌmāt\



transitive verb

1 : to make known especially publicly or formally : announce

2 : to communicate delicately and indirectly : hint





Bah. Good catch--didn't scroll down enough. Thanks.

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When we start stooping to their level, what right do we as a public have to be shocked and appalled?


Doesn't this intimate that at one time we did not do things like this? That our troops have, at one time, been "above" such things? Because if so, when would that have been?


So if it's been done the the past that may provide a tiny bit of perspective...BUT it in no way excusees it....nor should it be attempted to excuse it. It's nothing to hang our hats on. Rape has happened in war a lot too....should we keep saying that over and over in an attempt to whitewash when/if we rape girls during war in present times?

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ehhh, maybe not the best idea. But this has happened in every war since the beginning of wars. The biggest harm I see is that these images will be used to incite terrorists into retaliating. But then we'll kill them and piss on their corpses.


How would Americans react if Afghanis were urinating on dead American soldiers?


How would Americans react if the French defaced the graves of dead American WW-II soldiers?



So you are saying this is worse than beheading soldiers and dragging them around nude behind a truck?


Why would the French want to deface graves of a country that saved them from the Nazis? eyeswear2allthatsholy


Weren't they private contractors....Blackwater guys to be exact?

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When we start stooping to their level, what right do we as a public have to be shocked and appalled?


Doesn't this intimate that at one time we did not do things like this? That our troops have, at one time, been "above" such things? Because if so, when would that have been?


So if it's been done the the past that may provide a tiny bit of perspective...BUT it in no way excusees it....nor should it be attempted to excuse it. It's nothing to hang our hats on. Rape has happened in war a lot too....should we keep saying that over and over in an attempt to whitewash when/if we rape girls during war in present times?


In what way do you think any of my comments in this thread are meant to excuse this behavior? I have never said it was OK. I'm more commenting on the overdone outrage over this incident (mostly by the press) than anything else. Please don't think I'm saying this is fine. It's not.

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When we start stooping to their level, what right do we as a public have to be shocked and appalled?


Doesn't this intimate that at one time we did not do things like this? That our troops have, at one time, been "above" such things? Because if so, when would that have been?


So if it's been done the the past that may provide a tiny bit of perspective...BUT it in no way excusees it....nor should it be attempted to excuse it. It's nothing to hang our hats on. Rape has happened in war a lot too....should we keep saying that over and over in an attempt to whitewash when/if we rape girls during war in present times?


In what way do you think any of my comments in this thread are meant to excuse this behavior? I have never said it was OK. I'm more commenting on the overdone outrage over this incident (mostly by the press) than anything else. Please don't think I'm saying this is fine. It's not.


I haven't seen much at all on this story in the media...and it seemed to only be in it for a short amount of time. I don't think it's was overblown at all. It's clearly wrong on many levels and shouldn't be tolerated. If the media doesn't report on these things there is more of a chance of the behavior not being corrected.


and yes it looked like who and whoever else kept saying...these things happenin war...were just trying to whitewash/diminish. It seemed to be a strong theme from you and/or others in this thread..the old "boys will be boys". I should have made it a general reply and not only to you.


I guess I'd have to look at a particular story in the media about this to say if it was overblown by them.

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and let's keep in mind that they never asked us to come to their country and they have wanted us out. If you think pissing on these dead people is being overblown because bad things happen in war....well on that same note bad thing happen when you occupy a country against the people's will....like terrorist attacks. I'm sure we don't like that white washing of their attacks on us any more than they like our whitewashing of us peeing on them. IF you can't stand the heat get outta the kitchen. However the kitchen is their home...

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There are so many worse things that have happened, and all it takes is the media to make something much bigger than it really needs to be.


How has the media made this bigger?


If it wasn't for the media, would have we heard about this?


The same could be said of any issue that has happened outside of my community.


Would you prefer we go back to the days where news travelled by horseback?


Then again, the riders could still bear the brunt of the blame for spreading inconvenient stories.

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There are so many worse things that have happened, and all it takes is the media to make something much bigger than it really needs to be.


How has the media made this bigger?


If it wasn't for the media, would have we heard about this?


The same could be said of any issue that has happened outside of my community.


Would you prefer we go back to the days where news travelled by horseback?


Then again, the riders could still bear the brunt of the blame for spreading inconvenient stories.



When did this forum become the home of the non sequitur?

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Weren't they private contractors....Blackwater guys to be exact?


Nope. Marines. There unit was identified early on, but I can't find the info. Just that Marine brass is trying to grasp how to handle this.


And I still say don't dishonorably discharge them--that's letting them off too easy, and they may not learn the necessary lesson here. Task them to help with NATO propaganda and (eventually) interacting with the civilians. Maybe they'll get the picture that they're humans too.

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